in vec4 uvcoordsvar; out vec4 FragColor; uniform sampler1D sssTexProfile; uniform sampler2D sssRadius; uniform sampler2DArray sssShadowCubes; uniform sampler2DArray sssShadowCascades; #define MAX_SSS_SAMPLES 65 #define SSS_LUT_SIZE 64.0 #define SSS_LUT_SCALE ((SSS_LUT_SIZE - 1.0) / float(SSS_LUT_SIZE)) #define SSS_LUT_BIAS (0.5 / float(SSS_LUT_SIZE)) layout(std140) uniform sssProfile { vec4 kernel[MAX_SSS_SAMPLES]; vec4 radii_max_radius; int sss_samples; }; vec3 sss_profile(float s) { s /= radii_max_radius.w; return texture(sssTexProfile, saturate(s) * SSS_LUT_SCALE + SSS_LUT_BIAS).rgb; } #ifndef UTIL_TEX # define UTIL_TEX uniform sampler2DArray utilTex; # define texelfetch_noise_tex(coord) texelFetch(utilTex, ivec3(ivec2(coord) % LUT_SIZE, 2.0), 0) #endif /* UTIL_TEX */ float light_translucent_power_with_falloff(LightData ld, vec3 N, vec4 l_vector) { float power, falloff; /* XXX : Removing Area Power. */ /* TODO : put this out of the shader. */ if (ld.l_type >= AREA_RECT) { power = (ld.l_sizex * ld.l_sizey * 4.0 * M_PI) * (1.0 / 80.0); if (ld.l_type == AREA_ELLIPSE) { power *= M_PI * 0.25; } power *= 0.3 * 20.0 * max(0.0, dot(-ld.l_forward, / l_vector.w)); /* XXX ad hoc, empirical */ power /= (l_vector.w * l_vector.w); falloff = dot(N, / l_vector.w); } else if (ld.l_type == SUN) { power = 1.0 / (1.0 + (ld.l_radius * ld.l_radius * 0.5)); power *= ld.l_radius * ld.l_radius * M_PI; /* Removing area light power*/ power *= M_2PI * 0.78; /* Matching cycles with point light. */ power *= 0.082; /* XXX ad hoc, empirical */ falloff = dot(N, -ld.l_forward); } else { power = (4.0 * ld.l_radius * ld.l_radius) * (1.0 / 10.0); power *= 1.5; /* XXX ad hoc, empirical */ power /= (l_vector.w * l_vector.w); falloff = dot(N, / l_vector.w); } /* No transmittance at grazing angle (hide artifacts) */ return power * saturate(falloff * 2.0); } /* Some driver poorly optimize this code. Use direct reference to matrices. */ #define sd(x) shadows_data[x] #define scube(x) shadows_cube_data[x] #define scascade(x) shadows_cascade_data[x] float shadow_cube_radial_depth(vec3 cubevec, float tex_id, int shadow_id) { float depth = sample_cube(sssShadowCubes, cubevec, tex_id).r; /* To reverting the constant bias from shadow rendering. (Tweaked for 16bit shadowmaps) */ const float depth_bias = 3.1e-5; depth = saturate(depth - depth_bias); depth = linear_depth(true, depth, sd(shadow_id).sh_far, sd(shadow_id).sh_near); depth *= length(cubevec / max_v3(abs(cubevec))); return depth; } vec3 light_translucent(LightData ld, vec3 W, vec3 N, vec4 l_vector, vec2 rand, float sss_scale) { int shadow_id = int(ld.l_shadowid); vec4 L = (ld.l_type != SUN) ? l_vector : vec4(-ld.l_forward, 1.0); /* We use the full so that the spread is minimize * if the shading point is further away from the light source */ /* TODO(fclem) do something better than this. */ vec3 T, B; make_orthonormal_basis( / L.w, T, B); vec3 n; vec4 depths; float d, dist; int data_id = int(sd(shadow_id).sh_data_index); if (ld.l_type == SUN) { vec4 view_z = vec4(dot(W - cameraPos, cameraForward)); vec4 weights = step(scascade(data_id).split_end_distances, view_z); float id = abs(4.0 - dot(weights, weights)); if (id > 3.0) { return vec3(0.0); } /* Same factor as in get_cascade_world_distance(). */ float range = abs(sd(shadow_id).sh_far - sd(shadow_id).sh_near); vec4 shpos = scascade(data_id).shadowmat[int(id)] * vec4(W, 1.0); dist = shpos.z * range; if (shpos.z > 1.0 || shpos.z < 0.0) { return vec3(0.0); } float tex_id = scascade(data_id).sh_tex_index + id; /* Assume cascades have same height and width. */ vec2 ofs = vec2(1.0, 0.0) / float(textureSize(sssShadowCascades, 0).x); d = sample_cascade(sssShadowCascades, shpos.xy, tex_id).r; depths.x = sample_cascade(sssShadowCascades, shpos.xy + ofs.xy, tex_id).r; depths.y = sample_cascade(sssShadowCascades, shpos.xy + ofs.yx, tex_id).r; depths.z = sample_cascade(sssShadowCascades, shpos.xy - ofs.xy, tex_id).r; depths.w = sample_cascade(sssShadowCascades, shpos.xy - ofs.yx, tex_id).r; /* To reverting the constant bias from shadow rendering. (Tweaked for 16bit shadowmaps) */ float depth_bias = 3.1e-5; depths = saturate(depths - depth_bias); d = saturate(d - depth_bias); /* Size of a texel in world space. * FIXME This is only correct if l_right is the same right vector used for shadowmap creation. * This won't work if the shadow matrix is rotated (soft shadows). * TODO precompute */ float unit_world_in_uv_space = length(mat3(scascade(data_id).shadowmat[int(id)]) * ld.l_right); float dx_scale = 2.0 * ofs.x / unit_world_in_uv_space; d *= range; depths *= range; /* This is the normal of the occluder in world space. */ // vec3 T = ld.l_forward * dx + ld.l_right * dx_scale; // vec3 B = ld.l_forward * dy + ld.l_up * dx_scale; // n = normalize(cross(T, B)); } else { float ofs = 1.0 / float(textureSize(sssShadowCubes, 0).x); vec3 cubevec = transform_point(scube(data_id).shadowmat, W); dist = length(cubevec); cubevec /= dist; /* tex_id == data_id for cube shadowmap */ float tex_id = float(data_id); d = shadow_cube_radial_depth(cubevec, tex_id, shadow_id); /* NOTE: The offset is irregular in respect to cubeface uvs. But it has * a much more uniform behavior than biasing based on face derivatives. */ depths.x = shadow_cube_radial_depth(cubevec + T * ofs, tex_id, shadow_id); depths.y = shadow_cube_radial_depth(cubevec + B * ofs, tex_id, shadow_id); depths.z = shadow_cube_radial_depth(cubevec - T * ofs, tex_id, shadow_id); depths.w = shadow_cube_radial_depth(cubevec - B * ofs, tex_id, shadow_id); } float dx = depths.x - depths.z; float dy = depths.y - depths.w; float s = min(d, min_v4(depths)); /* To avoid light leak from depth discontinuity and shadowmap aliasing. */ float slope_bias = (abs(dx) + abs(dy)) * 0.5; s -= slope_bias; float delta = dist - s; float power = light_translucent_power_with_falloff(ld, N, l_vector); return power * sss_profile(abs(delta) / sss_scale); } #undef sd #undef scube #undef scsmd void main(void) { vec2 uvs = uvcoordsvar.xy; float sss_scale = texture(sssRadius, uvs).r; vec3 W = get_world_space_from_depth(uvs, texture(depthBuffer, uvs).r); vec3 N = normalize(cross(dFdx(W), dFdy(W))); vec3 rand = texelfetch_noise_tex(gl_FragCoord.xy).zwy; rand.xy *= fast_sqrt(rand.z); vec3 accum = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHT && i < laNumLight; i++) { LightData ld = lights_data[i]; /* Only shadowed light can produce translucency */ if (ld.l_shadowid < 0.0) { continue; } vec4 l_vector; /* Non-Normalized Light Vector with length in last component. */ = ld.l_position - W; l_vector.w = length(; float att = light_attenuation(ld, l_vector); if (att < 1e-8) { continue; } accum += att * ld.l_color * light_translucent(ld, W, -N, l_vector, rand.xy, sss_scale); } FragColor = vec4(accum, 1.0); }