/* Based on Frosbite Unified Volumetric. * https://www.ea.com/frostbite/news/physically-based-unified-volumetric-rendering-in-frostbite */ /* Step 3 : Integrate for each froxel the final amount of light * scattered back to the viewer and the amount of transmittance. */ uniform sampler3D volumeScattering; /* Result of the scatter step */ uniform sampler3D volumeExtinction; #ifdef USE_VOLUME_OPTI uniform layout(binding = 0, r11f_g11f_b10f) writeonly restrict image3D finalScattering_img; uniform layout(binding = 1, r11f_g11f_b10f) writeonly restrict image3D finalTransmittance_img; vec3 finalScattering; vec3 finalTransmittance; #else flat in int slice; layout(location = 0) out vec3 finalScattering; layout(location = 1) out vec3 finalTransmittance; #endif void main() { /* Start with full transmittance and no scattered light. */ finalScattering = vec3(0.0); finalTransmittance = vec3(1.0); vec3 tex_size = vec3(textureSize(volumeScattering, 0).xyz); /* Compute view ray. */ vec2 uvs = gl_FragCoord.xy / tex_size.xy; vec3 ndc_cell = volume_to_ndc(vec3(uvs, 1e-5)); vec3 view_cell = get_view_space_from_depth(ndc_cell.xy, ndc_cell.z); /* Ortho */ float prev_ray_len = view_cell.z; float orig_ray_len = 1.0; /* Persp */ if (ProjectionMatrix[3][3] == 0.0) { prev_ray_len = length(view_cell); orig_ray_len = prev_ray_len / view_cell.z; } #ifdef USE_VOLUME_OPTI int slice = textureSize(volumeScattering, 0).z; ivec2 texco = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy); #endif for (int i = 0; i <= slice; i++) { ivec3 volume_cell = ivec3(gl_FragCoord.xy, i); vec3 Lscat = texelFetch(volumeScattering, volume_cell, 0).rgb; vec3 s_extinction = texelFetch(volumeExtinction, volume_cell, 0).rgb; float cell_depth = volume_z_to_view_z((float(i) + 1.0) / tex_size.z); float ray_len = orig_ray_len * cell_depth; /* Emission does not work of there is no extinction because * Tr evaluates to 1.0 leading to Lscat = 0.0. (See T65771) */ s_extinction = max(vec3(1e-7) * step(1e-5, Lscat), s_extinction); /* Evaluate Scattering */ float s_len = abs(ray_len - prev_ray_len); prev_ray_len = ray_len; vec3 Tr = exp(-s_extinction * s_len); /* integrate along the current step segment */ Lscat = (Lscat - Lscat * Tr) / max(vec3(1e-8), s_extinction); /* accumulate and also take into account the transmittance from previous steps */ finalScattering += finalTransmittance * Lscat; finalTransmittance *= Tr; #ifdef USE_VOLUME_OPTI ivec3 coord = ivec3(texco, i); imageStore(finalScattering_img, coord, vec4(finalScattering, 0.0)); imageStore(finalTransmittance_img, coord, vec4(finalTransmittance, 0.0)); #endif } }