#ifndef LIT_SURFACE_UNIFORM #define LIT_SURFACE_UNIFORM uniform float refractionDepth; #ifndef UTIL_TEX #define UTIL_TEX uniform sampler2DArray utilTex; #define texelfetch_noise_tex(coord) texelFetch(utilTex, ivec3(ivec2(coord) % LUT_SIZE, 2.0), 0) #endif /* UTIL_TEX */ in vec3 worldPosition; in vec3 viewPosition; #ifdef USE_FLAT_NORMAL flat in vec3 worldNormal; flat in vec3 viewNormal; #else in vec3 worldNormal; in vec3 viewNormal; #endif #endif /* LIT_SURFACE_UNIFORM */ /** AUTO CONFIG * We include the file multiple times each time with a different configuration. * This leads to a lot of deadcode. Better idea would be to only generate the one needed. */ #if !defined(SURFACE_DEFAULT) #define SURFACE_DEFAULT #define CLOSURE_NAME eevee_closure_default #define CLOSURE_DIFFUSE #define CLOSURE_GLOSSY #endif /* SURFACE_DEFAULT */ #if !defined(SURFACE_PRINCIPLED) && !defined(CLOSURE_NAME) #define SURFACE_PRINCIPLED #define CLOSURE_NAME eevee_closure_principled #define CLOSURE_DIFFUSE #define CLOSURE_GLOSSY #define CLOSURE_CLEARCOAT #define CLOSURE_REFRACTION #define CLOSURE_SUBSURFACE #endif /* SURFACE_PRINCIPLED */ #if !defined(SURFACE_DIFFUSE) && !defined(CLOSURE_NAME) #define SURFACE_DIFFUSE #define CLOSURE_NAME eevee_closure_diffuse #define CLOSURE_DIFFUSE #endif /* SURFACE_DIFFUSE */ #if !defined(SURFACE_SUBSURFACE) && !defined(CLOSURE_NAME) #define SURFACE_SUBSURFACE #define CLOSURE_NAME eevee_closure_subsurface #define CLOSURE_DIFFUSE #define CLOSURE_SUBSURFACE #endif /* SURFACE_SUBSURFACE */ #if !defined(SURFACE_GLOSSY) && !defined(CLOSURE_NAME) #define SURFACE_GLOSSY #define CLOSURE_NAME eevee_closure_glossy #define CLOSURE_GLOSSY #endif /* SURFACE_GLOSSY */ #if !defined(SURFACE_REFRACT) && !defined(CLOSURE_NAME) #define SURFACE_REFRACT #define CLOSURE_NAME eevee_closure_refraction #define CLOSURE_REFRACTION #endif /* SURFACE_REFRACT */ #if !defined(SURFACE_GLASS) && !defined(CLOSURE_NAME) #define SURFACE_GLASS #define CLOSURE_NAME eevee_closure_glass #define CLOSURE_GLOSSY #define CLOSURE_REFRACTION #endif /* SURFACE_GLASS */ /* Safety : CLOSURE_CLEARCOAT implies CLOSURE_GLOSSY */ #ifdef CLOSURE_CLEARCOAT #ifndef CLOSURE_GLOSSY #define CLOSURE_GLOSSY #endif #endif /* CLOSURE_CLEARCOAT */ void CLOSURE_NAME( vec3 N #ifdef CLOSURE_DIFFUSE , vec3 albedo #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_GLOSSY , vec3 f0, int ssr_id #endif #if defined(CLOSURE_GLOSSY) || defined(CLOSURE_REFRACTION) , float roughness #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_CLEARCOAT , vec3 C_N, float C_intensity, float C_roughness #endif #if defined(CLOSURE_GLOSSY) || defined(CLOSURE_DIFFUSE) , float ao #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_SUBSURFACE , float sss_scale #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_REFRACTION , float ior #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_DIFFUSE , out vec3 out_diff #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_SUBSURFACE , out vec3 out_trans #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_GLOSSY , out vec3 out_spec #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_REFRACTION , out vec3 out_refr #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_GLOSSY , out vec3 ssr_spec #endif ) { #ifdef CLOSURE_DIFFUSE out_diff = vec3(0.0); #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_SUBSURFACE out_trans = vec3(0.0); #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_GLOSSY out_spec = vec3(0.0); #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_REFRACTION out_refr = vec3(0.0); #endif /* Zero length vectors cause issues, see: T51979. */ float len = length(N); if (isnan(len)) { return; } N /= len; #ifdef CLOSURE_CLEARCOAT len = length(C_N); if (isnan(len)) { return; } C_N /= len; #endif #if defined(CLOSURE_GLOSSY) || defined(CLOSURE_REFRACTION) roughness = clamp(roughness, 1e-8, 0.9999); float roughnessSquared = roughness * roughness; #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_CLEARCOAT C_roughness = clamp(C_roughness, 1e-8, 0.9999); float C_roughnessSquared = C_roughness * C_roughness; #endif vec3 V = cameraVec; vec4 rand = texelFetch(utilTex, ivec3(ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy) % LUT_SIZE, 2.0), 0); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------- SCENE LAMPS LIGHTING ---------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef HAIR_SHADER vec3 norm_view = cross(V, N); norm_view = normalize(cross(norm_view, N)); /* Normal facing view */ #endif for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHT && i < laNumLight; ++i) { LightData ld = lights_data[i]; vec4 l_vector; /* Non-Normalized Light Vector with length in last component. */ l_vector.xyz = ld.l_position - worldPosition; l_vector.w = length(l_vector.xyz); vec3 l_color_vis = ld.l_color * light_visibility(ld, worldPosition, viewPosition, viewNormal, l_vector); #ifdef HAIR_SHADER vec3 norm_lamp, view_vec; float occlu_trans, occlu; light_hair_common(ld, N, V, l_vector, norm_view, occlu_trans, occlu, norm_lamp, view_vec); #ifdef CLOSURE_DIFFUSE out_diff += l_color_vis * light_diffuse(ld, -norm_lamp, V, l_vector) * occlu_trans; #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_SUBSURFACE out_trans += ld.l_color * light_translucent(ld, worldPosition, -norm_lamp, l_vector, sss_scale) * occlu_trans; #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_GLOSSY out_spec += l_color_vis * light_specular(ld, N, view_vec, l_vector, roughnessSquared, f0) * occlu; #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_CLEARCOAT out_spec += l_color_vis * light_specular(ld, C_N, view_vec, l_vector, C_roughnessSquared, f0) * C_intensity * occlu; #endif #else /* HAIR_SHADER */ #ifdef CLOSURE_DIFFUSE out_diff += l_color_vis * light_diffuse(ld, N, V, l_vector); #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_SUBSURFACE out_trans += ld.l_color * light_translucent(ld, worldPosition, -N, l_vector, sss_scale); #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_GLOSSY out_spec += l_color_vis * light_specular(ld, N, V, l_vector, roughnessSquared, f0); #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_CLEARCOAT out_spec += l_color_vis * light_specular(ld, C_N, V, l_vector, C_roughnessSquared, f0) * C_intensity; #endif #endif /* HAIR_SHADER */ } #ifdef HAIR_SHADER N = -norm_view; #endif /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------- SPECULAR ENVIRONMENT LIGHTING ----------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Accumulate incomming light from all sources until accumulator is full. Then apply Occlusion and BRDF. */ #ifdef CLOSURE_GLOSSY vec4 spec_accum = vec4(0.0); #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_CLEARCOAT vec4 C_spec_accum = vec4(0.0); #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_REFRACTION vec4 refr_accum = vec4(0.0); #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_GLOSSY /* ---------------------------- */ /* Planar Reflections */ /* ---------------------------- */ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLANAR && i < prbNumPlanar && spec_accum.a < 0.999; ++i) { PlanarData pd = planars_data[i]; /* Fade on geometric normal. */ float fade = probe_attenuation_planar(pd, worldPosition, worldNormal, roughness); if (fade > 0.0) { if (!(ssrToggle && ssr_id == outputSsrId)) { vec3 spec = probe_evaluate_planar(float(i), pd, worldPosition, N, V, roughness, fade); accumulate_light(spec, fade, spec_accum); } #ifdef CLOSURE_CLEARCOAT vec3 C_spec = probe_evaluate_planar(float(i), pd, worldPosition, C_N, V, C_roughness, fade); accumulate_light(C_spec, fade, C_spec_accum); #endif } } #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_GLOSSY vec3 spec_dir = get_specular_reflection_dominant_dir(N, V, roughnessSquared); #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_CLEARCOAT vec3 C_spec_dir = get_specular_reflection_dominant_dir(C_N, V, C_roughnessSquared); #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_REFRACTION /* Refract the view vector using the depth heuristic. * Then later Refract a second time the already refracted * ray using the inverse ior. */ float final_ior = (refractionDepth > 0.0) ? 1.0 / ior : ior; vec3 refr_V = (refractionDepth > 0.0) ? -refract(-V, N, final_ior) : V; vec3 refr_pos = (refractionDepth > 0.0) ? line_plane_intersect(worldPosition, refr_V, worldPosition - N * refractionDepth, N) : worldPosition; vec3 refr_dir = get_specular_refraction_dominant_dir(N, refr_V, roughness, final_ior); #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_REFRACTION /* ---------------------------- */ /* Screen Space Refraction */ /* ---------------------------- */ #ifdef USE_REFRACTION if (ssrToggle && roughness < ssrMaxRoughness + 0.2) { /* Find approximated position of the 2nd refraction event. */ vec3 refr_vpos = (refractionDepth > 0.0) ? transform_point(ViewMatrix, refr_pos) : viewPosition; vec4 trans = screen_space_refraction(refr_vpos, N, refr_V, final_ior, roughnessSquared, rand); trans.a *= smoothstep(ssrMaxRoughness + 0.2, ssrMaxRoughness, roughness); accumulate_light(trans.rgb, trans.a, refr_accum); } #endif #endif /* ---------------------------- */ /* Specular probes */ /* ---------------------------- */ #if defined(CLOSURE_GLOSSY) || defined(CLOSURE_REFRACTION) #ifdef CLOSURE_REFRACTION #define ACCUM refr_accum #else #define ACCUM spec_accum #endif /* Starts at 1 because 0 is world probe */ for (int i = 1; ACCUM.a < 0.999 && i < prbNumRenderCube && i < MAX_PROBE; ++i) { CubeData cd = probes_data[i]; float fade = probe_attenuation_cube(cd, worldPosition); if (fade > 0.0) { #ifdef CLOSURE_GLOSSY if (!(ssrToggle && ssr_id == outputSsrId)) { vec3 spec = probe_evaluate_cube(float(i), cd, worldPosition, spec_dir, roughness); accumulate_light(spec, fade, spec_accum); } #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_CLEARCOAT vec3 C_spec = probe_evaluate_cube(float(i), cd, worldPosition, C_spec_dir, C_roughness); accumulate_light(C_spec, fade, C_spec_accum); #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_REFRACTION vec3 trans = probe_evaluate_cube(float(i), cd, refr_pos, refr_dir, roughnessSquared); accumulate_light(trans, fade, refr_accum); #endif } } #undef ACCUM /* ---------------------------- */ /* World Probe */ /* ---------------------------- */ #ifdef CLOSURE_GLOSSY if (spec_accum.a < 0.999) { if (!(ssrToggle && ssr_id == outputSsrId)) { vec3 spec = probe_evaluate_world_spec(spec_dir, roughness); accumulate_light(spec, 1.0, spec_accum); } #ifdef CLOSURE_CLEARCOAT vec3 C_spec = probe_evaluate_world_spec(C_spec_dir, C_roughness); accumulate_light(C_spec, 1.0, C_spec_accum); #endif } #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_REFRACTION if (refr_accum.a < 0.999) { vec3 trans = probe_evaluate_world_spec(refr_dir, roughnessSquared); accumulate_light(trans, 1.0, refr_accum); } #endif #endif /* Specular probes */ /* ---------------------------- */ /* Ambient Occlusion */ /* ---------------------------- */ #if defined(CLOSURE_GLOSSY) || defined(CLOSURE_DIFFUSE) vec3 bent_normal; float final_ao = occlusion_compute(N, viewPosition, ao, rand, bent_normal); #endif /* ---------------------------- */ /* Specular Output */ /* ---------------------------- */ float NV = dot(N, V); #ifdef CLOSURE_GLOSSY vec2 uv = lut_coords(NV, roughness); vec2 brdf_lut = texture(utilTex, vec3(uv, 1.0)).rg; /* This factor is outputed to be used by SSR in order * to match the intensity of the regular reflections. */ ssr_spec = F_ibl(f0, brdf_lut); float spec_occlu = specular_occlusion(NV, final_ao, roughness); /* The SSR pass recompute the occlusion to not apply it to the SSR */ if (ssrToggle && ssr_id == outputSsrId) { spec_occlu = 1.0; } out_spec += spec_accum.rgb * ssr_spec * spec_occlu * float(specToggle); #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_REFRACTION float btdf = get_btdf_lut(utilTex, NV, roughness, ior); out_refr += refr_accum.rgb * btdf; #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_CLEARCOAT NV = dot(C_N, V); vec2 C_uv = lut_coords(NV, C_roughness); vec2 C_brdf_lut = texture(utilTex, vec3(C_uv, 1.0)).rg; vec3 C_fresnel = F_ibl(vec3(0.04), brdf_lut) * specular_occlusion(NV, final_ao, C_roughness); out_spec += C_spec_accum.rgb * C_fresnel * float(specToggle) * C_intensity; #endif /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------- DIFFUSE ENVIRONMENT LIGHTING ------------------ */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Accumulate light from all sources until accumulator is full. Then apply Occlusion and BRDF. */ #ifdef CLOSURE_DIFFUSE vec4 diff_accum = vec4(0.0); /* ---------------------------- */ /* Irradiance Grids */ /* ---------------------------- */ /* Start at 1 because 0 is world irradiance */ for (int i = 1; i < MAX_GRID && i < prbNumRenderGrid && diff_accum.a < 0.999; ++i) { GridData gd = grids_data[i]; vec3 localpos; float fade = probe_attenuation_grid(gd, worldPosition, localpos); if (fade > 0.0) { vec3 diff = probe_evaluate_grid(gd, worldPosition, bent_normal, localpos); accumulate_light(diff, fade, diff_accum); } } /* ---------------------------- */ /* World Diffuse */ /* ---------------------------- */ if (diff_accum.a < 0.999 && prbNumRenderGrid > 0) { vec3 diff = probe_evaluate_world_diff(bent_normal); accumulate_light(diff, 1.0, diff_accum); } out_diff += diff_accum.rgb * gtao_multibounce(final_ao, albedo); #endif } /* Cleanup for next configuration */ #undef CLOSURE_NAME #ifdef CLOSURE_DIFFUSE #undef CLOSURE_DIFFUSE #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_GLOSSY #undef CLOSURE_GLOSSY #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_CLEARCOAT #undef CLOSURE_CLEARCOAT #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_REFRACTION #undef CLOSURE_REFRACTION #endif #ifdef CLOSURE_SUBSURFACE #undef CLOSURE_SUBSURFACE #endif