#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_view_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_lib.glsl) uniform vec4 cocParams; #define cocMul cocParams[0] /* distance * aperturesize * invsensorsize */ #define cocBias cocParams[1] /* aperturesize * invsensorsize */ #define cocNear cocParams[2] /* Near view depths value. */ #define cocFar cocParams[3] /* Far view depths value. */ /* -------------- Debug Defines ------------- */ // #define DOF_DEBUG_GATHER_PERF // #define DOF_DEBUG_SCATTER_PERF const bool no_smooth_intersection = false; const bool no_gather_occlusion = false; const bool no_gather_mipmaps = false; const bool no_gather_random = false; const bool no_gather_filtering = false; const bool no_scatter_occlusion = false; const bool no_scatter_pass = false; const bool no_foreground_pass = false; const bool no_background_pass = false; const bool no_slight_focus_pass = false; const bool no_focus_pass = false; const bool no_holefill_pass = false; /* -------------- Quality Defines ------------- */ #ifdef DOF_HOLEFILL_PASS /* No need for very high density for holefill. */ const int gather_ring_count = 3; const int gather_ring_density = 3; const int gather_max_density_change = 0; const int gather_density_change_ring = 1; #else const int gather_ring_count = DOF_GATHER_RING_COUNT; const int gather_ring_density = 3; const int gather_max_density_change = 50; /* Dictates the maximum good quality blur. */ const int gather_density_change_ring = 1; #endif /* -------------- Utils ------------- */ const vec2 quad_offsets[4] = vec2[4]( vec2(-0.5, 0.5), vec2(0.5, 0.5), vec2(0.5, -0.5), vec2(-0.5, -0.5)); /* Divide by sensor size to get the normalized size. */ #define calculate_coc_persp(zdepth) (cocMul / zdepth - cocBias) #define calculate_coc_ortho(zdepth) ((zdepth + cocMul / cocBias) * cocMul) #define calculate_coc(z) \ (ProjectionMatrix[3][3] == 0.0) ? calculate_coc_persp(z) : calculate_coc_ortho(z) /* Ortho conversion is only true for camera view! */ #define linear_depth_persp(d) ((cocNear * cocFar) / (d * (cocNear - cocFar) + cocFar)) #define linear_depth_ortho(d) (d * (cocNear - cocFar) + cocNear) #define linear_depth(d) \ ((ProjectionMatrix[3][3] == 0.0) ? linear_depth_persp(d) : linear_depth_ortho(d)) #define dof_coc_from_zdepth(d) calculate_coc(linear_depth(d)) float dof_hdr_color_weight(vec4 color) { /* From UE4. Very fast "luma" weighting. */ float luma = (color.g * 2.0) + (color.r + color.b); /* TODO(fclem) Pass correct exposure. */ const float exposure = 1.0; return 1.0 / (luma * exposure + 4.0); } float dof_coc_select(vec4 cocs) { /* Select biggest coc. */ float selected_coc = cocs.x; if (abs(cocs.y) > abs(selected_coc)) { selected_coc = cocs.y; } if (abs(cocs.z) > abs(selected_coc)) { selected_coc = cocs.z; } if (abs(cocs.w) > abs(selected_coc)) { selected_coc = cocs.w; } return selected_coc; } /* NOTE: Do not forget to normalize weights afterwards. */ vec4 dof_downsample_bilateral_coc_weights(vec4 cocs) { float chosen_coc = dof_coc_select(cocs); const float scale = 4.0; /* TODO(fclem) revisit. */ /* NOTE: The difference between the cocs should be inside a abs() function, * but we follow UE4 implementation to improve how dithered transparency looks (see slide 19). */ return saturate(1.0 - (chosen_coc - cocs) * scale); } /* NOTE: Do not forget to normalize weights afterwards. */ vec4 dof_downsample_bilateral_color_weights(vec4 colors[4]) { vec4 weights; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { weights[i] = dof_hdr_color_weight(colors[i]); } return weights; } /* Makes sure the load functions distribute the energy correctly * to both scatter and gather passes. */ vec4 dof_load_gather_color(sampler2D gather_input_color_buffer, vec2 uv, float lod) { vec4 color = textureLod(gather_input_color_buffer, uv, lod); return color; } vec4 dof_load_scatter_color(sampler2D scatter_input_color_buffer, vec2 uv, float lod) { vec4 color = textureLod(scatter_input_color_buffer, uv, lod); return color; } float dof_load_gather_coc(sampler2D gather_input_coc_buffer, vec2 uv, float lod) { float coc = textureLod(gather_input_coc_buffer, uv, lod).r; /* We gather at halfres. CoC must be divided by 2 to be compared against radii. */ return coc * 0.5; } /* Distribute weights between near/slightfocus/far fields (slide 117). */ const float layer_threshold = 4.0; /* Make sure it overlaps. */ const float layer_offset_fg = 0.5 + 1.0; /* Extra offset for convolution layers to avoid light leaking from background. */ const float layer_offset = 0.5 + 0.5; #define DOF_MAX_SLIGHT_FOCUS_RADIUS 5 float dof_layer_weight(float coc, const bool is_foreground) { /* NOTE: These are fullres pixel CoC value. */ #ifdef DOF_RESOLVE_PASS return saturate(-abs(coc) + layer_threshold + layer_offset) * float(is_foreground ? (coc <= 0.5) : (coc > -0.5)); #else coc *= 2.0; /* Account for half pixel gather. */ float threshold = layer_threshold - ((is_foreground) ? layer_offset_fg : layer_offset); return saturate(((is_foreground) ? -coc : coc) - threshold); #endif } vec4 dof_layer_weight(vec4 coc) { /* NOTE: Used for scatter pass which already flipped the sign correctly. */ coc *= 2.0; /* Account for half pixel gather. */ return saturate(coc - layer_threshold + layer_offset); } /* NOTE: This is halfres CoC radius. */ float dof_sample_weight(float coc) { /* Full intensity if CoC radius is below the pixel footprint. */ const float min_coc = 1.0; coc = max(min_coc, abs(coc)); return (M_PI * min_coc * min_coc) / (M_PI * coc * coc); } vec4 dof_sample_weight(vec4 coc) { /* Full intensity if CoC radius is below the pixel footprint. */ const float min_coc = 1.0; coc = max(vec4(min_coc), abs(coc)); return (M_PI * min_coc * min_coc) / (M_PI * coc * coc); } /* Intersection with the center of the kernel. */ float dof_intersection_weight(float coc, float distance_from_center, float intersection_multiplier) { if (no_smooth_intersection) { return step(0.0, (abs(coc) - distance_from_center)); } else { /* (Slide 64). */ return saturate((abs(coc) - distance_from_center) * intersection_multiplier + 0.5); } } /* Returns weight of the sample for the outer bucket (containing previous rings). */ float dof_gather_accum_weight(float coc, float bordering_radius, bool first_ring) { /* First ring has nothing to be mixed against. */ if (first_ring) { return 0.0; } return saturate(coc - bordering_radius); } bool dof_do_fast_gather(float max_absolute_coc, float min_absolute_coc, const bool is_foreground) { float min_weight = dof_layer_weight((is_foreground) ? -min_absolute_coc : min_absolute_coc, is_foreground); if (min_weight < 1.0) { return false; } /* FIXME(fclem): This is a workaround to fast gather triggering too early. * Since we use custom opacity mask, the opacity is not given to be 100% even for * after normal threshold. */ if (is_foreground && min_absolute_coc < layer_threshold) { return false; } return (max_absolute_coc - min_absolute_coc) < (DOF_FAST_GATHER_COC_ERROR * max_absolute_coc); } /* ------------------- COC TILES UTILS ------------------- */ struct CocTile { float fg_min_coc; float fg_max_coc; float fg_max_intersectable_coc; float fg_slight_focus_max_coc; float bg_min_coc; float bg_max_coc; float bg_min_intersectable_coc; }; struct CocTilePrediction { bool do_foreground; bool do_slight_focus; bool do_focus; bool do_background; bool do_holefill; }; /* WATCH: Might have to change depending on the texture format. */ #define DOF_TILE_DEFOCUS 0.25 #define DOF_TILE_FOCUS 0.0 #define DOF_TILE_MIXED 0.75 #define DOF_TILE_LARGE_COC 1024.0 /* Init a CoC tile for reduction algorithms. */ CocTile dof_coc_tile_init(void) { CocTile tile; tile.fg_min_coc = 0.0; tile.fg_max_coc = -DOF_TILE_LARGE_COC; tile.fg_max_intersectable_coc = DOF_TILE_LARGE_COC; tile.fg_slight_focus_max_coc = -1.0; tile.bg_min_coc = DOF_TILE_LARGE_COC; tile.bg_max_coc = 0.0; tile.bg_min_intersectable_coc = DOF_TILE_LARGE_COC; return tile; } CocTile dof_coc_tile_load(sampler2D fg_buffer, sampler2D bg_buffer, ivec2 tile_co) { ivec2 tex_size = textureSize(fg_buffer, 0).xy; tile_co = clamp(tile_co, ivec2(0), tex_size - 1); vec4 fg = texelFetch(fg_buffer, tile_co, 0); vec3 bg = texelFetch(bg_buffer, tile_co, 0).xyz; CocTile tile; tile.fg_min_coc = -fg.x; tile.fg_max_coc = -fg.y; tile.fg_max_intersectable_coc = -fg.z; tile.fg_slight_focus_max_coc = fg.w; tile.bg_min_coc = bg.x; tile.bg_max_coc = bg.y; tile.bg_min_intersectable_coc = bg.z; return tile; } void dof_coc_tile_store(CocTile tile, out vec4 out_fg, out vec3 out_bg) { out_fg.x = -tile.fg_min_coc; out_fg.y = -tile.fg_max_coc; out_fg.z = -tile.fg_max_intersectable_coc; out_fg.w = tile.fg_slight_focus_max_coc; out_bg.x = tile.bg_min_coc; out_bg.y = tile.bg_max_coc; out_bg.z = tile.bg_min_intersectable_coc; } CocTilePrediction dof_coc_tile_prediction_get(CocTile tile) { /* Based on tile value, predict what pass we need to load. */ CocTilePrediction predict; predict.do_foreground = (-tile.fg_min_coc > layer_threshold - layer_offset_fg); bool fg_fully_opaque = predict.do_foreground && dof_do_fast_gather(-tile.fg_min_coc, -tile.fg_max_coc, true); predict.do_slight_focus = !fg_fully_opaque && (tile.fg_slight_focus_max_coc >= 0.5); predict.do_focus = !fg_fully_opaque && (tile.fg_slight_focus_max_coc == DOF_TILE_FOCUS); predict.do_background = !predict.do_focus && !fg_fully_opaque && (tile.bg_max_coc > layer_threshold - layer_offset); bool bg_fully_opaque = predict.do_background && dof_do_fast_gather(-tile.bg_max_coc, tile.bg_min_coc, false); predict.do_holefill = !predict.do_focus && !fg_fully_opaque && -tile.fg_max_coc > 0.0; #if 0 /* Debug */ predict.do_foreground = predict.do_background = predict.do_holefill = true; #endif return predict; } /* Special function to return the correct max value of 2 slight focus coc. */ float dof_coc_max_slight_focus(float coc1, float coc2) { /* Do not consider values below 0.5 for expansion as they are "encoded". * See setup pass shader for more infos. */ if ((coc1 == DOF_TILE_DEFOCUS && coc2 == DOF_TILE_FOCUS) || (coc1 == DOF_TILE_FOCUS && coc2 == DOF_TILE_DEFOCUS)) { /* Tile where completely out of focus and in focus are both present. * Consider as very slightly out of focus. */ return DOF_TILE_MIXED; } return max(coc1, coc2); } /* ------------------- GATHER UTILS ------------------- */ struct DofGatherData { vec4 color; float weight; float dist; /* TODO remove */ /* For scatter occlusion. */ float coc; float coc_sqr; /* For ring bucket merging. */ float transparency; float layer_opacity; }; #define GATHER_DATA_INIT DofGatherData(vec4(0.0), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) void dof_gather_ammend_weight(inout DofGatherData sample_data, float weight) { sample_data.color *= weight; sample_data.coc *= weight; sample_data.coc_sqr *= weight; sample_data.weight *= weight; } void dof_gather_accumulate_sample(DofGatherData sample_data, float weight, inout DofGatherData accum_data) { accum_data.color += sample_data.color * weight; accum_data.coc += sample_data.coc * weight; accum_data.coc_sqr += sample_data.coc * (sample_data.coc * weight); accum_data.weight += weight; } void dof_gather_accumulate_sample_pair(DofGatherData pair_data[2], float bordering_radius, float intersection_multiplier, bool first_ring, const bool do_fast_gather, const bool is_foreground, inout DofGatherData ring_data, inout DofGatherData accum_data) { if (do_fast_gather) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { dof_gather_accumulate_sample(pair_data[i], 1.0, accum_data); accum_data.layer_opacity += 1.0; } return; } #if 0 const float mirroring_threshold = -layer_threshold - layer_offset; /* TODO(fclem) Promote to parameter? dither with Noise? */ const float mirroring_min_distance = 15.0; if (pair_data[0].coc < mirroring_threshold && (pair_data[1].coc - mirroring_min_distance) > pair_data[0].coc) { pair_data[1].coc = pair_data[0].coc; } else if (pair_data[1].coc < mirroring_threshold && (pair_data[0].coc - mirroring_min_distance) > pair_data[1].coc) { pair_data[0].coc = pair_data[1].coc; } #endif for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { float sample_weight = dof_sample_weight(pair_data[i].coc); float layer_weight = dof_layer_weight(pair_data[i].coc, is_foreground); float inter_weight = dof_intersection_weight( pair_data[i].coc, pair_data[i].dist, intersection_multiplier); float weight = inter_weight * layer_weight * sample_weight; /** * If a CoC is larger than bordering radius we accumulate it to the general accumulator. * If not, we accumulate to the ring bucket. This is to have more consistent sample occlusion. **/ float accum_weight = dof_gather_accum_weight(pair_data[i].coc, bordering_radius, first_ring); dof_gather_accumulate_sample(pair_data[i], weight * accum_weight, accum_data); dof_gather_accumulate_sample(pair_data[i], weight * (1.0 - accum_weight), ring_data); accum_data.layer_opacity += layer_weight; if (is_foreground) { ring_data.transparency += 1.0 - inter_weight * layer_weight; } else { float coc = is_foreground ? -pair_data[i].coc : pair_data[i].coc; ring_data.transparency += saturate(coc - bordering_radius); } } } void dof_gather_accumulate_sample_ring(DofGatherData ring_data, int sample_count, bool first_ring, const bool do_fast_gather, /* accum_data occludes the ring_data if true. */ const bool reversed_occlusion, inout DofGatherData accum_data) { if (do_fast_gather) { /* Do nothing as ring_data contains nothing. All samples are already in accum_data. */ return; } if (first_ring) { /* Layer opacity is directly accumulated into accum_data data. */ accum_data.color = ring_data.color; accum_data.coc = ring_data.coc; accum_data.coc_sqr = ring_data.coc_sqr; accum_data.weight = ring_data.weight; accum_data.transparency = ring_data.transparency / float(sample_count); return; } if (ring_data.weight == 0.0) { return; } float ring_avg_coc = ring_data.coc / ring_data.weight; float accum_avg_coc = accum_data.coc / accum_data.weight; /* Smooth test to set opacity to see if the ring average coc occludes the accumulation. * Test is reversed to be multiplied against opacity. */ float ring_occlu = saturate(accum_avg_coc - ring_avg_coc); /* The bias here is arbitrary. Seems to avoid weird looking foreground in most cases. * We might need to make it a parameter or find a relative bias. */ float accum_occlu = saturate((ring_avg_coc - accum_avg_coc) * 0.1 - 1.0); #ifdef DOF_RESOLVE_PASS ring_occlu = accum_occlu = 0.0; #endif if (no_gather_occlusion) { ring_occlu = 0.0; accum_occlu = 0.0; } /* (Slide 40) */ float ring_opacity = saturate(1.0 - ring_data.transparency / float(sample_count)); float accum_opacity = 1.0 - accum_data.transparency; if (reversed_occlusion) { /* Accum_data occludes the ring. */ float alpha = (accum_data.weight == 0.0) ? 0.0 : accum_opacity * accum_occlu; float one_minus_alpha = 1.0 - alpha; accum_data.color += ring_data.color * one_minus_alpha; accum_data.coc += ring_data.coc * one_minus_alpha; accum_data.coc_sqr += ring_data.coc_sqr * one_minus_alpha; accum_data.weight += ring_data.weight * one_minus_alpha; accum_data.transparency *= 1.0 - ring_opacity; } else { /* Ring occludes the accum_data (Same as reference). */ float alpha = (accum_data.weight == 0.0) ? 1.0 : (ring_opacity * ring_occlu); float one_minus_alpha = 1.0 - alpha; accum_data.color = accum_data.color * one_minus_alpha + ring_data.color; accum_data.coc = accum_data.coc * one_minus_alpha + ring_data.coc; accum_data.coc_sqr = accum_data.coc_sqr * one_minus_alpha + ring_data.coc_sqr; accum_data.weight = accum_data.weight * one_minus_alpha + ring_data.weight; } } /* FIXME(fclem) Seems to be wrong since it needs ringcount+1 as input for slightfocus gather. */ int dof_gather_total_sample_count(const int ring_count, const int ring_density) { return (ring_count * ring_count - ring_count) * ring_density + 1; } void dof_gather_accumulate_center_sample(DofGatherData center_data, float bordering_radius, #ifdef DOF_RESOLVE_PASS int i_radius, #endif const bool do_fast_gather, const bool is_foreground, inout DofGatherData accum_data) { float layer_weight = dof_layer_weight(center_data.coc, is_foreground); float sample_weight = dof_sample_weight(center_data.coc); float weight = layer_weight * sample_weight; float accum_weight = dof_gather_accum_weight(center_data.coc, bordering_radius, false); if (do_fast_gather) { /* Hope for the compiler to optimize the above. */ layer_weight = 1.0; sample_weight = 1.0; accum_weight = 1.0; weight = 1.0; } center_data.transparency = 1.0 - weight; dof_gather_accumulate_sample(center_data, weight * accum_weight, accum_data); if (!do_fast_gather) { #ifdef DOF_RESOLVE_PASS /* NOTE(fclem): Hack to smooth transition to full in-focus opacity. */ int total_sample_count = dof_gather_total_sample_count(i_radius + 1, DOF_SLIGHT_FOCUS_DENSITY); float fac = saturate(1.0 - abs(center_data.coc) / float(layer_threshold)); accum_data.layer_opacity += float(total_sample_count) * fac * fac; #endif accum_data.layer_opacity += layer_weight; /* Logic of dof_gather_accumulate_sample(). */ weight *= (1.0 - accum_weight); center_data.coc_sqr = center_data.coc * (center_data.coc * weight); center_data.color *= weight; center_data.coc *= weight; center_data.weight = weight; #ifdef DOF_FOREGROUND_PASS /* Reduce issue with closer foreground over distant foreground. */ float ring_area = sqr(bordering_radius); dof_gather_ammend_weight(center_data, ring_area); #endif /* Accumulate center as its own ring. */ dof_gather_accumulate_sample_ring( center_data, 1, false, do_fast_gather, is_foreground, accum_data); } } int dof_gather_total_sample_count_with_density_change(const int ring_count, const int ring_density, int density_change) { int sample_count_per_density_change = dof_gather_total_sample_count(ring_count, ring_density) - dof_gather_total_sample_count( ring_count - gather_density_change_ring, ring_density); return dof_gather_total_sample_count(ring_count, ring_density) + sample_count_per_density_change * density_change; } void dof_gather_accumulate_resolve(int total_sample_count, DofGatherData accum_data, out vec4 out_col, out float out_weight, out vec2 out_occlusion) { float weight_inv = safe_rcp(accum_data.weight); out_col = accum_data.color * weight_inv; out_occlusion = vec2(abs(accum_data.coc), accum_data.coc_sqr) * weight_inv; #ifdef DOF_FOREGROUND_PASS out_weight = 1.0 - accum_data.transparency; #else if (accum_data.weight > 0.0) { out_weight = accum_data.layer_opacity / float(total_sample_count); } else { out_weight = 0.0; } #endif /* Gathering may not accumulate to 1.0 alpha because of float precision. */ if (out_weight > 0.99) { out_weight = 1.0; } else if (out_weight < 0.01) { out_weight = 0.0; } /* Same thing for alpha channel. */ if (out_col.a > 0.99) { out_col.a = 1.0; } else if (out_col.a < 0.01) { out_col.a = 0.0; } } ivec2 dof_square_ring_sample_offset(int ring_distance, int sample_id) { /** * Generate samples in a square pattern with the ring radius. X is the center tile. * * Dist1 Dist2 * 6 5 4 3 2 * 3 2 1 7 1 * . X 0 . X 0 * . . . . . * . . . . . * * Samples are expected to be mirrored to complete the pattern. **/ ivec2 offset; if (sample_id < ring_distance) { offset.x = ring_distance; offset.y = sample_id; } else if (sample_id < ring_distance * 3) { offset.x = ring_distance - sample_id + ring_distance; offset.y = ring_distance; } else { offset.x = -ring_distance; offset.y = ring_distance - sample_id + 3 * ring_distance; } return offset; }