#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_view_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_hair_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(surface_lib.glsl) in vec3 pos; in vec3 nor; void main() { GPU_INTEL_VERTEX_SHADER_WORKAROUND #ifdef HAIR_SHADER hairStrandID = hair_get_strand_id(); hairBary = hair_get_barycentric(); vec3 pos, binor; hair_get_pos_tan_binor_time((ProjectionMatrix[3][3] == 0.0), ModelMatrixInverse, ViewMatrixInverse[3].xyz, ViewMatrixInverse[2].xyz, pos, hairTangent, binor, hairTime, hairThickness, hairThickTime); worldNormal = cross(hairTangent, binor); vec3 world_pos = pos; #elif defined(POINTCLOUD_SHADER) pointcloud_get_pos_and_radius(pointPosition, pointRadius); pointID = gl_VertexID; #else vec3 world_pos = point_object_to_world(pos); #endif gl_Position = point_world_to_ndc(world_pos); #ifdef MESH_SHADER worldPosition = world_pos; viewPosition = point_world_to_view(worldPosition); # ifndef HAIR_SHADER worldNormal = normalize(normal_object_to_world(nor)); # endif /* No need to normalize since this is just a rotation. */ viewNormal = normal_world_to_view(worldNormal); # ifdef USE_ATTR # ifdef HAIR_SHADER pos = hair_get_strand_pos(); # endif pass_attr(pos, NormalMatrix, ModelMatrixInverse); # endif #endif } #ifdef HAIR_SHADER # ifdef OBINFO_LIB vec3 attr_load_orco(samplerBuffer cd_buf) { vec3 P = hair_get_strand_pos(); vec3 lP = transform_point(ModelMatrixInverse, P); return OrcoTexCoFactors[0].xyz + lP * OrcoTexCoFactors[1].xyz; } # endif /* Per attribute scope follows loading order. */ int g_curves_attr_id = 0; /* Return the index to use for looking up the attribute value in the sampler * based on the attribute scope (point or spline). */ int curves_attribute_element_id() { int id = hairStrandID; if (drw_curves.is_point_attribute[g_curves_attr_id][0] != 0) { id = hair_get_base_id(); } g_curves_attr_id += 1; return id; } vec4 attr_load_tangent(samplerBuffer cd_buf) { /* Not supported. */ return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } vec4 attr_load_vec4(samplerBuffer cd_buf) { return texelFetch(cd_buf, curves_attribute_element_id()).rgba; } vec3 attr_load_vec3(samplerBuffer cd_buf) { return texelFetch(cd_buf, curves_attribute_element_id()).rgb; } vec2 attr_load_vec2(samplerBuffer cd_buf) { return texelFetch(cd_buf, curves_attribute_element_id()).rg; } float attr_load_float(samplerBuffer cd_buf) { return texelFetch(cd_buf, curves_attribute_element_id()).r; } #else # ifdef OBINFO_LIB vec3 attr_load_orco(samplerBuffer cd_buf) { vec3 P = hair_get_strand_pos(); vec3 lP = transform_point(ModelMatrixInverse, P); return OrcoTexCoFactors[0].xyz + lP * OrcoTexCoFactors[1].xyz; } # endif vec4 attr_load_tangent(vec4 tangent) { tangent.xyz = safe_normalize(normal_object_to_world(tangent.xyz)); return tangent; } /* Simple passthrough. */ vec4 attr_load_vec4(vec4 attr) { return attr; } vec3 attr_load_vec3(vec3 attr) { return attr; } vec2 attr_load_vec2(vec2 attr) { return attr; } vec2 attr_load_float(vec2 attr) { return attr; } #endif /* Passthrough. */ float attr_load_temperature_post(float attr) { return attr; } vec4 attr_load_color_post(vec4 attr) { return attr; } vec4 attr_load_uniform(vec4 attr, const uint attr_hash) { return attr; }