layout(std140) uniform shadow_render_block { mat4 ShadowMatrix[6]; vec4 lampPosition; int layer; float exponent; }; uniform samplerCube shadowCube; out vec4 FragColor; vec3 octahedral_to_cubemap_proj(vec2 co) { co = co * 2.0 - 1.0; vec2 abs_co = abs(co); vec3 v = vec3(co, 1.0 - (abs_co.x + abs_co.y)); if ( abs_co.x + abs_co.y > 1.0 ) { v.xy = (abs(co.yx) - 1.0) * -sign(co.xy); } return v; } void make_orthonormal_basis(vec3 N, out vec3 T, out vec3 B) { vec3 UpVector = abs(N.z) < 0.99999 ? vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0) : vec3(1.0,0.0,0.0); T = normalize( cross(UpVector, N) ); B = cross(N, T); } #define NUM_SAMPLE 32 vec2 poisson_disc[32] = vec2[32]( vec2( 0.476, 0.854), vec2(-0.659, -0.670), vec2( 0.905, -0.270), vec2( 0.215, -0.133), vec2(-0.595, 0.242), vec2(-0.146, 0.519), vec2( 0.108, -0.930), vec2( 0.807, 0.449), vec2(-0.476, -0.854), vec2( 0.659, 0.670), vec2(-0.905, 0.270), vec2(-0.215, 0.133), vec2( 0.595, -0.242), vec2( 0.146, -0.519), vec2(-0.108, 0.930), vec2(-0.807, -0.449), vec2(-0.854, 0.476), vec2( 0.670, -0.659), vec2( 0.270, 0.905), vec2( 0.133, 0.215), vec2(-0.242, -0.595), vec2(-0.519, -0.146), vec2( 0.930, 0.108), vec2(-0.449, 0.807), vec2( 0.854, -0.476), vec2(-0.670, 0.659), vec2(-0.270, -0.905), vec2(-0.133, -0.215), vec2( 0.242, 0.595), vec2( 0.519, 0.146), vec2(-0.930, -0.108), vec2( 0.449, -0.807) ); /* Marco Salvi's GDC 2008 presentation about shadow maps pre-filtering techniques slide 24 */ float ln_space_prefilter(float w0, float x, float w1, float y) { return x + log(w0 + w1 * exp(y - x)); } void main() { const vec2 texelSize = vec2(1.0 / 512.0); vec2 uvs = gl_FragCoord.xy * texelSize; /* add a 2 pixel border to ensure filtering is correct */ uvs.xy *= 1.0 + texelSize * 2.0; uvs.xy -= texelSize; float pattern = 1.0; /* edge mirroring : only mirror if directly adjacent * (not diagonally adjacent) */ vec2 m = abs(uvs - 0.5) + 0.5; vec2 f = floor(m); if (f.x - f.y != 0.0) { uvs.xy = 1.0 - uvs.xy; } /* clamp to [0-1] */ uvs.xy = fract(uvs.xy); /* get cubemap vector */ vec3 cubevec = octahedral_to_cubemap_proj(uvs.xy); vec3 T, B; make_orthonormal_basis(cubevec, T, B); /* get cubemap shadow value */ const float blur_radius = 5.0 / 512.0; /* Totally arbitrary */ const float weight = 1.0 / float(NUM_SAMPLE); float accum = 0.0; /* Poisson disc blur in log space. */ vec2 offsetvec = poisson_disc[0].xy * blur_radius; float depth1 = texture(shadowCube, cubevec + offsetvec.x * T + offsetvec.y * B).r; offsetvec = poisson_disc[1].xy * blur_radius; float depth2 = texture(shadowCube, cubevec + offsetvec.x * T + offsetvec.y * B).r; accum = ln_space_prefilter(weight, depth1, weight, depth2); for (int i = 2; i < NUM_SAMPLE; ++i) { vec2 offsetvec = poisson_disc[i].xy * blur_radius; depth1 = texture(shadowCube, cubevec + offsetvec.x * T + offsetvec.y * B).r; accum = ln_space_prefilter(1.0, accum, weight, depth1); } FragColor = vec4(accum, accum, accum, 1.0); }