uniform sampler2D colorHistoryBuffer; uniform sampler2D velocityBuffer; out vec4 FragColor; vec4 safe_color(vec4 c) { /* Clamp to avoid black square artifacts if a pixel goes NaN. */ return clamp(c, vec4(0.0), vec4(1e20)); /* 1e20 arbitrary. */ } #ifdef USE_REPROJECTION /** * Adapted from https://casual-effects.com/g3d/G3D10/data-files/shader/Film/Film_temporalAA.pix * which is adapted from * https://github.com/gokselgoktas/temporal-anti-aliasing/blob/master/Assets/Resources/Shaders/TemporalAntiAliasing.cginc * which is adapted from https://github.com/playdeadgames/temporal * Optimization by Stubbesaurus and epsilon adjustment to avoid division by zero. * * This can cause 3x3 blocks of color when there is a thin edge of a similar color that * is varying in intensity. */ vec3 clip_to_aabb(vec3 color, vec3 minimum, vec3 maximum, vec3 average) { /* note: only clips towards aabb center (but fast!) */ vec3 center = 0.5 * (maximum + minimum); vec3 extents = 0.5 * (maximum - minimum); vec3 dist = color - center; vec3 ts = abs(extents) / max(abs(dist), vec3(0.0001)); float t = saturate(min_v3(ts)); return center + dist * t; } /** * Vastly based on https://github.com/playdeadgames/temporal */ void main() { ivec2 texel = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy); vec2 motion = texelFetch(velocityBuffer, texel, 0).rg; /* Decode from unsigned normalized 16bit texture. */ motion = motion * 2.0 - 1.0; /* Compute pixel position in previous frame. */ vec2 screen_res = vec2(textureSize(colorBuffer, 0).xy); vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / screen_res; vec2 uv_history = uv - motion; ivec2 texel_history = ivec2(uv_history * screen_res); vec4 color_history = textureLod(colorHistoryBuffer, uv_history, 0.0); /* Color bounding box clamping. 3x3 neighborhood. */ vec4 c02 = texelFetchOffset(colorBuffer, texel, 0, ivec2(-1, 1)); vec4 c12 = texelFetchOffset(colorBuffer, texel, 0, ivec2(0, 1)); vec4 c22 = texelFetchOffset(colorBuffer, texel, 0, ivec2(1, 1)); vec4 c01 = texelFetchOffset(colorBuffer, texel, 0, ivec2(-1, 0)); vec4 c11 = texelFetchOffset(colorBuffer, texel, 0, ivec2(0, 0)); vec4 c21 = texelFetchOffset(colorBuffer, texel, 0, ivec2(1, 0)); vec4 c00 = texelFetchOffset(colorBuffer, texel, 0, ivec2(-1, -1)); vec4 c10 = texelFetchOffset(colorBuffer, texel, 0, ivec2(0, -1)); vec4 c20 = texelFetchOffset(colorBuffer, texel, 0, ivec2(1, -1)); vec4 color = c11; /* AABB minmax */ vec4 min_col = min9(c02, c12, c22, c01, c11, c21, c00, c10, c20); vec4 max_col = max9(c02, c12, c22, c01, c11, c21, c00, c10, c20); vec4 avg_col = avg9(c02, c12, c22, c01, c11, c21, c00, c10, c20); /* bias the color aabb toward the center (rounding the shape) */ vec4 min_center = min5(c12, c01, c11, c21, c10); vec4 max_center = max5(c12, c01, c11, c21, c10); vec4 avg_center = avg5(c12, c01, c11, c21, c10); min_col = (min_col + min_center) * 0.5; max_col = (max_col + max_center) * 0.5; avg_col = (avg_col + avg_center) * 0.5; /* Clip color toward the center of the neighborhood colors AABB box. */ color_history.rgb = clip_to_aabb(color_history.rgb, min_col.rgb, max_col.rgb, avg_col.rgb); /* Luminance weighting. */ /* TODO correct luminance */ float lum0 = dot(color.rgb, vec3(0.333)); float lum1 = dot(color_history.rgb, vec3(0.333)); float diff = abs(lum0 - lum1) / max(lum0, max(lum1, 0.2)); float weight = 1.0 - diff; float alpha = mix(0.04, 0.12, weight * weight); color_history = mix(color_history, color, alpha); bool out_of_view = any(greaterThanEqual(abs(uv_history - 0.5), vec2(0.5))); color_history = (out_of_view) ? color : color_history; FragColor = safe_color(color_history); /* There is some ghost issue if we use the alpha * in the viewport. Overwritting alpha fixes it. */ FragColor.a = color.a; } #else uniform float alpha; void main() { ivec2 texel = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy); vec4 color = texelFetch(colorBuffer, texel, 0); vec4 color_history = texelFetch(colorHistoryBuffer, texel, 0); FragColor = safe_color(mix(color_history, color, alpha)); } #endif