/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * Copyright 2021 Blender Foundation. */ /** \file * \ingroup eevee * * Converts the different renderable object types to drawcalls. */ #include "eevee_engine.h" #include "BKE_gpencil.h" #include "BKE_object.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph_query.h" #include "DNA_curves_types.h" #include "DNA_gpencil_types.h" #include "DNA_modifier_types.h" #include "DNA_particle_types.h" #include "eevee_instance.hh" namespace blender::eevee { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Draw Data * * \{ */ static void draw_data_init_cb(struct DrawData *dd) { /* Object has just been created or was never evaluated by the engine. */ dd->recalc = ID_RECALC_ALL; } ObjectHandle &SyncModule::sync_object(Object *ob) { DrawEngineType *owner = (DrawEngineType *)&DRW_engine_viewport_eevee_next_type; struct DrawData *dd = DRW_drawdata_ensure( (ID *)ob, owner, sizeof(eevee::ObjectHandle), draw_data_init_cb, nullptr); ObjectHandle &eevee_dd = *reinterpret_cast(dd); if (eevee_dd.object_key.ob == nullptr) { eevee_dd.object_key = ObjectKey(ob); } const int recalc_flags = ID_RECALC_COPY_ON_WRITE | ID_RECALC_TRANSFORM | ID_RECALC_SHADING | ID_RECALC_GEOMETRY; if ((eevee_dd.recalc & recalc_flags) != 0) { inst_.sampling.reset(); UNUSED_VARS(inst_); } return eevee_dd; } WorldHandle &SyncModule::sync_world(::World *world) { DrawEngineType *owner = (DrawEngineType *)&DRW_engine_viewport_eevee_next_type; struct DrawData *dd = DRW_drawdata_ensure( (ID *)world, owner, sizeof(eevee::WorldHandle), draw_data_init_cb, nullptr); WorldHandle &eevee_dd = *reinterpret_cast(dd); const int recalc_flags = ID_RECALC_ALL; if ((eevee_dd.recalc & recalc_flags) != 0) { inst_.sampling.reset(); } return eevee_dd; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Common * \{ */ static inline void geometry_call(PassMain::Sub *sub_pass, GPUBatch *geom, ResourceHandle resource_handle) { if (sub_pass != nullptr) { sub_pass->draw(geom, resource_handle); } } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Mesh * \{ */ void SyncModule::sync_mesh(Object *ob, ObjectHandle &ob_handle, ResourceHandle res_handle, const ObjectRef &ob_ref) { bool has_motion = inst_.velocity.step_object_sync( ob, ob_handle.object_key, res_handle, ob_handle.recalc); MaterialArray &material_array = inst_.materials.material_array_get(ob, has_motion); GPUBatch **mat_geom = DRW_cache_object_surface_material_get( ob, material_array.gpu_materials.data(), material_array.gpu_materials.size()); if (mat_geom == nullptr) { return; } bool is_shadow_caster = false; bool is_alpha_blend = false; for (auto i : material_array.gpu_materials.index_range()) { GPUBatch *geom = mat_geom[i]; if (geom == nullptr) { continue; } Material *material = material_array.materials[i]; geometry_call(material->shading.sub_pass, geom, res_handle); geometry_call(material->prepass.sub_pass, geom, res_handle); geometry_call(material->shadow.sub_pass, geom, res_handle); is_shadow_caster = is_shadow_caster || material->shadow.sub_pass != nullptr; is_alpha_blend = is_alpha_blend || material->is_alpha_blend_transparent; } inst_.manager->extract_object_attributes(res_handle, ob_ref, material_array.gpu_materials); // shadows.sync_object(ob, ob_handle, is_shadow_caster, is_alpha_blend); } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name GPencil * \{ */ #define DO_BATCHING true struct gpIterData { Instance &inst; Object *ob; MaterialArray &material_array; int cfra; /* Drawcall batching. */ GPUBatch *geom = nullptr; Material *material = nullptr; int vfirst = 0; int vcount = 0; bool instancing = false; gpIterData(Instance &inst_, Object *ob_, ObjectHandle &ob_handle, ResourceHandle resource_handle) : inst(inst_), ob(ob_), material_array(inst_.materials.material_array_get( ob_, inst_.velocity.step_object_sync( ob, ob_handle.object_key, resource_handle, ob_handle.recalc))) { cfra = DEG_get_ctime(inst.depsgraph); }; }; static void gpencil_drawcall_flush(gpIterData &iter) { #if 0 /* Incompatible with new darw manager. */ if (iter.geom != nullptr) { geometry_call(iter.material->shading.sub_pass, iter.ob, iter.geom, iter.vfirst, iter.vcount, iter.instancing); geometry_call(iter.material->prepass.sub_pass, iter.ob, iter.geom, iter.vfirst, iter.vcount, iter.instancing); geometry_call(iter.material->shadow.sub_pass, iter.ob, iter.geom, iter.vfirst, iter.vcount, iter.instancing); } #endif iter.geom = nullptr; iter.vfirst = -1; iter.vcount = 0; } /* Group draw-calls that are consecutive and with the same type. Reduces GPU driver overhead. */ static void gpencil_drawcall_add(gpIterData &iter, GPUBatch *geom, Material *material, int v_first, int v_count, bool instancing) { int last = iter.vfirst + iter.vcount; /* Interrupt draw-call grouping if the sequence is not consecutive. */ if (!DO_BATCHING || (geom != iter.geom) || (material != iter.material) || (v_first - last > 3)) { gpencil_drawcall_flush(iter); } iter.geom = geom; iter.material = material; iter.instancing = instancing; if (iter.vfirst == -1) { iter.vfirst = v_first; } iter.vcount = v_first + v_count - iter.vfirst; } static void gpencil_stroke_sync(bGPDlayer *UNUSED(gpl), bGPDframe *UNUSED(gpf), bGPDstroke *gps, void *thunk) { gpIterData &iter = *(gpIterData *)thunk; Material *material = iter.material_array.materials[gps->mat_nr]; MaterialGPencilStyle *gp_style = BKE_gpencil_material_settings(iter.ob, gps->mat_nr + 1); bool hide_material = (gp_style->flag & GP_MATERIAL_HIDE) != 0; bool show_stroke = ((gp_style->flag & GP_MATERIAL_STROKE_SHOW) != 0) || (!DRW_state_is_image_render() && ((gps->flag & GP_STROKE_NOFILL) != 0)); bool show_fill = (gps->tot_triangles > 0) && ((gp_style->flag & GP_MATERIAL_FILL_SHOW) != 0); if (hide_material) { return; } if (show_fill) { GPUBatch *geom = DRW_cache_gpencil_fills_get(iter.ob, iter.cfra); int vfirst = gps->runtime.fill_start * 3; int vcount = gps->tot_triangles * 3; gpencil_drawcall_add(iter, geom, material, vfirst, vcount, false); } if (show_stroke) { GPUBatch *geom = DRW_cache_gpencil_strokes_get(iter.ob, iter.cfra); /* Start one vert before to have gl_InstanceID > 0 (see shader). */ int vfirst = gps->runtime.stroke_start - 1; /* Include "potential" cyclic vertex and start adj vertex (see shader). */ int vcount = gps->totpoints + 1 + 1; gpencil_drawcall_add(iter, geom, material, vfirst, vcount, true); } } void SyncModule::sync_gpencil(Object *ob, ObjectHandle &ob_handle, ResourceHandle res_handle) { /* TODO(fclem): Waiting for a user option to use the render engine instead of gpencil engine. */ if (true) { inst_.gpencil_engine_enabled = true; return; } UNUSED_VARS(res_handle); gpIterData iter(inst_, ob, ob_handle, res_handle); BKE_gpencil_visible_stroke_iter((bGPdata *)ob->data, nullptr, gpencil_stroke_sync, &iter); gpencil_drawcall_flush(iter); // bool is_caster = true; /* TODO material.shadow.sub_pass. */ // bool is_alpha_blend = true; /* TODO material.is_alpha_blend. */ // shadows.sync_object(ob, ob_handle, is_caster, is_alpha_blend); } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Hair * \{ */ static void shgroup_curves_call(MaterialPass &matpass, Object *ob, ParticleSystem *part_sys = nullptr, ModifierData *modifier_data = nullptr) { UNUSED_VARS(ob, modifier_data); if (matpass.sub_pass == nullptr) { return; } if (part_sys != nullptr) { // DRW_shgroup_hair_create_sub(ob, part_sys, modifier_data, matpass.sub_pass, matpass.gpumat); } else { // DRW_shgroup_curves_create_sub(ob, matpass.sub_pass, matpass.gpumat); } } void SyncModule::sync_curves(Object *ob, ObjectHandle &ob_handle, ResourceHandle res_handle, ModifierData *modifier_data) { UNUSED_VARS(res_handle); int mat_nr = CURVES_MATERIAL_NR; ParticleSystem *part_sys = nullptr; if (modifier_data != nullptr) { part_sys = reinterpret_cast(modifier_data)->psys; if (!DRW_object_is_visible_psys_in_active_context(ob, part_sys)) { return; } ParticleSettings *part_settings = part_sys->part; const int draw_as = (part_settings->draw_as == PART_DRAW_REND) ? part_settings->ren_as : part_settings->draw_as; if (draw_as != PART_DRAW_PATH) { return; } mat_nr = part_settings->omat; } bool has_motion = inst_.velocity.step_object_sync(ob, ob_handle.object_key, ob_handle.recalc); Material &material = inst_.materials.material_get(ob, has_motion, mat_nr - 1, MAT_GEOM_CURVES); shgroup_curves_call(material.shading, ob, part_sys, modifier_data); shgroup_curves_call(material.prepass, ob, part_sys, modifier_data); shgroup_curves_call(material.shadow, ob, part_sys, modifier_data); /* TODO(fclem) Hair velocity. */ // shading_passes.velocity.gpencil_add(ob, ob_handle); // bool is_caster = material.shadow.sub_pass != nullptr; // bool is_alpha_blend = material.is_alpha_blend_transparent; // shadows.sync_object(ob, ob_handle, is_caster, is_alpha_blend); } /** \} */ } // namespace blender::eevee