uniform mat4 currModelMatrix; uniform mat4 prevModelMatrix; uniform mat4 nextModelMatrix; uniform bool useDeform; #ifdef HAIR uniform samplerBuffer prvBuffer; /* RGBA32F */ uniform samplerBuffer nxtBuffer; /* RGBA32F */ #else in vec3 pos; in vec3 prv; /* Previous frame position. */ in vec3 nxt; /* Next frame position. */ #endif out vec3 currWorldPos; out vec3 prevWorldPos; out vec3 nextWorldPos; void main() { #ifdef HAIR bool is_persp = (ProjectionMatrix[3][3] == 0.0); float time, thick_time, thickness; vec3 tan, binor; vec3 wpos; hair_get_pos_tan_binor_time(is_persp, ModelMatrixInverse, ViewMatrixInverse[3].xyz, ViewMatrixInverse[2].xyz, wpos, tan, binor, time, thickness, thick_time); int id = hair_get_base_id(); vec3 pos = texelFetch(hairPointBuffer, id).point_position; vec3 prv = texelFetch(prvBuffer, id).point_position; vec3 nxt = texelFetch(nxtBuffer, id).point_position; #endif prevWorldPos = (prevModelMatrix * vec4(useDeform ? prv : pos, 1.0)).xyz; currWorldPos = (currModelMatrix * vec4(pos, 1.0)).xyz; nextWorldPos = (nextModelMatrix * vec4(useDeform ? nxt : pos, 1.0)).xyz; /* Use jittered projmatrix to be able to match exact sample depth (depth equal test). * Note that currModelMatrix needs to also be equal to ModelMatrix for the samples to match. */ #ifndef HAIR gl_Position = ViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(currWorldPos, 1.0); #else gl_Position = ViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(wpos, 1.0); #endif }