#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_utiltex_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(lights_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(lightprobe_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(ambient_occlusion_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(ssr_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(closure_eval_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(renderpass_lib.glsl) struct ClosureInputRefraction { vec3 N; /** Shading normal. */ float roughness; /** Input roughness, not squared. */ float ior; /** Index of refraction ratio. */ }; #ifdef GPU_METAL /* C++ struct initialization. */ # define CLOSURE_INPUT_Refraction_DEFAULT \ { \ vec3(0.0), 0.0, 0.0 \ } #else # define CLOSURE_INPUT_Refraction_DEFAULT ClosureInputRefraction(vec3(0.0), 0.0, 0.0) #endif struct ClosureEvalRefraction { vec3 P; /** LTC matrix values. */ vec3 ltc_brdf; /** LTC BRDF values. */ vec3 probe_sampling_dir; /** Direction to sample probes from. */ float probes_weight; /** Factor to apply to probe radiance. */ }; /* Stubs. */ #define ClosureOutputRefraction ClosureOutput #define closure_Refraction_grid_eval(cl_in, cl_eval, cl_common, data, cl_out) ClosureEvalRefraction closure_Refraction_eval_init(inout ClosureInputRefraction cl_in, ClosureEvalCommon cl_common, out ClosureOutputRefraction cl_out) { cl_in.N = safe_normalize(cl_in.N); cl_in.roughness = clamp(cl_in.roughness, 1e-8, 0.9999); cl_in.ior = max(cl_in.ior, 1e-5); cl_out.radiance = vec3(0.0); ClosureEvalRefraction cl_eval; vec3 cl_V; float eval_ior; /* Refract the view vector using the depth heuristic. * Then later Refract a second time the already refracted * ray using the inverse ior. */ if (refractionDepth > 0.0) { eval_ior = 1.0 / cl_in.ior; cl_V = -refract(-cl_common.V, cl_in.N, eval_ior); vec3 plane_pos = cl_common.P - cl_in.N * refractionDepth; cl_eval.P = line_plane_intersect(cl_common.P, cl_V, plane_pos, cl_in.N); } else { eval_ior = cl_in.ior; cl_V = cl_common.V; cl_eval.P = cl_common.P; } cl_eval.probe_sampling_dir = refraction_dominant_dir(cl_in.N, cl_V, cl_in.roughness, eval_ior); cl_eval.probes_weight = 1.0; #ifdef USE_REFRACTION if (ssrefractToggle && cl_in.roughness < ssrMaxRoughness + 0.2) { /* Find approximated position of the 2nd refraction event. */ vec3 vP = (refractionDepth > 0.0) ? transform_point(ViewMatrix, cl_eval.P) : cl_common.vP; vec4 ssr_output = screen_space_refraction( vP, cl_in.N, cl_V, eval_ior, sqr(cl_in.roughness), cl_common.rand); ssr_output.a *= smoothstep(ssrMaxRoughness + 0.2, ssrMaxRoughness, cl_in.roughness); cl_out.radiance += ssr_output.rgb * ssr_output.a; cl_eval.probes_weight -= ssr_output.a; } #endif return cl_eval; } void closure_Refraction_light_eval(ClosureInputRefraction cl_in, ClosureEvalRefraction cl_eval, ClosureEvalCommon cl_common, ClosureLightData light, inout ClosureOutputRefraction cl_out) { /* Not implemented yet. */ } void closure_Refraction_planar_eval(ClosureInputRefraction cl_in, ClosureEvalRefraction cl_eval, ClosureEvalCommon cl_common, ClosurePlanarData planar, inout ClosureOutputRefraction cl_out) { /* Not implemented yet. */ } void closure_Refraction_cubemap_eval(ClosureInputRefraction cl_in, ClosureEvalRefraction cl_eval, ClosureEvalCommon cl_common, ClosureCubemapData cube, inout ClosureOutputRefraction cl_out) { vec3 probe_radiance = probe_evaluate_cube( cube.id, cl_eval.P, cl_eval.probe_sampling_dir, sqr(cl_in.roughness)); cl_out.radiance += (cube.attenuation * cl_eval.probes_weight) * probe_radiance; } void closure_Refraction_indirect_end(ClosureInputRefraction cl_in, ClosureEvalRefraction cl_eval, ClosureEvalCommon cl_common, inout ClosureOutputRefraction cl_out) { /* If not enough light has been accumulated from probes, use the world specular cubemap * to fill the remaining energy needed. */ if (specToggle && cl_common.specular_accum > 0.0) { vec3 probe_radiance = probe_evaluate_world_spec(cl_eval.probe_sampling_dir, sqr(cl_in.roughness)); cl_out.radiance += (cl_common.specular_accum * cl_eval.probes_weight) * probe_radiance; } } void closure_Refraction_eval_end(ClosureInputRefraction cl_in, ClosureEvalRefraction cl_eval, ClosureEvalCommon cl_common, inout ClosureOutputRefraction cl_out) { cl_out.radiance = render_pass_glossy_mask(cl_out.radiance); #if defined(DEPTH_SHADER) || defined(WORLD_BACKGROUND) /* This makes shader resources become unused and avoid issues with samplers. (see T59747) */ cl_out.radiance = vec3(0.0); return; #endif if (!specToggle) { cl_out.radiance = vec3(0.0); } }