layout(std140) uniform common_block { mat4 pastViewProjectionMatrix; vec4 viewVecs[2]; vec2 mipRatio[10]; /* To correct mip level texel misalignment */ /* Ambient Occlusion */ vec4 aoParameters[2]; /* Volumetric */ ivec4 volTexSize; vec4 volDepthParameters; /* Parameters to the volume Z equation */ vec4 volInvTexSize; vec4 volJitter; vec4 volCoordScale; /* To convert volume uvs to screen uvs */ float volHistoryAlpha; float volLightClamp; float volShadowSteps; bool volUseLights; /* Screen Space Reflections */ vec4 ssrParameters; float ssrBorderFac; float ssrMaxRoughness; float ssrFireflyFac; float ssrBrdfBias; bool ssrToggle; bool ssrefractToggle; /* SubSurface Scattering */ float sssJitterThreshold; bool sssToggle; /* Specular */ bool specToggle; /* Lights */ int laNumLight; /* Probes */ int prbNumPlanar; int prbNumRenderCube; int prbNumRenderGrid; int prbIrradianceVisSize; float prbIrradianceSmooth; float prbLodCubeMax; float prbLodPlanarMax; /* Misc*/ int hizMipOffset; int rayType; float rayDepth; float alphaHashOffset; float alphaHashScale; float pad7; float pad8; }; /* rayType (keep in sync with ray_type) */ #define EEVEE_RAY_CAMERA 0 #define EEVEE_RAY_SHADOW 1 #define EEVEE_RAY_DIFFUSE 2 #define EEVEE_RAY_GLOSSY 3 /* aoParameters */ #define aoDistance aoParameters[0].x #define aoSamples aoParameters[0].y /* UNUSED */ #define aoFactor aoParameters[0].z #define aoInvSamples aoParameters[0].w /* UNUSED */ #define aoOffset aoParameters[1].x /* UNUSED */ #define aoBounceFac aoParameters[1].y #define aoQuality aoParameters[1].z #define aoSettings aoParameters[1].w /* ssrParameters */ #define ssrQuality ssrParameters.x #define ssrThickness ssrParameters.y #define ssrPixelSize