#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_geom_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(raytrace_lib.glsl) /* Based on Practical Realtime Strategies for Accurate Indirect Occlusion * http://blog.selfshadow.com/publications/s2016-shading-course/activision/s2016_pbs_activision_occlusion.pdf * http://blog.selfshadow.com/publications/s2016-shading-course/activision/s2016_pbs_activision_occlusion.pptx */ #if defined(MESH_SHADER) # if !defined(USE_ALPHA_HASH) # if !defined(DEPTH_SHADER) # if !defined(USE_ALPHA_BLEND) # define ENABLE_DEFERED_AO # endif # endif # endif #endif #ifndef ENABLE_DEFERED_AO # if defined(STEP_RESOLVE) # define ENABLE_DEFERED_AO # endif #endif uniform sampler2D horizonBuffer; /* aoSettings flags */ #define USE_AO 1 #define USE_BENT_NORMAL 2 #define USE_DENOISE 4 #define MAX_LOD 6.0 #define NO_OCCLUSION_DATA OcclusionData(vec4(M_PI, -M_PI, M_PI, -M_PI), 1.0) struct OcclusionData { /* 4 horizons angles, one in each direction around the view vector to form a cross pattern. */ vec4 horizons; /* Custom large scale occlusion. */ float custom_occlusion; }; vec4 pack_occlusion_data(OcclusionData data) { return vec4(1.0 - data.horizons * vec4(1, -1, 1, -1) * M_1_PI); } OcclusionData unpack_occlusion_data(vec4 v) { return OcclusionData((1.0 - v) * vec4(1, -1, 1, -1) * M_PI, 0.0); } /* Returns maximum screen distance an AO ray can travel for a given view depth, in NDC space. */ vec2 get_ao_area(float view_depth, float radius) { float homcco = ProjectionMatrix[2][3] * view_depth + ProjectionMatrix[3][3]; float max_dist = radius / homcco; return vec2(ProjectionMatrix[0][0], ProjectionMatrix[1][1]) * max_dist; } vec2 get_ao_noise(void) { return texelfetch_noise_tex(gl_FragCoord.xy).xy; } vec2 get_ao_dir(float jitter) { /* Only a quarter of a turn because we integrate using 2 slices. * We use this instead of using utiltex circle noise to improve cache hits * since all tracing direction will be in the same quadrant. */ jitter *= M_PI_2; return vec2(cos(jitter), sin(jitter)); } /* Return horizon angle cosine. */ float search_horizon(vec3 vI, vec3 vP, float noise, vec2 uv_start, vec2 uv_dir, sampler2D depth_tx, const float inverted, float radius, const float sample_count) { float sample_count_inv = 1.0 / sample_count; /* Init at cos(M_PI). */ float h = (inverted != 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0; /* TODO(fclem) samples steps should be using the same approach as raytrace. (DDA line algo.) */ for (float i = 0.0; i < sample_count; i++) { float t = ((i + noise) * sample_count_inv); vec2 uv = uv_start + uv_dir * t; float lod = min(MAX_LOD, max(i - noise, 0.0) * aoQuality); float depth = textureLod(depth_tx, uv * hizUvScale.xy, floor(lod)).r; /* Bias depth a bit to avoid self shadowing issues. */ const float bias = 2.0 * 2.4e-7; depth += (inverted != 0.0) ? -bias : bias; vec3 s = get_view_space_from_depth(uv, depth); vec3 omega_s = s - vP; float len = length(omega_s); /* Sample's horizon angle cosine. */ float s_h = dot(vI, omega_s / len); /* Blend weight to fade artifacts. */ float dist_ratio = abs(len) / radius; /* TODO(fclem) parameter. */ float dist_fac = sqr(saturate(dist_ratio * 2.0 - 1.0)); /* Thickness heuristic (Eq. 9). */ if (inverted != 0.0) { h = min(h, s_h); } else { /* TODO This need to take the stride distance into account. Now it works because stride is * constant. */ if (s_h < h) { /* TODO(fclem) parameter. */ const float thickness_fac = 0.2; s_h = mix(h, s_h, thickness_fac); } else { s_h = max(h, s_h); } h = mix(s_h, h, dist_fac); } } return fast_acos(h); } OcclusionData occlusion_search( vec3 vP, sampler2D depth_tx, float radius, const float inverted, const float dir_sample_count) { if ((int(aoSettings) & USE_AO) == 0) { return NO_OCCLUSION_DATA; } vec2 noise = get_ao_noise(); vec2 area = get_ao_area(vP.z, radius); vec2 dir = get_ao_dir(noise.x); vec2 uv = get_uvs_from_view(vP); vec3 vI = ((ProjectionMatrix[3][3] == 0.0) ? normalize(-vP) : vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); vec3 avg_dir = vec3(0.0); float avg_apperture = 0.0; OcclusionData data = (inverted != 0.0) ? OcclusionData(vec4(0, 0, 0, 0), 1.0) : NO_OCCLUSION_DATA; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { /* View > NDC > Uv space. */ vec2 uv_dir = dir * area * 0.5; /* Offset the start one pixel to avoid self shadowing. */ /* TODO(fclem) Using DDA line algo should fix this. */ vec2 px_dir = uv_dir * textureSize(depth_tx, 0); float max_px_dir = max_v2(abs(px_dir)); vec2 uv_ofs = (px_dir / max_px_dir) / textureSize(depth_tx, 0); /* No need to trace more. */ uv_dir -= uv_ofs; if (max_px_dir > 1.0) { data.horizons[0 + i * 2] = search_horizon( vI, vP, noise.y, uv + uv_ofs, uv_dir, depth_tx, inverted, radius, dir_sample_count); data.horizons[1 + i * 2] = -search_horizon( vI, vP, noise.y, uv - uv_ofs, -uv_dir, depth_tx, inverted, radius, dir_sample_count); } /* Rotate 90 degrees. */ dir = vec2(-dir.y, dir.x); } return data; } vec2 clamp_horizons_to_hemisphere(vec2 horizons, float angle_N, const float inverted) { /* Add a little bias to fight self shadowing. */ const float max_angle = M_PI_2 - 0.05; if (inverted != 0.0) { horizons.x = max(horizons.x, angle_N + max_angle); horizons.y = min(horizons.y, angle_N - max_angle); } else { horizons.x = min(horizons.x, angle_N + max_angle); horizons.y = max(horizons.y, angle_N - max_angle); } return horizons; } void occlusion_eval(OcclusionData data, vec3 V, vec3 N, vec3 Ng, const float inverted, out float visibility, out vec3 bent_normal) { if ((int(aoSettings) & USE_AO) == 0) { visibility = data.custom_occlusion; bent_normal = N; return; } bool early_out = (inverted != 0.0) ? (max_v4(abs(data.horizons)) == 0.0) : (min_v4(abs(data.horizons)) == M_PI); if (early_out) { visibility = dot(N, Ng) * 0.5 + 0.5; visibility = min(visibility, data.custom_occlusion); if ((int(aoSettings) & USE_BENT_NORMAL) == 0) { bent_normal = N; } else { bent_normal = normalize(N + Ng); } return; } vec2 noise = get_ao_noise(); vec2 dir = get_ao_dir(noise.x); visibility = 0.0; bent_normal = N * 0.001; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { vec3 T = transform_direction(ViewMatrixInverse, vec3(dir, 0.0)); /* Setup integration domain around V. */ vec3 B = normalize(cross(V, T)); T = normalize(cross(B, V)); float proj_N_len; vec3 proj_N = normalize_len(N - B * dot(N, B), proj_N_len); vec3 proj_Ng = normalize(Ng - B * dot(Ng, B)); vec2 h = (i == 0) ? data.horizons.xy : data.horizons.zw; float N_sin = dot(proj_N, T); float Ng_sin = dot(proj_Ng, T); float N_cos = saturate(dot(proj_N, V)); float Ng_cos = saturate(dot(proj_Ng, V)); /* Gamma, angle between normalized projected normal and view vector. */ float angle_Ng = sign(Ng_sin) * fast_acos(Ng_cos); float angle_N = sign(N_sin) * fast_acos(N_cos); /* Clamp horizons to hemisphere around shading normal. */ h = clamp_horizons_to_hemisphere(h, angle_N, inverted); float bent_angle = (h.x + h.y) * 0.5; /* NOTE: here we multiply z by 0.5 as it shows less difference with the geometric normal. * Also modulate by projected normal length to reduce issues with slanted surfaces. * All of this is ad-hoc and not really grounded. */ bent_normal += proj_N_len * (T * sin(bent_angle) + V * 0.5 * cos(bent_angle)); /* Clamp to geometric normal only for integral to keep smooth bent normal. */ /* This is done to match Cycles ground truth but adds some computation. */ h = clamp_horizons_to_hemisphere(h, angle_Ng, inverted); /* Inner integral (Eq. 7). */ float a = dot(-cos(2.0 * h - angle_N) + N_cos + 2.0 * h * N_sin, vec2(0.25)); /* Correct normal not on plane (Eq. 8). */ visibility += proj_N_len * a; /* Rotate 90 degrees. */ dir = vec2(-dir.y, dir.x); } /* We integrated 2 directions. */ visibility *= 0.5; visibility = min(visibility, data.custom_occlusion); if ((int(aoSettings) & USE_BENT_NORMAL) == 0) { bent_normal = N; } else { bent_normal = normalize(mix(bent_normal, N, sqr(sqr(sqr(visibility))))); } } /* Multibounce approximation base on surface albedo. * Page 78 in the .pdf version. */ float gtao_multibounce(float visibility, vec3 albedo) { if (aoBounceFac == 0.0) { return visibility; } /* Median luminance. Because Colored multibounce looks bad. */ float lum = dot(albedo, vec3(0.3333)); float a = 2.0404 * lum - 0.3324; float b = -4.7951 * lum + 0.6417; float c = 2.7552 * lum + 0.6903; float x = visibility; return max(x, ((x * a + b) * x + c) * x); } float diffuse_occlusion(OcclusionData data, vec3 V, vec3 N, vec3 Ng) { vec3 unused; float visibility; occlusion_eval(data, V, N, Ng, 0.0, visibility, unused); /* Scale by user factor */ visibility = pow(saturate(visibility), aoFactor); return visibility; } float diffuse_occlusion( OcclusionData data, vec3 V, vec3 N, vec3 Ng, vec3 albedo, out vec3 bent_normal) { float visibility; occlusion_eval(data, V, N, Ng, 0.0, visibility, bent_normal); visibility = gtao_multibounce(visibility, albedo); /* Scale by user factor */ visibility = pow(saturate(visibility), aoFactor); return visibility; } /** * Approximate the area of intersection of two spherical caps * radius1 : First cap’s radius (arc length in radians) * radius2 : Second caps’ radius (in radians) * dist : Distance between caps (radians between centers of caps) * Note: Result is divided by pi to save one multiply. **/ float spherical_cap_intersection(float radius1, float radius2, float dist) { /* From "Ambient Aperture Lighting" by Chris Oat * Slide 15. */ float max_radius = max(radius1, radius2); float min_radius = min(radius1, radius2); float sum_radius = radius1 + radius2; float area; if (dist <= max_radius - min_radius) { /* One cap in completely inside the other */ area = 1.0 - cos(min_radius); } else if (dist >= sum_radius) { /* No intersection exists */ area = 0; } else { float diff = max_radius - min_radius; area = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 - saturate((dist - diff) / (sum_radius - diff))); area *= 1.0 - cos(min_radius); } return area; } float specular_occlusion( OcclusionData data, vec3 V, vec3 N, float roughness, inout vec3 specular_dir) { vec3 visibility_dir; float visibility; occlusion_eval(data, V, N, N, 0.0, visibility, visibility_dir); specular_dir = normalize(mix(specular_dir, visibility_dir, roughness * (1.0 - visibility))); /* Visibility to cone angle (eq. 18). */ float vis_angle = fast_acos(sqrt(1 - visibility)); /* Roughness to cone angle (eq. 26). */ float spec_angle = max(0.001, fast_acos(cone_cosine(roughness))); /* Angle between cone axes. */ float cone_cone_dist = fast_acos(saturate(dot(visibility_dir, specular_dir))); float cone_nor_dist = fast_acos(saturate(dot(N, specular_dir))); float isect_solid_angle = spherical_cap_intersection(vis_angle, spec_angle, cone_cone_dist); float specular_solid_angle = spherical_cap_intersection(M_PI_2, spec_angle, cone_nor_dist); float specular_occlusion = isect_solid_angle / specular_solid_angle; /* Mix because it is unstable in unoccluded areas. */ visibility = mix(isect_solid_angle / specular_solid_angle, 1.0, pow(visibility, 8.0)); /* Scale by user factor */ visibility = pow(saturate(visibility), aoFactor); return visibility; } /* Use the right occlusion. */ OcclusionData occlusion_load(vec3 vP, float custom_occlusion) { /* Default to fully openned cone. */ OcclusionData data = NO_OCCLUSION_DATA; #ifdef ENABLE_DEFERED_AO if ((int(aoSettings) & USE_AO) != 0) { data = unpack_occlusion_data(texelFetch(horizonBuffer, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy), 0)); } #else /* For blended surfaces and */ data = occlusion_search(vP, maxzBuffer, aoDistance, 0.0, 8.0); #endif data.custom_occlusion = custom_occlusion; return data; }