/** * Recombine Pass: Load separate convolution layer and composite with self slight defocus * convolution and in-focus fields. * * The halfres gather methods are fast but lack precision for small CoC areas. To fix this we * do a bruteforce gather to have a smooth transition between in-focus and defocus regions. */ #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_utiltex_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(effect_dof_lib.glsl) uniform sampler2D fullResColorBuffer; uniform sampler2D fullResDepthBuffer; uniform sampler2D bgColorBuffer; uniform sampler2D bgWeightBuffer; uniform sampler2D bgTileBuffer; uniform sampler2D fgColorBuffer; uniform sampler2D fgWeightBuffer; uniform sampler2D fgTileBuffer; uniform sampler2D holefillColorBuffer; uniform sampler2D holefillWeightBuffer; uniform sampler2D bokehLut; uniform float bokehMaxSize; in vec4 uvcoordsvar; out vec4 fragColor; void dof_slight_focus_gather(float radius, out vec4 out_color, out float out_weight) { /* offset coord to avoid correlation with sampling pattern. */ vec4 noise = texelfetch_noise_tex(gl_FragCoord.xy + 7.0); DofGatherData fg_accum = GATHER_DATA_INIT; DofGatherData bg_accum = GATHER_DATA_INIT; int i_radius = clamp(int(radius + 0.5), 0, int(layer_threshold)); const int resolve_ring_density = DOF_SLIGHT_FOCUS_DENSITY; ivec2 texel = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy); bool first_ring = true; for (int ring = i_radius; ring > 0; ring--) { DofGatherData fg_ring = GATHER_DATA_INIT; DofGatherData bg_ring = GATHER_DATA_INIT; int ring_distance = ring; int ring_sample_count = resolve_ring_density * ring_distance; for (int sample_id = 0; sample_id < ring_sample_count; sample_id++) { int s = sample_id * (4 / resolve_ring_density) + int(noise.y * float((4 - resolve_ring_density) * ring_distance)); ivec2 offset = dof_square_ring_sample_offset(ring_distance, s); float ring_dist = length(vec2(offset)); DofGatherData pair_data[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ivec2 sample_offset = ((i == 0) ? offset : -offset); ivec2 sample_texel = texel + sample_offset; /* OPTI: could precompute the factor. */ vec2 sample_uv = (vec2(sample_texel) + 0.5) / vec2(textureSize(fullResDepthBuffer, 0)); float depth = textureLod(fullResDepthBuffer, sample_uv, 0.0).r; pair_data[i].color = safe_color(textureLod(fullResColorBuffer, sample_uv, 0.0)); pair_data[i].coc = dof_coc_from_zdepth(depth); pair_data[i].dist = ring_dist; #ifdef DOF_BOKEH_TEXTURE /* Contains subpixel distance to bokeh shape. */ pair_data[i].dist = texelFetch(bokehLut, sample_offset + DOF_MAX_SLIGHT_FOCUS_RADIUS, 0).r; #endif pair_data[i].coc = clamp(pair_data[i].coc, -bokehMaxSize, bokehMaxSize); } float bordering_radius = ring_dist + 0.5; const float isect_mul = 1.0; dof_gather_accumulate_sample_pair( pair_data, bordering_radius, isect_mul, first_ring, false, false, bg_ring, bg_accum); #ifdef DOF_BOKEH_TEXTURE /* Swap distances in order to flip bokeh shape for foreground. */ float tmp = pair_data[0].dist; pair_data[0].dist = pair_data[1].dist; pair_data[1].dist = tmp; #endif dof_gather_accumulate_sample_pair( pair_data, bordering_radius, isect_mul, first_ring, false, true, fg_ring, fg_accum); } dof_gather_accumulate_sample_ring( bg_ring, ring_sample_count * 2, first_ring, false, false, bg_accum); dof_gather_accumulate_sample_ring( fg_ring, ring_sample_count * 2, first_ring, false, true, fg_accum); first_ring = false; } /* Center sample. */ vec2 sample_uv = uvcoordsvar.xy; float depth = textureLod(fullResDepthBuffer, sample_uv, 0.0).r; DofGatherData center_data; center_data.color = safe_color(textureLod(fullResColorBuffer, sample_uv, 0.0)); center_data.coc = dof_coc_from_zdepth(depth); center_data.coc = clamp(center_data.coc, -bokehMaxSize, bokehMaxSize); center_data.dist = 0.0; /* Slide 38. */ float bordering_radius = 0.5; dof_gather_accumulate_center_sample( center_data, bordering_radius, i_radius, false, true, fg_accum); dof_gather_accumulate_center_sample( center_data, bordering_radius, i_radius, false, false, bg_accum); vec4 bg_col, fg_col; float bg_weight, fg_weight; vec2 unused_occlusion; int total_sample_count = dof_gather_total_sample_count(i_radius + 1, resolve_ring_density); dof_gather_accumulate_resolve(total_sample_count, bg_accum, bg_col, bg_weight, unused_occlusion); dof_gather_accumulate_resolve(total_sample_count, fg_accum, fg_col, fg_weight, unused_occlusion); /* Fix weighting issues on perfectly focus > slight focus transitionning areas. */ if (abs(center_data.coc) < 0.5) { bg_col = center_data.color; bg_weight = 1.0; } /* Alpha Over */ float alpha = 1.0 - fg_weight; out_weight = bg_weight * alpha + fg_weight; out_color = bg_col * bg_weight * alpha + fg_col * fg_weight; } void dof_resolve_load_layer(sampler2D color_tex, sampler2D weight_tex, out vec4 out_color, out float out_weight) { vec2 pixel_co = gl_FragCoord.xy / 2.0; vec2 uv = pixel_co / textureSize(color_tex, 0).xy; out_color = textureLod(color_tex, uv, 0.0); out_weight = textureLod(weight_tex, uv, 0.0).r; } void main(void) { ivec2 tile_co = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy / float(DOF_TILE_DIVISOR)); CocTile coc_tile = dof_coc_tile_load(fgTileBuffer, bgTileBuffer, tile_co); CocTilePrediction prediction = dof_coc_tile_prediction_get(coc_tile); fragColor = vec4(0.0); float weight = 0.0; vec4 layer_color; float layer_weight; if (!no_holefill_pass && prediction.do_holefill) { dof_resolve_load_layer(holefillColorBuffer, holefillWeightBuffer, layer_color, layer_weight); fragColor = layer_color * safe_rcp(layer_weight); weight = float(layer_weight > 0.0); } if (!no_background_pass && prediction.do_background) { dof_resolve_load_layer(bgColorBuffer, bgWeightBuffer, layer_color, layer_weight); /* Always prefer background to holefill pass. */ layer_color *= safe_rcp(layer_weight); layer_weight = float(layer_weight > 0.0); /* Composite background. */ fragColor = fragColor * (1.0 - layer_weight) + layer_color; weight = weight * (1.0 - layer_weight) + layer_weight; /* Fill holes with the composited background. */ fragColor *= safe_rcp(weight); weight = float(weight > 0.0); } if (!no_slight_focus_pass && prediction.do_slight_focus) { dof_slight_focus_gather(coc_tile.fg_slight_focus_max_coc, layer_color, layer_weight); /* Composite slight defocus. */ fragColor = fragColor * (1.0 - layer_weight) + layer_color; weight = weight * (1.0 - layer_weight) + layer_weight; } if (!no_focus_pass && prediction.do_focus) { layer_color = safe_color(textureLod(fullResColorBuffer, uvcoordsvar.xy, 0.0)); layer_weight = 1.0; /* Composite in focus. */ fragColor = fragColor * (1.0 - layer_weight) + layer_color; weight = weight * (1.0 - layer_weight) + layer_weight; } if (!no_foreground_pass && prediction.do_foreground) { dof_resolve_load_layer(fgColorBuffer, fgWeightBuffer, layer_color, layer_weight); /* Composite foreground. */ fragColor = fragColor * (1.0 - layer_weight) + layer_color; } /* Fix float precision issue in alpha compositing. */ if (fragColor.a > 0.99) { fragColor.a = 1.0; } #if 0 /* Debug */ if (coc_tile.fg_slight_focus_max_coc >= 0.5) { fragColor.rgb *= vec3(1.0, 0.1, 0.1); } #endif }