#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_utiltex_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(lights_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(lightprobe_lib.glsl) /** * Extensive use of Macros to be able to change the maximum amount of evaluated closure easily. * NOTE: GLSL does not support variadic macros. * * Example * // Declare the cl_eval function * CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION_DECLARE_3(name, Diffuse, Glossy, Refraction); * // Declare the inputs & outputs * CLOSURE_VARS_DECLARE(Diffuse, Glossy, Refraction); * // Specify inputs * in_Diffuse_0.N = N; * ... * // Call the cl_eval function * CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION_3(name, Diffuse, Glossy, Refraction); * // Get the cl_out * closure.radiance = out_Diffuse_0.radiance + out_Glossy_1.radiance + out_Refraction_2.radiance; */ #define CLOSURE_VARS_DECLARE(t0, t1, t2, t3) \ ClosureInputCommon in_common = CLOSURE_INPUT_COMMON_DEFAULT; \ ClosureInput##t0 in_##t0##_0 = CLOSURE_INPUT_##t0##_DEFAULT; \ ClosureInput##t1 in_##t1##_1 = CLOSURE_INPUT_##t1##_DEFAULT; \ ClosureInput##t2 in_##t2##_2 = CLOSURE_INPUT_##t2##_DEFAULT; \ ClosureInput##t3 in_##t3##_3 = CLOSURE_INPUT_##t3##_DEFAULT; \ ClosureOutput##t0 out_##t0##_0; \ ClosureOutput##t1 out_##t1##_1; \ ClosureOutput##t2 out_##t2##_2; \ ClosureOutput##t3 out_##t3##_3; #define CLOSURE_EVAL_DECLARE(t0, t1, t2, t3) \ ClosureEvalCommon cl_common = closure_Common_eval_init(in_common); \ ClosureEval##t0 eval_##t0##_0 = closure_##t0##_eval_init(in_##t0##_0, cl_common, out_##t0##_0); \ ClosureEval##t1 eval_##t1##_1 = closure_##t1##_eval_init(in_##t1##_1, cl_common, out_##t1##_1); \ ClosureEval##t2 eval_##t2##_2 = closure_##t2##_eval_init(in_##t2##_2, cl_common, out_##t2##_2); \ ClosureEval##t3 eval_##t3##_3 = closure_##t3##_eval_init(in_##t3##_3, cl_common, out_##t3##_3); #define CLOSURE_META_SUBROUTINE(subroutine, t0, t1, t2, t3) \ closure_##t0##_##subroutine(in_##t0##_0, eval_##t0##_0, cl_common, out_##t0##_0); \ closure_##t1##_##subroutine(in_##t1##_1, eval_##t1##_1, cl_common, out_##t1##_1); \ closure_##t2##_##subroutine(in_##t2##_2, eval_##t2##_2, cl_common, out_##t2##_2); \ closure_##t3##_##subroutine(in_##t3##_3, eval_##t3##_3, cl_common, out_##t3##_3); #define CLOSURE_META_SUBROUTINE_DATA(subroutine, sub_data, t0, t1, t2, t3) \ closure_##t0##_##subroutine(in_##t0##_0, eval_##t0##_0, cl_common, sub_data, out_##t0##_0); \ closure_##t1##_##subroutine(in_##t1##_1, eval_##t1##_1, cl_common, sub_data, out_##t1##_1); \ closure_##t2##_##subroutine(in_##t2##_2, eval_##t2##_2, cl_common, sub_data, out_##t2##_2); \ closure_##t3##_##subroutine(in_##t3##_3, eval_##t3##_3, cl_common, sub_data, out_##t3##_3); #ifndef DEPTH_SHADER /* Inputs are inout so that callers can get the final inputs used for evaluation. */ # define CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION_DECLARE(name, t0, t1, t2, t3) \ void closure_##name##_eval(ClosureInputCommon in_common, \ inout ClosureInput##t0 in_##t0##_0, \ inout ClosureInput##t1 in_##t1##_1, \ inout ClosureInput##t2 in_##t2##_2, \ inout ClosureInput##t3 in_##t3##_3, \ out ClosureOutput##t0 out_##t0##_0, \ out ClosureOutput##t1 out_##t1##_1, \ out ClosureOutput##t2 out_##t2##_2, \ out ClosureOutput##t3 out_##t3##_3) \ { \ CLOSURE_EVAL_DECLARE(t0, t1, t2, t3); \ \ /* Starts at 1 because 0 is world cubemap. */ \ for (int i = 1; cl_common.specular_accum > 0.0 && i < prbNumRenderCube && i < MAX_PROBE; \ i++) { \ ClosureCubemapData cube = closure_cubemap_eval_init(i, cl_common); \ if (cube.attenuation > 1e-8) { \ CLOSURE_META_SUBROUTINE_DATA(cubemap_eval, cube, t0, t1, t2, t3); \ } \ } \ \ /* Starts at 1 because 0 is world irradiance. */ \ for (int i = 1; cl_common.diffuse_accum > 0.0 && i < prbNumRenderGrid && i < MAX_GRID; \ i++) { \ ClosureGridData grid = closure_grid_eval_init(i, cl_common); \ if (grid.attenuation > 1e-8) { \ CLOSURE_META_SUBROUTINE_DATA(grid_eval, grid, t0, t1, t2, t3); \ } \ } \ \ CLOSURE_META_SUBROUTINE(indirect_end, t0, t1, t2, t3); \ \ ClosurePlanarData planar = closure_planar_eval_init(cl_common); \ if (planar.attenuation > 1e-8) { \ CLOSURE_META_SUBROUTINE_DATA(planar_eval, planar, t0, t1, t2, t3); \ } \ \ for (int i = 0; i < laNumLight && i < MAX_LIGHT; i++) { \ ClosureLightData light = closure_light_eval_init(cl_common, i); \ if (light.vis > 1e-8) { \ CLOSURE_META_SUBROUTINE_DATA(light_eval, light, t0, t1, t2, t3); \ } \ } \ \ CLOSURE_META_SUBROUTINE(eval_end, t0, t1, t2, t3); \ } #else /* Inputs are inout so that callers can get the final inputs used for evaluation. */ # define CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION_DECLARE(name, t0, t1, t2, t3) \ void closure_##name##_eval(ClosureInputCommon in_common, \ inout ClosureInput##t0 in_##t0##_0, \ inout ClosureInput##t1 in_##t1##_1, \ inout ClosureInput##t2 in_##t2##_2, \ inout ClosureInput##t3 in_##t3##_3, \ out ClosureOutput##t0 out_##t0##_0, \ out ClosureOutput##t1 out_##t1##_1, \ out ClosureOutput##t2 out_##t2##_2, \ out ClosureOutput##t3 out_##t3##_3) \ { \ CLOSURE_EVAL_DECLARE(t0, t1, t2, t3); \ } #endif #define CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION(name, t0, t1, t2, t3) \ closure_##name##_eval(in_common, \ in_##t0##_0, \ in_##t1##_1, \ in_##t2##_2, \ in_##t3##_3, \ out_##t0##_0, \ out_##t1##_1, \ out_##t2##_2, \ out_##t3##_3) #define CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION_DECLARE_1(name, t0) \ CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION_DECLARE(name, t0, Dummy, Dummy, Dummy) #define CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION_DECLARE_2(name, t0, t1) \ CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION_DECLARE(name, t0, t1, Dummy, Dummy) #define CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION_DECLARE_3(name, t0, t1, t2) \ CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION_DECLARE(name, t0, t1, t2, Dummy) #define CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION_DECLARE_4(name, t0, t1, t2, t3) \ CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION_DECLARE(name, t0, t1, t2, t3) #define CLOSURE_VARS_DECLARE_1(t0) CLOSURE_VARS_DECLARE(t0, Dummy, Dummy, Dummy) #define CLOSURE_VARS_DECLARE_2(t0, t1) CLOSURE_VARS_DECLARE(t0, t1, Dummy, Dummy) #define CLOSURE_VARS_DECLARE_3(t0, t1, t2) CLOSURE_VARS_DECLARE(t0, t1, t2, Dummy) #define CLOSURE_VARS_DECLARE_4(t0, t1, t2, t3) CLOSURE_VARS_DECLARE(t0, t1, t2, t3) #define CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION_1(name, t0) CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION(name, t0, Dummy, Dummy, Dummy) #define CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION_2(name, t0, t1) CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION(name, t0, t1, Dummy, Dummy) #define CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION_3(name, t0, t1, t2) CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION(name, t0, t1, t2, Dummy) #define CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION_4(name, t0, t1, t2, t3) CLOSURE_EVAL_FUNCTION(name, t0, t1, t2, t3) /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Dummy Closure * * Dummy closure type that will be optimized out by the compiler. * \{ */ #define ClosureInputDummy ClosureOutput #define ClosureOutputDummy ClosureOutput #define ClosureEvalDummy ClosureOutput #define CLOSURE_EVAL_DUMMY ClosureOutput(vec3(0)) #define CLOSURE_INPUT_Dummy_DEFAULT CLOSURE_EVAL_DUMMY #define closure_Dummy_eval_init(cl_in, cl_common, cl_out) CLOSURE_EVAL_DUMMY #define closure_Dummy_planar_eval(cl_in, cl_eval, cl_common, data, cl_out) #define closure_Dummy_cubemap_eval(cl_in, cl_eval, cl_common, data, cl_out) #define closure_Dummy_grid_eval(cl_in, cl_eval, cl_common, data, cl_out) #define closure_Dummy_indirect_end(cl_in, cl_eval, cl_common, cl_out) #define closure_Dummy_light_eval(cl_in, cl_eval, cl_common, data, cl_out) #define closure_Dummy_eval_end(cl_in, cl_eval, cl_common, cl_out) /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Common cl_eval data * * Eval data not dependent on input parameters. All might not be used but unused ones * will be optimized out. * \{ */ struct ClosureInputCommon { /** Custom occlusion value set by the user. */ float occlusion; }; #define CLOSURE_INPUT_COMMON_DEFAULT ClosureInputCommon(1.0) struct ClosureEvalCommon { /** Result of SSAO. */ OcclusionData occlusion_data; /** View vector. */ vec3 V; /** Surface position. */ vec3 P; /** Normal vector, always facing camera. */ vec3 N; /** Normal vector, always facing camera. (viewspace) */ vec3 vN; /** Surface position. (viewspace) */ vec3 vP; /** Geometric normal, always facing camera. */ vec3 Ng; /** Geometric normal, always facing camera. (viewspace) */ vec3 vNg; /** Random numbers. 3 random sequences. zw is a random point on a circle. */ vec4 rand; /** Specular probe accumulator. Shared between planar and cubemap probe. */ float specular_accum; /** Diffuse probe accumulator. */ float diffuse_accum; }; /* Common cl_out struct used by most closures. */ struct ClosureOutput { vec3 radiance; }; /* Workaround for screenspace shadows in SSR pass. */ float FragDepth; ClosureEvalCommon closure_Common_eval_init(ClosureInputCommon cl_in) { ClosureEvalCommon cl_eval; cl_eval.rand = texelfetch_noise_tex(gl_FragCoord.xy); cl_eval.V = cameraVec(worldPosition); cl_eval.P = worldPosition; cl_eval.N = safe_normalize(gl_FrontFacing ? worldNormal : -worldNormal); cl_eval.vN = safe_normalize(gl_FrontFacing ? viewNormal : -viewNormal); cl_eval.vP = viewPosition; cl_eval.Ng = safe_normalize(cross(dFdx(cl_eval.P), dFdy(cl_eval.P))); cl_eval.vNg = transform_direction(ViewMatrix, cl_eval.Ng); cl_eval.occlusion_data = occlusion_load(cl_eval.vP, cl_in.occlusion); cl_eval.specular_accum = 1.0; cl_eval.diffuse_accum = 1.0; return cl_eval; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Loop data * * Loop data is conveniently packed into struct to make it future proof. * \{ */ struct ClosureLightData { LightData data; /** Light Data. */ vec4 L; /** Non-Normalized Light Vector (surface to light) with length in W component. */ float vis; /** Light visibility. */ float contact_shadow; /** Result of contact shadow tracing. */ }; ClosureLightData closure_light_eval_init(ClosureEvalCommon cl_common, int light_id) { ClosureLightData light; light.data = lights_data[light_id]; light.L.xyz = light.data.l_position - cl_common.P; light.L.w = length(light.L.xyz); light.vis = light_visibility(light.data, cl_common.P, light.L); light.contact_shadow = light_contact_shadows( light.data, cl_common.P, cl_common.vP, cl_common.vNg, cl_common.rand.x, light.vis); return light; } struct ClosureCubemapData { int id; /** Probe id. */ float attenuation; /** Attenuation. */ }; ClosureCubemapData closure_cubemap_eval_init(int cube_id, inout ClosureEvalCommon cl_common) { ClosureCubemapData cube; cube.id = cube_id; cube.attenuation = probe_attenuation_cube(cube_id, cl_common.P); cube.attenuation = min(cube.attenuation, cl_common.specular_accum); cl_common.specular_accum -= cube.attenuation; return cube; } struct ClosurePlanarData { int id; /** Probe id. */ PlanarData data; /** planars_data[id]. */ float attenuation; /** Attenuation. */ }; ClosurePlanarData closure_planar_eval_init(inout ClosureEvalCommon cl_common) { ClosurePlanarData planar; planar.attenuation = 0.0; /* TODO(fclem): Find planar with the maximum weight. */ for (int i = 0; i < prbNumPlanar && i < MAX_PLANAR; i++) { float attenuation = probe_attenuation_planar(planars_data[i], cl_common.P); if (attenuation > planar.attenuation) { planar.id = i; planar.attenuation = attenuation; planar.data = planars_data[i]; } } return planar; } struct ClosureGridData { int id; /** Grid id. */ GridData data; /** grids_data[id] */ float attenuation; /** Attenuation. */ vec3 local_pos; /** Local position inside the grid. */ }; ClosureGridData closure_grid_eval_init(int id, inout ClosureEvalCommon cl_common) { ClosureGridData grid; grid.id = id; grid.data = grids_data[id]; grid.attenuation = probe_attenuation_grid(grid.data, cl_common.P, grid.local_pos); grid.attenuation = min(grid.attenuation, cl_common.diffuse_accum); cl_common.diffuse_accum -= grid.attenuation; return grid; } /** \} */