#define PASS_POST_UNDEFINED 0 #define PASS_POST_ACCUMULATED_COLOR 1 #define PASS_POST_ACCUMULATED_LIGHT 2 #define PASS_POST_ACCUMULATED_VALUE 3 #define PASS_POST_DEPTH 4 #define PASS_POST_AO 5 #define PASS_POST_NORMAL 6 #define PASS_POST_TWO_LIGHT_BUFFERS 7 uniform int postProcessType; uniform int currentSample; uniform sampler2D inputBuffer; uniform sampler2D inputSecondLightBuffer; uniform sampler2D inputColorBuffer; out vec4 fragColor; vec3 safe_divide_even_color(vec3 a, vec3 b) { vec3 result = vec3((b.r != 0.0) ? a.r / b.r : 0.0, (b.g != 0.0) ? a.g / b.g : 0.0, (b.b != 0.0) ? a.b / b.b : 0.0); /* try to get gray even if b is zero */ if (b.r == 0.0) { if (b.g == 0.0) { result = result.bbb; } else if (b.b == 0.0) { result = result.ggg; } else { result.r = 0.5 * (result.g + result.b); } } else if (b.g == 0.0) { if (b.b == 0.0) { result = result.rrr; } else { result.g = 0.5 * (result.r + result.b); } } else if (b.b == 0.0) { result.b = 0.5 * (result.r + result.g); } return result; } void main() { vec3 color; ivec2 texel = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy); if (postProcessType == PASS_POST_DEPTH) { float depth = texelFetch(depthBuffer, texel, 0).r; if (depth == 1.0f) { depth = 1e10; } else { depth = -get_view_z_from_depth(depth); } color = vec3(depth); } else if (postProcessType == PASS_POST_AO) { float ao_accum = texelFetch(inputBuffer, texel, 0).r; color = vec3(min(1.0, ao_accum / currentSample)); } else if (postProcessType == PASS_POST_NORMAL) { float depth = texelFetch(depthBuffer, texel, 0).r; vec2 encoded_normal = texelFetch(inputBuffer, texel, 0).rg; /* decode the normals only when they are valid. otherwise the result buffer will be filled * with NaN's */ if (depth != 1.0 && any(notEqual(encoded_normal, vec2(0.0)))) { vec3 decoded_normal = normal_decode(texelFetch(inputBuffer, texel, 0).rg, vec3(0.0)); vec3 world_normal = mat3(ViewMatrixInverse) * decoded_normal; color = world_normal; } else { color = vec3(0.0); } } else if (postProcessType == PASS_POST_ACCUMULATED_VALUE) { float accumulated_value = texelFetch(inputBuffer, texel, 0).r; color = vec3(accumulated_value / currentSample); } else if (postProcessType == PASS_POST_ACCUMULATED_COLOR) { vec3 accumulated_color = texelFetch(inputBuffer, texel, 0).rgb; color = (accumulated_color / currentSample); } else if (postProcessType == PASS_POST_ACCUMULATED_LIGHT) { vec3 accumulated_light = texelFetch(inputBuffer, texel, 0).rgb; vec3 accumulated_color = texelFetch(inputColorBuffer, texel, 0).rgb; color = safe_divide_even_color(accumulated_light, accumulated_color); } else if (postProcessType == PASS_POST_TWO_LIGHT_BUFFERS) { vec3 accumulated_light = texelFetch(inputBuffer, texel, 0).rgb + texelFetch(inputSecondLightBuffer, texel, 0).rgb; vec3 accumulated_color = texelFetch(inputColorBuffer, texel, 0).rgb; color = safe_divide_even_color(accumulated_light, accumulated_color); } else { /* Output error color: Unknown how to post process this pass. */ color = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0); } fragColor = vec4(color, 1.0); }