/** * Gather pass: Convolve foreground and background parts in separate passes. * * Using the min&max CoC tile buffer, we select the best appropriate method to blur the scene color. * A fast gather path is taken if there is not many CoC variation inside the tile. * * We sample using an octaweb sampling pattern. We randomize the kernel center and each ring * rotation to ensure maximum coverage. */ #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_utiltex_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(effect_dof_lib.glsl) /* Mipmapped input buffers, halfres but with padding to ensure mipmap alignement. */ uniform sampler2D colorBuffer; uniform sampler2D cocBuffer; /* Same input buffer but with a bilinear sampler object. */ uniform sampler2D colorBufferBilinear; /* CoC Min&Max tile buffer at 1/16th of fullres. */ uniform sampler2D cocTilesFgBuffer; uniform sampler2D cocTilesBgBuffer; uniform sampler2D bokehLut; /* Used to correct the padding in the color and CoC buffers. */ uniform vec2 gatherInputUvCorrection; uniform vec2 gatherOutputTexelSize; uniform vec2 bokehAnisotropy; layout(location = 0) out vec4 outColor; layout(location = 1) out float outWeight; #ifndef DOF_HOLEFILL_PASS layout(location = 2) out vec2 outOcclusion; #else /* Dirty global variable that isn't used. So it should get optimized out. */ vec2 outOcclusion; #endif #ifdef DOF_FOREGROUND_PASS const bool is_foreground = true; #else /* DOF_BACKGROUND_PASS */ const bool is_foreground = false; #endif const float unit_ring_radius = 1.0 / float(gather_ring_count); const float unit_sample_radius = 1.0 / float(gather_ring_count + 0.5); const float large_kernel_radius = 0.5 + float(gather_ring_count); const float smaller_kernel_radius = 0.5 + float(gather_ring_count - gather_density_change_ring); /* NOTE(fclem) the bias is reducing issues with density change visible transition. */ const float radius_downscale_factor = smaller_kernel_radius / large_kernel_radius; const int change_density_at_ring = (gather_ring_count - gather_density_change_ring + 1); const float coc_radius_error = 2.0; /* Radii needs to be halfres CoC sizes. */ bool dof_do_density_change(float base_radius, float min_intersectable_radius) { /* Reduce artifact for very large blur. */ min_intersectable_radius *= 0.1; bool need_new_density = (base_radius * unit_ring_radius > min_intersectable_radius); bool larger_than_min_density = (base_radius * radius_downscale_factor > float(gather_ring_count)); return need_new_density && larger_than_min_density; } void dof_gather_init(float base_radius, vec4 noise, out vec2 center_co, out float lod, out float intersection_multiplier) { /* Jitter center half a ring to reduce undersampling. */ vec2 jitter_ofs = 0.499 * noise.zw * sqrt(noise.x); #ifdef DOF_BOKEH_TEXTURE jitter_ofs *= bokehAnisotropy; #endif center_co = gl_FragCoord.xy + jitter_ofs * base_radius * unit_sample_radius; /* TODO(fclem) Seems like the default lod selection is too big. Bias to avoid blocky moving * out of focus shapes. */ const float lod_bias = -2.0; lod = max(floor(log2(base_radius * unit_sample_radius) + 0.5) + lod_bias, 0.0); if (no_gather_mipmaps) { lod = 0.0; } /* (Slide 64). */ intersection_multiplier = pow(0.5, lod); } void dof_gather_accumulator(float base_radius, float min_intersectable_radius, const bool do_fast_gather, const bool do_density_change) { vec4 noise = no_gather_random ? vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) : texelfetch_noise_tex(gl_FragCoord.xy); if (!do_fast_gather) { /* Jitter the radius to reduce noticeable density changes. */ base_radius += noise.x * unit_ring_radius * base_radius; } else { /* Jittering the radius more than we need means we are going to feather the bokeh shape half * a ring. So we need to compensate for fast gather that does not check CoC intersection. */ base_radius += (0.5 - noise.x) * 1.5 * unit_ring_radius * base_radius; } /* TODO(fclem) another seed? For now Cranly-Partterson rotation with golden ratio. */ noise.x = fract(noise.x + 0.61803398875); float lod, isect_mul; vec2 center_co; dof_gather_init(base_radius, noise, center_co, lod, isect_mul); bool first_ring = true; DofGatherData accum_data = GATHER_DATA_INIT; int density_change = 0; for (int ring = gather_ring_count; ring > 0; ring--) { int sample_pair_count = gather_ring_density * ring; float step_rot = M_PI / float(sample_pair_count); mat2 step_rot_mat = rot2_from_angle(step_rot); float angle_offset = noise.y * step_rot; vec2 offset = vec2(cos(angle_offset), sin(angle_offset)); float ring_radius = float(ring) * unit_sample_radius * base_radius; /* Slide 38. */ float bordering_radius = ring_radius + (0.5 + coc_radius_error) * base_radius * unit_sample_radius; DofGatherData ring_data = GATHER_DATA_INIT; for (int sample_pair = 0; sample_pair < sample_pair_count; sample_pair++) { offset = step_rot_mat * offset; DofGatherData pair_data[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { vec2 offset_co = ((i == 0) ? offset : -offset); #ifdef DOF_BOKEH_TEXTURE /* Scaling to 0.25 for speed. Improves texture cache hit. */ offset_co = texture(bokehLut, offset_co * 0.25 + 0.5).rg; offset_co *= bokehAnisotropy; #endif vec2 sample_co = center_co + offset_co * ring_radius; vec2 sample_uv = sample_co * gatherOutputTexelSize * gatherInputUvCorrection; if (do_fast_gather) { pair_data[i].color = dof_load_gather_color(colorBufferBilinear, sample_uv, lod); } else { pair_data[i].color = dof_load_gather_color(colorBuffer, sample_uv, lod); } pair_data[i].coc = dof_load_gather_coc(cocBuffer, sample_uv, lod); pair_data[i].dist = ring_radius; } dof_gather_accumulate_sample_pair(pair_data, bordering_radius, isect_mul, first_ring, do_fast_gather, is_foreground, ring_data, accum_data); } #ifdef DOF_FOREGROUND_PASS /* Reduce issue with closer foreground over distant foreground. */ /* TODO(fclem) this seems to not be completely correct as the issue remains. */ float ring_area = (sqr(float(ring) + 0.5 + coc_radius_error) - sqr(float(ring) - 0.5 + coc_radius_error)) * sqr(base_radius * unit_sample_radius); dof_gather_ammend_weight(ring_data, ring_area); #endif dof_gather_accumulate_sample_ring( ring_data, sample_pair_count * 2, first_ring, do_fast_gather, is_foreground, accum_data); first_ring = false; if (do_density_change && (ring == change_density_at_ring) && (density_change < gather_max_density_change)) { if (dof_do_density_change(base_radius, min_intersectable_radius)) { base_radius *= radius_downscale_factor; ring += gather_density_change_ring; /* We need to account for the density change in the weights (slide 62). * For that multiply old kernel data by its area divided by the new kernel area. */ const float outer_rings_weight = 1.0 / (radius_downscale_factor * radius_downscale_factor); #ifndef DOF_FOREGROUND_PASS /* Samples are already weighted per ring in foreground pass. */ dof_gather_ammend_weight(accum_data, outer_rings_weight); #endif /* Re-init kernel position & sampling parameters. */ dof_gather_init(base_radius, noise, center_co, lod, isect_mul); density_change++; } } } { /* Center sample. */ vec2 sample_uv = center_co * gatherOutputTexelSize * gatherInputUvCorrection; DofGatherData center_data; if (do_fast_gather) { center_data.color = dof_load_gather_color(colorBufferBilinear, sample_uv, lod); } else { center_data.color = dof_load_gather_color(colorBuffer, sample_uv, lod); } center_data.coc = dof_load_gather_coc(cocBuffer, sample_uv, lod); center_data.dist = 0.0; /* Slide 38. */ float bordering_radius = (0.5 + coc_radius_error) * base_radius * unit_sample_radius; dof_gather_accumulate_center_sample( center_data, bordering_radius, do_fast_gather, is_foreground, accum_data); } int total_sample_count = dof_gather_total_sample_count_with_density_change( gather_ring_count, gather_ring_density, density_change); dof_gather_accumulate_resolve(total_sample_count, accum_data, outColor, outWeight, outOcclusion); #if defined(DOF_DEBUG_GATHER_PERF) if (density_change > 0) { float fac = saturate(float(density_change) / float(10.0)); outColor.rgb = avg(outColor.rgb) * neon_gradient(fac); } if (do_fast_gather) { outColor.rgb = avg(outColor.rgb) * vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); } #elif defined(DOF_DEBUG_SCATTER_PERF) outColor.rgb = avg(outColor.rgb) * vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); #endif /* Output premultiplied color so we can use bilinear sampler in resolve pass. */ outColor *= outWeight; } void main() { ivec2 tile_co = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy / float(DOF_TILE_DIVISOR / 2)); CocTile coc_tile = dof_coc_tile_load(cocTilesFgBuffer, cocTilesBgBuffer, tile_co); CocTilePrediction prediction = dof_coc_tile_prediction_get(coc_tile); #if defined(DOF_FOREGROUND_PASS) float base_radius = -coc_tile.fg_min_coc; float min_radius = -coc_tile.fg_max_coc; float min_intersectable_radius = -coc_tile.fg_max_intersectable_coc; bool can_early_out = !prediction.do_foreground; #elif defined(DOF_HOLEFILL_PASS) float base_radius = -coc_tile.fg_min_coc; float min_radius = -coc_tile.fg_max_coc; float min_intersectable_radius = DOF_TILE_LARGE_COC; bool can_early_out = !prediction.do_holefill; #else /* DOF_BACKGROUND_PASS */ float base_radius = coc_tile.bg_max_coc; float min_radius = coc_tile.bg_min_coc; float min_intersectable_radius = coc_tile.bg_min_intersectable_coc; bool can_early_out = !prediction.do_background; #endif bool do_fast_gather = dof_do_fast_gather(base_radius, min_radius, is_foreground); /* Gather at half resolution. Divide CoC by 2. */ base_radius *= 0.5; min_intersectable_radius *= 0.5; bool do_density_change = dof_do_density_change(base_radius, min_intersectable_radius); if (can_early_out) { /* Early out. */ outColor = vec4(0.0); outWeight = 0.0; outOcclusion = vec2(0.0, 0.0); } else if (do_fast_gather) { dof_gather_accumulator(base_radius, min_intersectable_radius, true, false); } else if (do_density_change) { dof_gather_accumulator(base_radius, min_intersectable_radius, false, true); } else { dof_gather_accumulator(base_radius, min_intersectable_radius, false, false); } }