#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(volumetric_lib.glsl) /* Based on Frosbite Unified Volumetric. * https://www.ea.com/frostbite/news/physically-based-unified-volumetric-rendering-in-frostbite */ /* Step 2 : Evaluate all light scattering for each froxels. * Also do the temporal reprojection to fight aliasing artifacts. */ uniform sampler3D volumeScattering; uniform sampler3D volumeExtinction; uniform sampler3D volumeEmission; uniform sampler3D volumePhase; uniform sampler3D historyScattering; uniform sampler3D historyTransmittance; flat in int slice; layout(location = 0) out vec4 outScattering; layout(location = 1) out vec4 outTransmittance; void main() { ivec3 volume_cell = ivec3(ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy), slice); /* Emission */ outScattering = texelFetch(volumeEmission, volume_cell, 0); outTransmittance = texelFetch(volumeExtinction, volume_cell, 0); vec3 s_scattering = texelFetch(volumeScattering, volume_cell, 0).rgb; vec3 volume_ndc = volume_to_ndc((vec3(volume_cell) + volJitter.xyz) * volInvTexSize.xyz); vec3 P = get_world_space_from_depth(volume_ndc.xy, volume_ndc.z); vec3 V = cameraVec(P); vec2 phase = texelFetch(volumePhase, volume_cell, 0).rg; float s_anisotropy = phase.x / max(1.0, phase.y); /* Environment : Average color. */ outScattering.rgb += irradiance_volumetric(P) * s_scattering * phase_function_isotropic(); #ifdef VOLUME_LIGHTING /* Lights */ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHT && i < laNumLight; i++) { LightData ld = lights_data[i]; if (ld.l_volume == 0.0) { continue; } vec4 l_vector; l_vector.xyz = light_volume_light_vector(ld, P); l_vector.w = length(l_vector.xyz); float vis = light_visibility(ld, P, l_vector); if (vis < 1e-4) { continue; } vec3 Li = light_volume(ld, l_vector) * light_volume_shadow(ld, P, l_vector, volumeExtinction); outScattering.rgb += Li * vis * s_scattering * phase_function(-V, l_vector.xyz / l_vector.w, s_anisotropy); } #endif /* Temporal supersampling */ /* Note : this uses the cell non-jittered position (texel center). */ vec3 curr_ndc = volume_to_ndc(vec3(gl_FragCoord.xy, float(slice) + 0.5) * volInvTexSize.xyz); vec3 wpos = get_world_space_from_depth(curr_ndc.xy, curr_ndc.z); vec3 prev_ndc = project_point(pastViewProjectionMatrix, wpos); vec3 prev_volume = ndc_to_volume(prev_ndc * 0.5 + 0.5); if ((volHistoryAlpha > 0.0) && all(greaterThan(prev_volume, vec3(0.0))) && all(lessThan(prev_volume, vec3(1.0)))) { vec4 h_Scattering = texture(historyScattering, prev_volume); vec4 h_Transmittance = texture(historyTransmittance, prev_volume); outScattering = mix(outScattering, h_Scattering, volHistoryAlpha); outTransmittance = mix(outTransmittance, h_Transmittance, volHistoryAlpha); } /* Catch NaNs */ if (any(isnan(outScattering)) || any(isnan(outTransmittance))) { outScattering = vec4(0.0); outTransmittance = vec4(1.0); } }