uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix; uniform sampler2D colorBuffer; uniform sampler2D depthBuffer; uniform vec3 dofParams; #define dof_aperturesize dofParams.x #define dof_distance dofParams.y #define dof_invsensorsize dofParams.z uniform vec4 bokehParams; #define bokeh_sides bokehParams.x /* Polygon Bokeh shape number of sides */ #define bokeh_rotation bokehParams.y #define bokeh_ratio bokehParams.z #define bokeh_maxsize bokehParams.w uniform vec2 nearFar; /* Near & far view depths values */ /* initial uv coordinate */ in vec2 uvcoord; layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragData0; layout(location = 1) out vec4 fragData1; layout(location = 2) out vec4 fragData2; #define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 #define M_2PI 6.2831853071795864769252868 /* -------------- Utils ------------- */ /* calculate 4 samples at once */ float calculate_coc(in float zdepth) { float coc = dof_aperturesize * (dof_distance / zdepth - 1.0); /* multiply by 1.0 / sensor size to get the normalized size */ return coc * dof_invsensorsize; } vec4 calculate_coc(in vec4 zdepth) { vec4 coc = dof_aperturesize * (vec4(dof_distance) / zdepth - vec4(1.0)); /* multiply by 1.0 / sensor size to get the normalized size */ return coc * dof_invsensorsize; } float max4(vec4 x) { return max(max(x.x, x.y), max(x.z, x.w)); } float linear_depth(float z) { /* if persp */ if (ProjectionMatrix[3][3] == 0.0) { return (nearFar.x * nearFar.y) / (z * (nearFar.x - nearFar.y) + nearFar.y); } else { return (z * 2.0 - 1.0) * nearFar.y; } } vec4 linear_depth(vec4 z) { /* if persp */ if (ProjectionMatrix[3][3] == 0.0) { return (nearFar.xxxx * nearFar.yyyy) / (z * (nearFar.xxxx - nearFar.yyyy) + nearFar.yyyy); } else { return (z * 2.0 - 1.0) * nearFar.yyyy; } } #define THRESHOLD 0.0 /* ----------- Steps ----------- */ /* Downsample the color buffer to half resolution. * Weight color samples by * Compute maximum CoC for near and far blur. */ void step_downsample(void) { ivec4 uvs = ivec4(gl_FragCoord.xyxy) * 2 + ivec4(0, 0, 1, 1); /* custom downsampling */ vec4 color1 = texelFetch(colorBuffer, uvs.xy, 0); vec4 color2 = texelFetch(colorBuffer, uvs.zw, 0); vec4 color3 = texelFetch(colorBuffer, uvs.zy, 0); vec4 color4 = texelFetch(colorBuffer, uvs.xw, 0); /* Leverage SIMD by combining 4 depth samples into a vec4 */ vec4 depth; depth.r = texelFetch(depthBuffer, uvs.xy, 0).r; depth.g = texelFetch(depthBuffer, uvs.zw, 0).r; depth.b = texelFetch(depthBuffer, uvs.zy, 0).r; depth.a = texelFetch(depthBuffer, uvs.xw, 0).r; vec4 zdepth = linear_depth(depth); /* Compute signed CoC for each depth samples */ vec4 coc_near = calculate_coc(zdepth); vec4 coc_far = -coc_near; /* now we need to write the near-far fields premultiplied by the coc */ vec4 near_weights = step(THRESHOLD, coc_near); vec4 far_weights = step(THRESHOLD, coc_far); /* now write output to weighted buffers. */ fragData0 = color1 * near_weights.x + color2 * near_weights.y + color3 * near_weights.z + color4 * near_weights.w; fragData1 = color1 * far_weights.x + color2 * far_weights.y + color3 * far_weights.z + color4 * far_weights.w; float norm_near = dot(near_weights, near_weights); float norm_far = dot(far_weights, far_weights); if (norm_near > 0.0) { fragData0 /= norm_near; } if (norm_far > 0.0) { fragData1 /= norm_far; } float max_near_coc = max(max4(coc_near), 0.0); float max_far_coc = max(max4(coc_far), 0.0); fragData2 = vec4(max_near_coc, max_far_coc, 0.0, 1.0); } /* coordinate used for calculating radius et al set in geometry shader */ in vec2 particlecoord; flat in vec4 color; /* accumulate color in the near/far blur buffers */ void step_scatter(void) { /* Early out */ float dist_sqrd = dot(particlecoord, particlecoord); /* Circle Dof */ if (dist_sqrd > 1.0) { discard; } /* Regular Polygon Dof */ if (bokeh_sides > 0.0) { /* Circle parametrization */ float theta = atan(particlecoord.y, particlecoord.x) + bokeh_rotation; float r; r = cos(M_PI / bokeh_sides) / (cos(theta - (M_2PI / bokeh_sides) * floor((bokeh_sides * theta + M_PI) / M_2PI))); if (dist_sqrd > r * r) { discard; } } fragData0 = color; } #define MERGE_THRESHOLD 4.0 uniform sampler2D farBuffer; uniform sampler2D nearBuffer; vec4 upsample_filter_high(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv, vec2 texelSize) { /* 9-tap bilinear upsampler (tent filter) */ vec4 d = texelSize.xyxy * vec4(1, 1, -1, 0); vec4 s; s = textureLod(tex, uv - d.xy, 0.0); s += textureLod(tex, uv - d.wy, 0.0) * 2; s += textureLod(tex, uv - d.zy, 0.0); s += textureLod(tex, uv + d.zw, 0.0) * 2; s += textureLod(tex, uv , 0.0) * 4; s += textureLod(tex, uv + d.xw, 0.0) * 2; s += textureLod(tex, uv + d.zy, 0.0); s += textureLod(tex, uv + d.wy, 0.0) * 2; s += textureLod(tex, uv + d.xy, 0.0); return s * (1.0 / 16.0); } vec4 upsample_filter(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv, vec2 texelSize) { /* 4-tap bilinear upsampler */ vec4 d = texelSize.xyxy * vec4(-1, -1, +1, +1) * 0.5; vec4 s; s = textureLod(tex, uv + d.xy, 0.0); s += textureLod(tex, uv + d.zy, 0.0); s += textureLod(tex, uv + d.xw, 0.0); s += textureLod(tex, uv + d.zw, 0.0); return s * (1.0 / 4.0); } /* Combine the Far and Near color buffers */ void step_resolve(void) { /* Recompute Near / Far CoC */ float depth = textureLod(depthBuffer, uvcoord, 0.0).r; float zdepth = linear_depth(depth); float coc_signed = calculate_coc(zdepth); float coc_far = max(-coc_signed, 0.0); float coc_near = max(coc_signed, 0.0); /* Recompute Near / Far CoC */ vec2 texelSize = 1.0 / vec2(textureSize(farBuffer, 0)); vec4 srccolor = textureLod(colorBuffer, uvcoord, 0.0); vec4 farcolor = upsample_filter_high(farBuffer, uvcoord, texelSize); vec4 nearcolor = upsample_filter_high(nearBuffer, uvcoord, texelSize); float farweight = farcolor.a; if (farweight > 0.0) farcolor /= farweight; float mixfac = smoothstep(1.0, MERGE_THRESHOLD, coc_far); farweight = mix(1.0, farweight, mixfac); float nearweight = nearcolor.a; if (nearweight > 0.0) { nearcolor /= nearweight; } if (coc_near > 1.0) { mixfac = smoothstep(1.0, MERGE_THRESHOLD, coc_near); fragData0 = mix(srccolor, nearcolor, mixfac); } else { float totalweight = nearweight + farweight; vec4 finalcolor = mix(srccolor, farcolor, mixfac); fragData0 = mix(finalcolor, nearcolor, nearweight / totalweight); } } void main() { #ifdef STEP_DOWNSAMPLE step_downsample(); #elif defined(STEP_SCATTER) step_scatter(); #elif defined(STEP_RESOLVE) step_resolve(); #endif }