#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_geom_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(raytrace_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(ltc_lib.glsl) #ifndef MAX_CASCADE_NUM # define MAX_CASCADE_NUM 4 #endif /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Structure * \{ */ struct LightData { vec4 position_influence; /* w : InfluenceRadius (inversed and squared) */ vec4 color_influence_volume; /* w : InfluenceRadius but for Volume power */ vec4 spotdata_radius_shadow; /* x : spot size, y : spot blend, z : radius, w: shadow id */ vec4 rightvec_sizex; /* xyz: Normalized up vector, w: area size X or spot scale X */ vec4 upvec_sizey; /* xyz: Normalized right vector, w: area size Y or spot scale Y */ vec4 forwardvec_type; /* xyz: Normalized forward vector, w: Light Type */ vec4 diff_spec_volume; /* xyz: Diffuse/Spec/Volume power, w: radius for volumetric. */ }; /* convenience aliases */ #define l_color color_influence_volume.rgb #define l_diff diff_spec_volume.x #define l_spec diff_spec_volume.y #define l_volume diff_spec_volume.z #define l_volume_radius diff_spec_volume.w #define l_position position_influence.xyz #define l_influence position_influence.w #define l_influence_volume color_influence_volume.w #define l_sizex rightvec_sizex.w #define l_sizey upvec_sizey.w #define l_right rightvec_sizex.xyz #define l_up upvec_sizey.xyz #define l_forward forwardvec_type.xyz #define l_type forwardvec_type.w #define l_spot_size spotdata_radius_shadow.x #define l_spot_blend spotdata_radius_shadow.y #define l_radius spotdata_radius_shadow.z #define l_shadowid spotdata_radius_shadow.w struct ShadowData { vec4 near_far_bias_id; vec4 contact_shadow_data; }; struct ShadowCubeData { mat4 shadowmat; vec4 position; }; struct ShadowCascadeData { mat4 shadowmat[MAX_CASCADE_NUM]; vec4 split_start_distances; vec4 split_end_distances; vec4 shadow_vec_id; }; /* convenience aliases */ #define sh_near near_far_bias_id.x #define sh_far near_far_bias_id.y #define sh_bias near_far_bias_id.z #define sh_data_index near_far_bias_id.w #define sh_contact_dist contact_shadow_data.x #define sh_contact_offset contact_shadow_data.y #define sh_contact_spread contact_shadow_data.z #define sh_contact_thickness contact_shadow_data.w #define sh_shadow_vec shadow_vec_id.xyz #define sh_tex_index shadow_vec_id.w /** \} */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Resources * \{ */ layout(std140) uniform shadow_block { ShadowData shadows_data[MAX_SHADOW]; ShadowCubeData shadows_cube_data[MAX_SHADOW_CUBE]; ShadowCascadeData shadows_cascade_data[MAX_SHADOW_CASCADE]; }; layout(std140) uniform light_block { LightData lights_data[MAX_LIGHT]; }; uniform depth2DArrayShadow shadowCubeTexture; uniform depth2DArrayShadow shadowCascadeTexture; /** \} */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Shadow Functions * \{ */ /* type */ #define POINT 0.0 #define SUN 1.0 #define SPOT 2.0 #define AREA_RECT 4.0 /* Used to define the area light shape, doesn't directly correspond to a Blender light type. */ #define AREA_ELLIPSE 100.0 float cubeFaceIndexEEVEE(vec3 P) { vec3 aP = abs(P); if (all(greaterThan(aP.xx, aP.yz))) { return (P.x > 0.0) ? 0.0 : 1.0; } else if (all(greaterThan(aP.yy, aP.xz))) { return (P.y > 0.0) ? 2.0 : 3.0; } else { return (P.z > 0.0) ? 4.0 : 5.0; } } vec2 cubeFaceCoordEEVEE(vec3 P, float face, float scale) { if (face < 2.0) { return (P.zy / P.x) * scale * vec2(-0.5, -sign(P.x) * 0.5) + 0.5; } else if (face < 4.0) { return (P.xz / P.y) * scale * vec2(sign(P.y) * 0.5, 0.5) + 0.5; } else { return (P.xy / P.z) * scale * vec2(0.5, -sign(P.z) * 0.5) + 0.5; } } vec2 cubeFaceCoordEEVEE(vec3 P, float face, sampler2DArray tex) { /* Scaling to compensate the 1px border around the face. */ float cube_res = float(textureSize(tex, 0).x); float scale = (cube_res) / (cube_res + 1.0); return cubeFaceCoordEEVEE(P, face, scale); } vec2 cubeFaceCoordEEVEE(vec3 P, float face, sampler2DArrayShadow tex) { /* Scaling to compensate the 1px border around the face. */ float cube_res = float(textureSize(tex, 0).x); float scale = (cube_res) / (cube_res + 1.0); return cubeFaceCoordEEVEE(P, face, scale); } vec4 sample_cube(sampler2DArray tex, vec3 cubevec, float cube) { /* Manual Shadow Cube Layer indexing. */ float face = cubeFaceIndexEEVEE(cubevec); vec2 uv = cubeFaceCoordEEVEE(cubevec, face, tex); vec3 coord = vec3(uv, cube * 6.0 + face); return texture(tex, coord); } vec4 sample_cascade(sampler2DArray tex, vec2 co, float cascade_id) { return texture(tex, vec3(co, cascade_id)); } /* Some driver poorly optimize this code. Use direct reference to matrices. */ #define sd(x) shadows_data[x] #define scube(x) shadows_cube_data[x] #define scascade(x) shadows_cascade_data[x] float sample_cube_shadow(int shadow_id, vec3 P) { int data_id = int(sd(shadow_id).sh_data_index); vec3 cubevec = transform_point(scube(data_id).shadowmat, P); float dist = max(sd(shadow_id).sh_near, max_v3(abs(cubevec)) - sd(shadow_id).sh_bias); dist = buffer_depth(true, dist, sd(shadow_id).sh_far, sd(shadow_id).sh_near); /* Manual Shadow Cube Layer indexing. */ /* TODO: Shadow Cube Array. */ float face = cubeFaceIndexEEVEE(cubevec); vec2 coord = cubeFaceCoordEEVEE(cubevec, face, shadowCubeTexture); /* tex_id == data_id for cube shadowmap */ float tex_id = float(data_id); return texture(shadowCubeTexture, vec4(coord, tex_id * 6.0 + face, dist)); } float sample_cascade_shadow(int shadow_id, vec3 P) { int data_id = int(sd(shadow_id).sh_data_index); float tex_id = scascade(data_id).sh_tex_index; vec4 view_z = vec4(dot(P - cameraPos, cameraForward)); vec4 weights = 1.0 - smoothstep(scascade(data_id).split_end_distances, scascade(data_id).split_start_distances.yzwx, view_z); float tot_weight = dot(weights.xyz, vec3(1.0)); int cascade = int(clamp(tot_weight, 0.0, 3.0)); float blend = fract(tot_weight); float vis = weights.w; vec4 coord, shpos; /* Main cascade. */ shpos = scascade(data_id).shadowmat[cascade] * vec4(P, 1.0); coord = vec4(shpos.xy, tex_id + float(cascade), shpos.z - sd(shadow_id).sh_bias); vis += texture(shadowCascadeTexture, coord) * (1.0 - blend); cascade = min(3, cascade + 1); /* Second cascade. */ shpos = scascade(data_id).shadowmat[cascade] * vec4(P, 1.0); coord = vec4(shpos.xy, tex_id + float(cascade), shpos.z - sd(shadow_id).sh_bias); vis += texture(shadowCascadeTexture, coord) * blend; return saturate(vis); } #undef sd #undef scube #undef scsmd /** \} */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Light Functions * \{ */ /* From Frostbite PBR Course * Distance based attenuation * http://www.frostbite.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/course_notes_moving_frostbite_to_pbr.pdf */ float distance_attenuation(float dist_sqr, float inv_sqr_influence) { float factor = dist_sqr * inv_sqr_influence; float fac = saturate(1.0 - factor * factor); return fac * fac; } float spot_attenuation(LightData ld, vec3 l_vector) { float z = dot(ld.l_forward, l_vector.xyz); vec3 lL = l_vector.xyz / z; float x = dot(ld.l_right, lL) / ld.l_sizex; float y = dot(ld.l_up, lL) / ld.l_sizey; float ellipse = inversesqrt(1.0 + x * x + y * y); float spotmask = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, (ellipse - ld.l_spot_size) / ld.l_spot_blend); return spotmask; } float light_attenuation(LightData ld, vec4 l_vector) { float vis = 1.0; if (ld.l_type == SPOT) { vis *= spot_attenuation(ld, l_vector.xyz); } if (ld.l_type >= SPOT) { vis *= step(0.0, -dot(l_vector.xyz, ld.l_forward)); } if (ld.l_type != SUN) { #ifdef VOLUME_LIGHTING vis *= distance_attenuation(l_vector.w * l_vector.w, ld.l_influence_volume); #else vis *= distance_attenuation(l_vector.w * l_vector.w, ld.l_influence); #endif } return vis; } float light_shadowing(LightData ld, vec3 P, float vis) { #if !defined(VOLUMETRICS) || defined(VOLUME_SHADOW) if (ld.l_shadowid >= 0.0 && vis > 0.001) { if (ld.l_type == SUN) { vis *= sample_cascade_shadow(int(ld.l_shadowid), P); } else { vis *= sample_cube_shadow(int(ld.l_shadowid), P); } } #endif return vis; } #ifndef VOLUMETRICS float light_contact_shadows(LightData ld, vec3 P, vec3 vP, vec3 vNg, float rand_x, float vis) { if (ld.l_shadowid >= 0.0 && vis > 0.001) { ShadowData sd = shadows_data[int(ld.l_shadowid)]; /* Only compute if not already in shadow. */ if (sd.sh_contact_dist > 0.0) { /* Contact Shadows. */ Ray ray; if (ld.l_type == SUN) { ray.direction = shadows_cascade_data[int(sd.sh_data_index)].sh_shadow_vec * sd.sh_contact_dist; } else { ray.direction = shadows_cube_data[int(sd.sh_data_index)].position.xyz - P; ray.direction *= saturate(sd.sh_contact_dist * safe_rcp(length(ray.direction))); } ray.direction = transform_direction(ViewMatrix, ray.direction); ray.origin = vP + vNg * sd.sh_contact_offset; RayTraceParameters params; params.thickness = sd.sh_contact_thickness; params.jitter = rand_x; params.trace_quality = 0.1; params.roughness = 0.001; vec3 hit_position_unused; if (raytrace(ray, params, false, false, hit_position_unused)) { return 0.0; } } } return 1.0; } #endif /* VOLUMETRICS */ float light_visibility(LightData ld, vec3 P, vec4 l_vector) { float l_atten = light_attenuation(ld, l_vector); return light_shadowing(ld, P, l_atten); } float light_diffuse(LightData ld, vec3 N, vec3 V, vec4 l_vector) { if (ld.l_type == AREA_RECT) { vec3 corners[4]; corners[0] = normalize((l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * -ld.l_sizex) + ld.l_up * ld.l_sizey); corners[1] = normalize((l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * -ld.l_sizex) + ld.l_up * -ld.l_sizey); corners[2] = normalize((l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * ld.l_sizex) + ld.l_up * -ld.l_sizey); corners[3] = normalize((l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * ld.l_sizex) + ld.l_up * ld.l_sizey); return ltc_evaluate_quad(corners, N); } else if (ld.l_type == AREA_ELLIPSE) { vec3 points[3]; points[0] = (l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * -ld.l_sizex) + ld.l_up * -ld.l_sizey; points[1] = (l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * ld.l_sizex) + ld.l_up * -ld.l_sizey; points[2] = (l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * ld.l_sizex) + ld.l_up * ld.l_sizey; return ltc_evaluate_disk(N, V, mat3(1.0), points); } else { float radius = ld.l_radius; radius /= (ld.l_type == SUN) ? 1.0 : l_vector.w; vec3 L = (ld.l_type == SUN) ? -ld.l_forward : (l_vector.xyz / l_vector.w); return ltc_evaluate_disk_simple(radius, dot(N, L)); } } float light_specular(LightData ld, vec4 ltc_mat, vec3 N, vec3 V, vec4 l_vector) { if (ld.l_type == AREA_RECT) { vec3 corners[4]; corners[0] = (l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * -ld.l_sizex) + ld.l_up * ld.l_sizey; corners[1] = (l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * -ld.l_sizex) + ld.l_up * -ld.l_sizey; corners[2] = (l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * ld.l_sizex) + ld.l_up * -ld.l_sizey; corners[3] = (l_vector.xyz + ld.l_right * ld.l_sizex) + ld.l_up * ld.l_sizey; ltc_transform_quad(N, V, ltc_matrix(ltc_mat), corners); return ltc_evaluate_quad(corners, vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); } else { bool is_ellipse = (ld.l_type == AREA_ELLIPSE); float radius_x = is_ellipse ? ld.l_sizex : ld.l_radius; float radius_y = is_ellipse ? ld.l_sizey : ld.l_radius; vec3 L = (ld.l_type == SUN) ? -ld.l_forward : l_vector.xyz; vec3 Px = ld.l_right; vec3 Py = ld.l_up; if (ld.l_type == SPOT || ld.l_type == POINT) { make_orthonormal_basis(l_vector.xyz / l_vector.w, Px, Py); } vec3 points[3]; points[0] = (L + Px * -radius_x) + Py * -radius_y; points[1] = (L + Px * radius_x) + Py * -radius_y; points[2] = (L + Px * radius_x) + Py * radius_y; return ltc_evaluate_disk(N, V, ltc_matrix(ltc_mat), points); } } /** \} */