/* Based on Separable SSS. by Jorge Jimenez and Diego Gutierrez */ #define MAX_SSS_SAMPLES 65 layout(std140) uniform sssProfile { vec4 kernel[MAX_SSS_SAMPLES]; vec4 radii_max_radius; int sss_samples; }; uniform sampler2D depthBuffer; uniform sampler2D sssData; uniform sampler2D sssAlbedo; #ifndef UTIL_TEX #define UTIL_TEX uniform sampler2DArray utilTex; #define texelfetch_noise_tex(coord) texelFetch(utilTex, ivec3(ivec2(coord) % LUT_SIZE, 2.0), 0) #endif /* UTIL_TEX */ layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor; #ifdef RESULT_ACCUM layout(location = 1) out vec4 sssColor; #endif uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix; float get_view_z_from_depth(float depth) { if (ProjectionMatrix[3][3] == 0.0) { float d = 2.0 * depth - 1.0; return -ProjectionMatrix[3][2] / (d + ProjectionMatrix[2][2]); } else { return viewVecs[0].z + depth * viewVecs[1].z; } } #define LUT_SIZE 64 #define M_PI_2 1.5707963267948966 /* pi/2 */ #define M_2PI 6.2831853071795865 /* 2*pi */ void main(void) { vec2 pixel_size = 1.0 / vec2(textureSize(depthBuffer, 0).xy); /* TODO precompute */ vec2 uvs = gl_FragCoord.xy * pixel_size; vec4 sss_data = texture(sssData, uvs).rgba; float depth_view = get_view_z_from_depth(texture(depthBuffer, uvs).r); float rand = texelfetch_noise_tex(gl_FragCoord.xy).r; #ifdef FIRST_PASS float angle = M_2PI * rand + M_PI_2; vec2 dir = vec2(1.0, 0.0); #else /* SECOND_PASS */ float angle = M_2PI * rand; vec2 dir = vec2(0.0, 1.0); #endif vec2 dir_rand = vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle)); /* Compute kernel bounds in 2D. */ float homcoord = ProjectionMatrix[2][3] * depth_view + ProjectionMatrix[3][3]; vec2 scale = vec2(ProjectionMatrix[0][0], ProjectionMatrix[1][1]) * sss_data.aa / homcoord; vec2 finalStep = scale * radii_max_radius.w; finalStep *= 0.5; /* samples range -1..1 */ /* Center sample */ vec3 accum = sss_data.rgb * kernel[0].rgb; for (int i = 1; i < sss_samples && i < MAX_SSS_SAMPLES; i++) { vec2 sample_uv = uvs + kernel[i].a * finalStep * ((abs(kernel[i].a) > sssJitterThreshold) ? dir : dir_rand); vec3 color = texture(sssData, sample_uv).rgb; float sample_depth = texture(depthBuffer, sample_uv).r; sample_depth = get_view_z_from_depth(sample_depth); /* Depth correction factor. */ float depth_delta = depth_view - sample_depth; float s = clamp(1.0 - exp(-(depth_delta * depth_delta) / (2.0 * sss_data.a)), 0.0, 1.0); /* Out of view samples. */ if (any(lessThan(sample_uv, vec2(0.0))) || any(greaterThan(sample_uv, vec2(1.0)))) { s = 1.0; } accum += kernel[i].rgb * mix(color, sss_data.rgb, s); } #ifdef FIRST_PASS FragColor = vec4(accum, sss_data.a); #else /* SECOND_PASS */ # ifdef USE_SEP_ALBEDO # ifdef RESULT_ACCUM FragColor = vec4(accum, 1.0); sssColor = texture(sssAlbedo, uvs); # else FragColor = vec4(accum * texture(sssAlbedo, uvs).rgb, 1.0); # endif # else FragColor = vec4(accum, 1.0); # endif #endif }