/* * Based on: * A Fast and Stable Feature-Aware Motion Blur Filter * by Jean-Philippe Guertin, Morgan McGuire, Derek Nowrouzezahrai * * With modification from the presentation: * Next Generation Post Processing in Call of Duty Advanced Warfare * by Jorge Jimenez */ uniform sampler2D colorBuffer; uniform sampler2D depthBuffer; uniform sampler2D velocityBuffer; uniform sampler2D tileMaxBuffer; #define KERNEL 8 /* TODO(fclem) deduplicate this code. */ uniform sampler2DArray utilTex; #define LUT_SIZE 64 #define texelfetch_noise_tex(coord) texelFetch(utilTex, ivec3(ivec2(coord) % LUT_SIZE, 2.0), 0) uniform float depthScale; uniform ivec2 tileBufferSize; uniform vec2 viewportSize; uniform vec2 viewportSizeInv; uniform bool isPerspective; uniform vec2 nearFar; /* Near & far view depths values */ #define linear_depth(z) \ ((isPerspective) ? (nearFar.x * nearFar.y) / (z * (nearFar.x - nearFar.y) + nearFar.y) : \ z * (nearFar.y - nearFar.x) + nearFar.x) /* Only true for camera view! */ in vec4 uvcoordsvar; out vec4 fragColor; #define saturate(a) clamp(a, 0.0, 1.0) vec2 spread_compare(float center_motion_length, float sample_motion_length, float offset_length) { return saturate(vec2(center_motion_length, sample_motion_length) - offset_length + 1.0); } vec2 depth_compare(float center_depth, float sample_depth) { return saturate(0.5 + vec2(depthScale, -depthScale) * (sample_depth - center_depth)); } /* Kill contribution if not going the same direction. */ float dir_compare(vec2 offset, vec2 sample_motion, float sample_motion_length) { if (sample_motion_length < 0.5) { return 1.0; } return (dot(offset, sample_motion) > 0.0) ? 1.0 : 0.0; } /* Return background (x) and foreground (y) weights. */ vec2 sample_weights(float center_depth, float sample_depth, float center_motion_length, float sample_motion_length, float offset_length) { /* Clasify foreground/background. */ vec2 depth_weight = depth_compare(center_depth, sample_depth); /* Weight if sample is overlapping or under the center pixel. */ vec2 spread_weight = spread_compare(center_motion_length, sample_motion_length, offset_length); return depth_weight * spread_weight; } vec4 decode_velocity(vec4 velocity) { velocity = velocity * 2.0 - 1.0; /* Needed to match cycles. Can't find why... (fclem) */ velocity *= 0.5; /* Transpose to pixelspace. */ velocity *= viewportSize.xyxy; return velocity; } vec4 sample_velocity(vec2 uv) { vec4 data = texture(velocityBuffer, uv); return decode_velocity(data); } vec2 sample_velocity(vec2 uv, const bool next) { vec4 data = sample_velocity(uv); data.xy = (next ? data.zw : data.xy); return data.xy; } void gather_sample(vec2 screen_uv, float center_depth, float center_motion_len, vec2 offset, float offset_len, const bool next, inout vec4 accum, inout vec4 accum_bg, inout vec3 w_accum) { vec2 sample_uv = screen_uv - offset * viewportSizeInv; vec2 sample_motion = sample_velocity(sample_uv, next); float sample_motion_len = length(sample_motion); float sample_depth = linear_depth(texture(depthBuffer, sample_uv).r); vec4 col = textureLod(colorBuffer, sample_uv, 0.0); vec3 weights; weights.xy = sample_weights( center_depth, sample_depth, center_motion_len, sample_motion_len, offset_len); weights.z = dir_compare(offset, sample_motion, sample_motion_len); weights.xy *= weights.z; accum += col * weights.y; accum_bg += col * weights.x; w_accum += weights; } void gather_blur(vec2 screen_uv, vec2 center_motion, float center_depth, vec2 max_motion, float ofs, const bool next, inout vec4 accum, inout vec4 accum_bg, inout vec3 w_accum) { float center_motion_len = length(center_motion); float max_motion_len = length(max_motion); /* Tile boundaries randomization can fetch a tile where there is less motion than this pixel. * Fix this by overriding the max_motion. */ if (max_motion_len < center_motion_len) { max_motion_len = center_motion_len; max_motion = center_motion; } if (max_motion_len < 0.5) { return; } int i; float t, inc = 1.0 / float(KERNEL); for (i = 0, t = ofs * inc; i < KERNEL; i++, t += inc) { gather_sample(screen_uv, center_depth, center_motion_len, max_motion * t, max_motion_len * t, next, accum, accum_bg, w_accum); } if (center_motion_len < 0.5) { return; } for (i = 0, t = ofs * inc; i < KERNEL; i++, t += inc) { /* Also sample in center motion direction. * Allow to recover motion where there is conflicting * motion between foreground and background. */ gather_sample(screen_uv, center_depth, center_motion_len, center_motion * t, center_motion_len * t, next, accum, accum_bg, w_accum); } } void main() { vec2 uv = uvcoordsvar.xy; /* Data of the center pixel of the gather (target). */ float center_depth = linear_depth(texture(depthBuffer, uv).r); vec4 center_motion = sample_velocity(uv); vec4 center_color = textureLod(colorBuffer, uv, 0.0); vec2 rand = texelfetch_noise_tex(gl_FragCoord.xy).xy; /* Randomize tile boundary to avoid ugly discontinuities. Randomize 1/4th of the tile. * Note this randomize only in one direction but in practice it's enough. */ rand.x = rand.x * 2.0 - 1.0; ivec2 tile = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy + rand.x * float(EEVEE_VELOCITY_TILE_SIZE) * 0.25) / EEVEE_VELOCITY_TILE_SIZE; tile = clamp(tile, ivec2(0), tileBufferSize - 1); vec4 max_motion = decode_velocity(texelFetch(tileMaxBuffer, tile, 0)); /* First (center) sample: time = T */ /* x: Background, y: Foreground, z: dir. */ vec3 w_accum = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); vec4 accum_bg = vec4(0.0); vec4 accum = vec4(0.0); /* First linear gather. time = [T - delta, T] */ gather_blur( uv, center_motion.xy, center_depth, max_motion.xy, rand.y, false, accum, accum_bg, w_accum); /* Second linear gather. time = [T, T + delta] */ gather_blur( uv, center_motion.zw, center_depth, max_motion.zw, rand.y, true, accum, accum_bg, w_accum); #if 1 /* Avoid division by 0.0. */ float w = 1.0 / (50.0 * float(KERNEL) * 4.0); accum_bg += center_color * w; w_accum.x += w; /* Note: In Jimenez's presentation, they used center sample. * We use background color as it contains more informations for foreground * elements that have not enough weights. * Yield beter blur in complex motion. */ center_color = accum_bg / w_accum.x; #endif /* Merge background. */ accum += accum_bg; w_accum.y += w_accum.x; /* Balance accumulation for failled samples. * We replace the missing foreground by the background. */ float blend_fac = saturate(1.0 - w_accum.y / w_accum.z); fragColor = (accum / w_accum.z) + center_color * blend_fac; #if 0 /* For debugging. */ fragColor.rgb = fragColor.ggg; fragColor.rg += max_motion.xy; #endif }