#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(bsdf_common_lib.glsl) /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Utiltex * * Utiltex is a sampler2DArray that stores a number of useful small utilitary textures and lookup * tables. * \{ */ uniform sampler2DArray utilTex; #define LUT_SIZE 64 #define LTC_MAT_LAYER 0 #define LTC_BRDF_LAYER 1 #define BRDF_LUT_LAYER 1 #define NOISE_LAYER 2 #define LTC_DISK_LAYER 3 /* UNUSED */ /* Layers 4 to 20 are for BTDF Lut. */ const float lut_btdf_layer_first = 4.0; const float lut_btdf_layer_count = 16.0; /** * Reminder: The 4 noise values are based of 3 uncorrelated blue noises: * x : Uniformly distributed value [0..1] (noise 1). * y : Uniformly distributed value [0..1] (noise 2). * z,w : Uniformly distributed point on the unit circle [-1..1] (noise 3). */ #define texelfetch_noise_tex(coord) texelFetch(utilTex, ivec3(ivec2(coord) % LUT_SIZE, 2.0), 0) /* Return texture coordinates to sample Surface LUT. */ vec2 lut_coords(float cos_theta, float roughness) { vec2 coords = vec2(roughness, sqrt(1.0 - cos_theta)); /* scale and bias coordinates, for correct filtered lookup */ return coords * (LUT_SIZE - 1.0) / LUT_SIZE + 0.5 / LUT_SIZE; } /* Returns the GGX split-sum precomputed in LUT. */ vec2 brdf_lut(float cos_theta, float roughness) { return textureLod(utilTex, vec3(lut_coords(cos_theta, roughness), BRDF_LUT_LAYER), 0.0).rg; } /* Return texture coordinates to sample Surface LUT. */ vec3 lut_coords_btdf(float cos_theta, float roughness, float ior) { /* ior is sin of critical angle. */ float critical_cos = sqrt(1.0 - ior * ior); vec3 coords; coords.x = sqr(ior); coords.y = cos_theta; coords.y -= critical_cos; coords.y /= (coords.y > 0.0) ? (1.0 - critical_cos) : critical_cos; coords.y = coords.y * 0.5 + 0.5; coords.z = roughness; coords = saturate(coords); /* scale and bias coordinates, for correct filtered lookup */ coords.xy = coords.xy * (LUT_SIZE - 1.0) / LUT_SIZE + 0.5 / LUT_SIZE; return coords; } /* Returns GGX BTDF in first component and fresnel in second. */ vec2 btdf_lut(float cos_theta, float roughness, float ior) { if (ior <= 1e-5) { return vec2(0.0); } if (ior >= 1.0) { vec2 split_sum = brdf_lut(cos_theta, roughness); float f0 = f0_from_ior(ior); /* Baked IOR for GGX BRDF. */ const float specular = 1.0; const float eta_brdf = (2.0 / (1.0 - sqrt(0.08 * specular))) - 1.0; /* Avoid harsh transition coming from ior == 1. */ float f90 = fast_sqrt(saturate(f0 / (f0_from_ior(eta_brdf) * 0.25))); float fresnel = F_brdf_single_scatter(vec3(f0), vec3(f90), split_sum).r; /* Setting the BTDF to one is not really important since it is only used for multiscatter * and it's already quite close to ground truth. */ float btdf = 1.0; return vec2(btdf, fresnel); } vec3 coords = lut_coords_btdf(cos_theta, roughness, ior); float layer = coords.z * lut_btdf_layer_count; float layer_floored = floor(layer); coords.z = lut_btdf_layer_first + layer_floored; vec2 btdf_low = textureLod(utilTex, coords, 0.0).rg; coords.z += 1.0; vec2 btdf_high = textureLod(utilTex, coords, 0.0).rg; /* Manual trilinear interpolation. */ vec2 btdf = mix(btdf_low, btdf_high, layer - layer_floored); return btdf; } /** \} */