#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_lib.glsl) vec3 specular_dominant_dir(vec3 N, vec3 V, float roughness) { vec3 R = -reflect(V, N); float smoothness = 1.0 - roughness; float fac = smoothness * (sqrt(smoothness) + roughness); return normalize(mix(N, R, fac)); } float ior_from_f0(float f0) { float f = sqrt(f0); return (-f - 1.0) / (f - 1.0); } float f0_from_ior(float eta) { float A = (eta - 1.0) / (eta + 1.0); return A * A; } vec3 refraction_dominant_dir(vec3 N, vec3 V, float roughness, float ior) { /* TODO: This a bad approximation. Better approximation should fit * the refracted vector and roughness into the best prefiltered reflection * lobe. */ /* Correct the IOR for ior < 1.0 to not see the abrupt delimitation or the TIR */ ior = (ior < 1.0) ? mix(ior, 1.0, roughness) : ior; float eta = 1.0 / ior; float NV = dot(N, -V); /* Custom Refraction. */ float k = 1.0 - eta * eta * (1.0 - NV * NV); k = max(0.0, k); /* Only this changes. */ vec3 R = eta * -V - (eta * NV + sqrt(k)) * N; return R; } /* Fresnel monochromatic, perfect mirror */ float F_eta(float eta, float cos_theta) { /* compute fresnel reflectance without explicitly computing * the refracted direction */ float c = abs(cos_theta); float g = eta * eta - 1.0 + c * c; float result; if (g > 0.0) { g = sqrt(g); vec2 g_c = vec2(g) + vec2(c, -c); float A = g_c.y / g_c.x; A *= A; g_c *= c; float B = (g_c.y - 1.0) / (g_c.x + 1.0); B *= B; result = 0.5 * A * (1.0 + B); } else { result = 1.0; /* TIR (no refracted component) */ } return result; } /* Fresnel color blend base on fresnel factor */ vec3 F_color_blend(float eta, float fresnel, vec3 f0_color) { float f0 = F_eta(eta, 1.0); float fac = saturate((fresnel - f0) / max(1e-8, 1.0 - f0)); return mix(f0_color, vec3(1.0), fac); } /* Fresnel split-sum approximation. */ vec3 F_brdf_single_scatter(vec3 f0, vec3 f90, vec2 lut) { /* Unreal specular matching : if specular color is below 2% intensity, * treat as shadowning */ return saturate(50.0 * dot(f0, vec3(0.3, 0.6, 0.1))) * lut.y * abs(f90) + lut.x * f0; } /* Multi-scattering brdf approximation from : * "A Multiple-Scattering Microfacet Model for Real-Time Image-based Lighting" * by Carmelo J. Fdez-Agüera. */ vec3 F_brdf_multi_scatter(vec3 f0, vec3 f90, vec2 lut) { vec3 FssEss = F_brdf_single_scatter(f0, f90, lut); /* Hack to avoid many more shader variations. */ if (f90.g < 0.0) { return FssEss; } float Ess = lut.x + lut.y; float Ems = 1.0 - Ess; vec3 Favg = f0 + (1.0 - f0) / 21.0; vec3 Fms = FssEss * Favg / (1.0 - (1.0 - Ess) * Favg); /* We don't do anything special for diffuse surfaces because the principle bsdf * does not care about energy conservation of the specular layer for dielectrics. */ return FssEss + Fms * Ems; } #define F_brdf(f0, f90, lut) F_brdf_multi_scatter(f0, f90, lut) /* GGX */ float D_ggx_opti(float NH, float a2) { float tmp = (NH * a2 - NH) * NH + 1.0; return M_PI * tmp * tmp; /* Doing RCP and mul a2 at the end */ } float G1_Smith_GGX(float NX, float a2) { /* Using Brian Karis approach and refactoring by NX/NX * this way the (2*NL)*(2*NV) in G = G1(V) * G1(L) gets canceled by the brdf denominator 4*NL*NV * Rcp is done on the whole G later * Note that this is not convenient for the transmission formula */ return NX + sqrt(NX * (NX - NX * a2) + a2); /* return 2 / (1 + sqrt(1 + a2 * (1 - NX*NX) / (NX*NX) ) ); /* Reference function */ } float bsdf_ggx(vec3 N, vec3 L, vec3 V, float roughness) { float a = roughness; float a2 = a * a; vec3 H = normalize(L + V); float NH = max(dot(N, H), 1e-8); float NL = max(dot(N, L), 1e-8); float NV = max(dot(N, V), 1e-8); float G = G1_Smith_GGX(NV, a2) * G1_Smith_GGX(NL, a2); /* Doing RCP at the end */ float D = D_ggx_opti(NH, a2); /* Denominator is canceled by G1_Smith */ /* bsdf = D * G / (4.0 * NL * NV); /* Reference function */ return NL * a2 / (D * G); /* NL to Fit cycles Equation : line. 345 in bsdf_microfacet.h */ } void accumulate_light(vec3 light, float fac, inout vec4 accum) { accum += vec4(light, 1.0) * min(fac, (1.0 - accum.a)); } /* ----------- Cone Aperture Approximation --------- */ /* Return a fitted cone angle given the input roughness */ float cone_cosine(float r) { /* Using phong gloss * roughness = sqrt(2/(gloss+2)) */ float gloss = -2 + 2 / (r * r); /* Drobot 2014 in GPUPro5 */ // return cos(2.0 * sqrt(2.0 / (gloss + 2))); /* Uludag 2014 in GPUPro5 */ // return pow(0.244, 1 / (gloss + 1)); /* Jimenez 2016 in Practical Realtime Strategies for Accurate Indirect Occlusion*/ return exp2(-3.32193 * r * r); }