#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_view_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_uniforms_lib.glsl) /** * Screen-Space Raytracing functions. */ uniform sampler2D maxzBuffer; uniform sampler2DArray planarDepth; struct Ray { vec3 origin; /* Ray direction premultiplied by its maximum length. */ vec3 direction; }; /* Inputs expected to be in viewspace. */ void raytrace_clip_ray_to_near_plane(inout Ray ray) { float near_dist = get_view_z_from_depth(0.0); if ((ray.origin.z + ray.direction.z) > near_dist) { ray.direction *= abs((near_dist - ray.origin.z) / ray.direction.z); } } /* Screenspace ray ([0..1] "uv" range) where direction is normalize to be as small as one * full-resolution pixel. The ray is also clipped to all frustum sides. */ struct ScreenSpaceRay { vec4 origin; vec4 direction; float max_time; }; void raytrace_screenspace_ray_finalize(inout ScreenSpaceRay ray) { /* Constant bias (due to depth buffer precision). Helps with self intersection. */ /* Magic numbers for 24bits of precision. * From http://terathon.com/gdc07_lengyel.pdf (slide 26) */ const float bias = -2.4e-7 * 2.0; ray.origin.zw += bias; ray.direction.zw += bias; ray.direction -= ray.origin; /* If the line is degenerate, make it cover at least one pixel * to not have to handle zero-pixel extent as a special case later */ if (len_squared(ray.direction.xy) < 0.00001) { ray.direction.xy = vec2(0.0, 0.00001); } float ray_len_sqr = len_squared(ray.direction.xyz); /* Make ray.direction cover one pixel. */ bool is_more_vertical = abs(ray.direction.x) < abs(ray.direction.y); ray.direction /= (is_more_vertical) ? abs(ray.direction.y) : abs(ray.direction.x); ray.direction *= (is_more_vertical) ? ssrPixelSize.y : ssrPixelSize.x; /* Clip to segment's end. */ ray.max_time = sqrt(ray_len_sqr * safe_rcp(len_squared(ray.direction.xyz))); /* Clipping to frustum sides. */ float clip_dist = line_unit_box_intersect_dist_safe(ray.origin.xyz, ray.direction.xyz); ray.max_time = min(ray.max_time, clip_dist); /* Convert to texture coords [0..1] range. */ ray.origin = ray.origin * 0.5 + 0.5; ray.direction *= 0.5; } ScreenSpaceRay raytrace_screenspace_ray_create(Ray ray) { ScreenSpaceRay ssray; ssray.origin.xyz = project_point(ProjectionMatrix, ray.origin); ssray.direction.xyz = project_point(ProjectionMatrix, ray.origin + ray.direction); raytrace_screenspace_ray_finalize(ssray); return ssray; } ScreenSpaceRay raytrace_screenspace_ray_create(Ray ray, float thickness) { ScreenSpaceRay ssray; ssray.origin.xyz = project_point(ProjectionMatrix, ray.origin); ssray.direction.xyz = project_point(ProjectionMatrix, ray.origin + ray.direction); /* Interpolate thickness in screen space. * Calculate thickness further away to avoid near plane clipping issues. */ ssray.origin.w = get_depth_from_view_z(ray.origin.z - thickness) * 2.0 - 1.0; ssray.direction.w = get_depth_from_view_z(ray.origin.z + ray.direction.z - thickness) * 2.0 - 1.0; raytrace_screenspace_ray_finalize(ssray); return ssray; } struct RayTraceParameters { /** ViewSpace thickness the objects. */ float thickness; /** Jitter along the ray to avoid banding artifact when steps are too large. */ float jitter; /** Determine how fast the sample steps are getting bigger. */ float trace_quality; /** Determine how we can use lower depth mipmaps to make the tracing faster. */ float roughness; }; /* Returns true on hit. */ /* TODO fclem remove the backface check and do it the SSR resolve code. */ bool raytrace(Ray ray, RayTraceParameters params, const bool discard_backface, const bool allow_self_intersection, out vec3 hit_position) { /* Clip to near plane for perspective view where there is a singularity at the camera origin. */ if (ProjectionMatrix[3][3] == 0.0) { raytrace_clip_ray_to_near_plane(ray); } ScreenSpaceRay ssray = raytrace_screenspace_ray_create(ray, params.thickness); /* Avoid no iteration. */ if (!allow_self_intersection && ssray.max_time < 1.1) { hit_position = ssray.origin.xyz + ssray.direction.xyz; return false; } ssray.max_time = max(1.1, ssray.max_time); float prev_delta = 0.0, prev_time = 0.0; float depth_sample = get_depth_from_view_z(ray.origin.z); float delta = depth_sample - ssray.origin.z; float lod_fac = saturate(fast_sqrt(params.roughness) * 2.0 - 0.4); /* Cross at least one pixel. */ float t = 1.001, time = 1.001; bool hit = false; const float max_steps = 255.0; for (float iter = 1.0; !hit && (time < ssray.max_time) && (iter < max_steps); iter++) { float stride = 1.0 + iter * params.trace_quality; float lod = log2(stride) * lod_fac; prev_time = time; prev_delta = delta; time = min(t + stride * params.jitter, ssray.max_time); t += stride; vec4 ss_p = ssray.origin + ssray.direction * time; depth_sample = textureLod(maxzBuffer, ss_p.xy * hizUvScale.xy, floor(lod)).r; delta = depth_sample - ss_p.z; /* Check if the ray is below the surface ... */ hit = (delta < 0.0); /* ... and above it with the added thickness. */ hit = hit && (delta > ss_p.z - ss_p.w || abs(delta) < abs(ssray.direction.z * stride * 2.0)); } /* Discard backface hits. */ hit = hit && !(discard_backface && prev_delta < 0.0); /* Reject hit if background. */ hit = hit && (depth_sample != 1.0); /* Refine hit using intersection between the sampled heightfield and the ray. * This simplifies nicely to this single line. */ time = mix(prev_time, time, saturate(prev_delta / (prev_delta - delta))); hit_position = ssray.origin.xyz + ssray.direction.xyz * time; return hit; } bool raytrace_planar(Ray ray, RayTraceParameters params, int planar_ref_id, out vec3 hit_position) { /* Clip to near plane for perspective view where there is a singularity at the camera origin. */ if (ProjectionMatrix[3][3] == 0.0) { raytrace_clip_ray_to_near_plane(ray); } ScreenSpaceRay ssray = raytrace_screenspace_ray_create(ray); /* Planar Reflections have X mirrored. */ ssray.origin.x = 1.0 - ssray.origin.x; ssray.direction.x = -ssray.direction.x; float prev_delta = 0.0, prev_time = 0.0; float depth_sample = texture(planarDepth, vec3(ssray.origin.xy, planar_ref_id)).r; float delta = depth_sample - ssray.origin.z; float t = 0.0, time = 0.0; /* On very sharp reflections, the ray can be perfectly aligned with the view direction * making the tracing useless. Bypass tracing in this case. */ bool hit = false; const float max_steps = 255.0; for (float iter = 1.0; !hit && (time < ssray.max_time) && (iter < max_steps); iter++) { float stride = 1.0 + iter * params.trace_quality; prev_time = time; prev_delta = delta; time = min(t + stride * params.jitter, ssray.max_time); t += stride; vec4 ss_ray = ssray.origin + ssray.direction * time; depth_sample = texture(planarDepth, vec3(ss_ray.xy, planar_ref_id)).r; delta = depth_sample - ss_ray.z; /* Check if the ray is below the surface. */ hit = (delta < 0.0); } /* Reject hit if background. */ hit = hit && (depth_sample != 1.0); /* Refine hit using intersection between the sampled heightfield and the ray. * This simplifies nicely to this single line. */ time = mix(prev_time, time, saturate(prev_delta / (prev_delta - delta))); hit_position = ssray.origin.xyz + ssray.direction.xyz * time; /* Planar Reflections have X mirrored. */ hit_position.x = 1.0 - hit_position.x; return hit; } float screen_border_mask(vec2 hit_co) { const float margin = 0.003; float atten = ssrBorderFac + margin; /* Screen percentage */ hit_co = smoothstep(0.0, atten, hit_co) * (1.0 - smoothstep(1.0 - atten, 1.0, hit_co)); float screenfade = hit_co.x * hit_co.y; return screenfade; }