/* Bsdf direct light function */ /* in other word, how materials react to scene lamps */ /* Naming convention * V View vector (normalized) * N World Normal (normalized) * L Outgoing Light Vector (Surface to Light in World Space) (normalized) * Ldist Distance from surface to the light * W World Pos */ /* ------------ Diffuse ------------- */ float direct_diffuse_point(vec3 N, vec4 l_vector) { float dist = l_vector.w; vec3 L = l_vector.xyz / dist; float bsdf = max(0.0, dot(N, L)); bsdf /= dist * dist; return bsdf; } /* infinitly far away point source, no decay */ float direct_diffuse_sun(LightData ld, vec3 N) { float bsdf = max(0.0, dot(N, -ld.l_forward)); bsdf *= M_1_PI; /* Normalize */ return bsdf; } /* From Frostbite PBR Course * Analytical irradiance from a sphere with correct horizon handling * http://www.frostbite.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/course_notes_moving_frostbite_to_pbr.pdf */ float direct_diffuse_sphere(LightData ld, vec3 N, vec4 l_vector) { float dist = l_vector.w; vec3 L = l_vector.xyz / dist; float radius = max(ld.l_sizex, 0.0001); float costheta = clamp(dot(N, L), -0.999, 0.999); float h = min(ld.l_radius / dist , 0.9999); float h2 = h*h; float costheta2 = costheta * costheta; float bsdf; if (costheta2 > h2) { bsdf = M_PI * h2 * clamp(costheta, 0.0, 1.0); } else { float sintheta = sqrt(1.0 - costheta2); float x = sqrt(1.0 / h2 - 1.0); float y = -x * (costheta / sintheta); float sinthetasqrty = sintheta * sqrt(1.0 - y * y); bsdf = (costheta * acos(y) - x * sinthetasqrty) * h2 + atan(sinthetasqrty / x); } bsdf = max(bsdf, 0.0); bsdf *= M_1_PI2; return bsdf; } /* From Frostbite PBR Course * http://www.frostbite.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/course_notes_moving_frostbite_to_pbr.pdf */ float direct_diffuse_rectangle(LightData ld, vec3 N, vec3 V, vec4 l_vector) { vec3 corners[4]; corners[0] = l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * -ld.l_sizex + ld.l_up * ld.l_sizey; corners[1] = l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * -ld.l_sizex + ld.l_up * -ld.l_sizey; corners[2] = l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * ld.l_sizex + ld.l_up * -ld.l_sizey; corners[3] = l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * ld.l_sizex + ld.l_up * ld.l_sizey; float bsdf = ltc_evaluate(N, V, mat3(1.0), corners); bsdf *= M_1_2PI; return bsdf; } #if 0 float direct_diffuse_unit_disc(vec3 N, vec3 L) { } #endif /* ----------- GGx ------------ */ vec3 direct_ggx_point(vec3 N, vec3 V, vec4 l_vector, float roughness, vec3 f0) { roughness = max(1e-3, roughness); float dist = l_vector.w; vec3 L = l_vector.xyz / dist; float bsdf = bsdf_ggx(N, L, V, roughness); bsdf /= dist * dist; /* Fresnel */ float VH = max(dot(V, normalize(V + L)), 0.0); return F_schlick(f0, VH) * bsdf; } vec3 direct_ggx_sun(LightData ld, vec3 N, vec3 V, float roughness, vec3 f0) { roughness = max(1e-3, roughness); float bsdf = bsdf_ggx(N, -ld.l_forward, V, roughness); float VH = dot(V, -ld.l_forward) * 0.5 + 0.5; return F_schlick(f0, VH) * bsdf; } vec3 direct_ggx_sphere(LightData ld, vec3 N, vec3 V, vec4 l_vector, float roughness, vec3 f0) { vec3 L = l_vector.xyz / l_vector.w; vec3 spec_dir = get_specular_reflection_dominant_dir(N, V, roughness); vec3 P = line_aligned_plane_intersect(vec3(0.0), spec_dir, l_vector.xyz); vec3 Px = normalize(P - l_vector.xyz) * ld.l_radius; vec3 Py = cross(Px, L); vec2 uv = lut_coords(dot(N, V), sqrt(roughness)); vec3 brdf_lut = texture(utilTex, vec3(uv, 1.0)).rgb; vec4 ltc_lut = texture(utilTex, vec3(uv, 0.0)).rgba; mat3 ltc_mat = ltc_matrix(ltc_lut); // #define HIGHEST_QUALITY #ifdef HIGHEST_QUALITY vec3 Pxy1 = normalize( Px + Py) * ld.l_radius; vec3 Pxy2 = normalize(-Px + Py) * ld.l_radius; /* counter clockwise */ vec3 points[8]; points[0] = l_vector.xyz + Px; points[1] = l_vector.xyz - Pxy2; points[2] = l_vector.xyz - Py; points[3] = l_vector.xyz - Pxy1; points[4] = l_vector.xyz - Px; points[5] = l_vector.xyz + Pxy2; points[6] = l_vector.xyz + Py; points[7] = l_vector.xyz + Pxy1; float bsdf = ltc_evaluate_circle(N, V, ltc_mat, points); #else vec3 points[4]; points[0] = l_vector.xyz + Px; points[1] = l_vector.xyz - Py; points[2] = l_vector.xyz - Px; points[3] = l_vector.xyz + Py; float bsdf = ltc_evaluate(N, V, ltc_mat, points); /* sqrt(pi/2) difference between square and disk area */ bsdf *= 1.25331413731; #endif bsdf *= brdf_lut.b; /* Bsdf intensity */ bsdf *= M_1_2PI * M_1_PI; vec3 spec = F_area(f0, brdf_lut.xy) * bsdf; return spec; } vec3 direct_ggx_rectangle(LightData ld, vec3 N, vec3 V, vec4 l_vector, float roughness, vec3 f0) { vec3 corners[4]; corners[0] = l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * -ld.l_sizex + ld.l_up * ld.l_sizey; corners[1] = l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * -ld.l_sizex + ld.l_up * -ld.l_sizey; corners[2] = l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * ld.l_sizex + ld.l_up * -ld.l_sizey; corners[3] = l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * ld.l_sizex + ld.l_up * ld.l_sizey; vec2 uv = lut_coords(dot(N, V), sqrt(roughness)); vec3 brdf_lut = texture(utilTex, vec3(uv, 1.0)).rgb; vec4 ltc_lut = texture(utilTex, vec3(uv, 0.0)).rgba; mat3 ltc_mat = ltc_matrix(ltc_lut); float bsdf = ltc_evaluate(N, V, ltc_mat, corners); bsdf *= brdf_lut.b; /* Bsdf intensity */ bsdf *= M_1_2PI; vec3 spec = F_area(f0, brdf_lut.xy) * bsdf; return spec; } #if 0 float direct_ggx_disc(vec3 N, vec3 L) { } #endif