#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_view_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(gpu_shader_codegen_lib.glsl) #if defined(MAT_GEOM_MESH) /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Mesh * * Mesh objects attributes are loaded using vertex input attributes. * \{ */ # ifdef OBINFO_LIB vec3 attr_load_orco(vec4 orco) { /* We know when there is no orco layer when orco.w is 1.0 because it uses the generic vertex * attrib (which is [0,0,0,1]). */ if (orco.w == 1.0) { /* If the object does not have any deformation, the orco layer calculation is done on the fly * using the orco_madd factors. */ return OrcoTexCoFactors[0].xyz + pos * OrcoTexCoFactors[1].xyz; } return orco.xyz * 0.5 + 0.5; } # endif vec4 attr_load_tangent(vec4 tangent) { tangent.xyz = safe_normalize(normal_object_to_world(tangent.xyz)); return tangent; } vec4 attr_load_vec4(vec4 attr) { return attr; } vec3 attr_load_vec3(vec3 attr) { return attr; } vec2 attr_load_vec2(vec2 attr) { return attr; } float attr_load_float(float attr) { return attr; } vec4 attr_load_color(vec4 attr) { return attr; } vec3 attr_load_uv(vec3 attr) { return attr; } /** \} */ #elif defined(MAT_GEOM_GPENCIL) /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Grease Pencil * * Grease Pencil objects have one uv and one color attribute layer. * \{ */ /* Globals to feed the load functions. */ vec2 g_uvs; vec4 g_color; # ifdef OBINFO_LIB vec3 attr_load_orco(vec4 orco) { vec3 lP = point_world_to_object(interp.P); return OrcoTexCoFactors[0].xyz + lP * OrcoTexCoFactors[1].xyz; } # endif vec4 attr_load_tangent(vec4 tangent) { return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } vec3 attr_load_uv(vec3 dummy) { return vec3(g_uvs, 0.0); } vec4 attr_load_color(vec4 dummy) { return g_color; } vec4 attr_load_vec4(vec4 attr) { return vec4(0.0); } vec3 attr_load_vec3(vec3 attr) { return vec3(0.0); } vec2 attr_load_vec2(vec2 attr) { return vec2(0.0); } float attr_load_float(float attr) { return 0.0; } /** \} */ #elif defined(MAT_GEOM_CURVES) /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Curve * * Curve objects loads attributes from buffers through sampler buffers. * Per attribute scope follows loading order. * \{ */ # ifdef OBINFO_LIB vec3 attr_load_orco(vec4 orco) { vec3 P = hair_get_strand_pos(); vec3 lP = transform_point(ModelMatrixInverse, P); return OrcoTexCoFactors[0].xyz + lP * OrcoTexCoFactors[1].xyz; } # endif int g_curves_attr_id = 0; /* Return the index to use for looking up the attribute value in the sampler * based on the attribute scope (point or spline). */ int curves_attribute_element_id() { int id = interp.curves_strand_id; if (drw_curves.is_point_attribute[g_curves_attr_id][0] != 0) { # ifdef COMMON_HAIR_LIB id = hair_get_base_id(); # endif } g_curves_attr_id += 1; return id; } vec4 attr_load_tangent(samplerBuffer cd_buf) { /* Not supported for the moment. */ return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } vec3 attr_load_uv(samplerBuffer cd_buf) { return texelFetch(cd_buf, interp.curves_strand_id).rgb; } vec4 attr_load_color(samplerBuffer cd_buf) { return texelFetch(cd_buf, interp.curves_strand_id).rgba; } vec4 attr_load_vec4(samplerBuffer cd_buf) { return texelFetch(cd_buf, curves_attribute_element_id()).rgba; } vec3 attr_load_vec3(samplerBuffer cd_buf) { return texelFetch(cd_buf, curves_attribute_element_id()).rgb; } vec2 attr_load_vec2(samplerBuffer cd_buf) { return texelFetch(cd_buf, curves_attribute_element_id()).rg; } float attr_load_float(samplerBuffer cd_buf) { return texelFetch(cd_buf, curves_attribute_element_id()).r; } /** \} */ #elif defined(MAT_GEOM_VOLUME) /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Volume * * Volume objects loads attributes from "grids" in the form of 3D textures. * Per grid transform order is following loading order. * \{ */ # ifndef OBINFO_LIB # error draw_object_infos is mandatory for volume objects # endif vec3 g_orco; int g_attr_id = 0; vec3 grid_coordinates() { vec3 co = g_orco; /* Optional per-grid transform. */ if (drw_volume.grids_xform[g_attr_id][3][3] != 0.0) { co = (drw_volume.grids_xform[g_attr_id] * vec4(objectPosition, 1.0)).xyz; } g_attr_id += 1; return co; } vec3 attr_load_orco(sampler3D tex) { g_attr_id += 1; return g_orco; } vec4 attr_load_tangent(sampler3D tex) { attr_id += 1; return vec4(0); } vec4 attr_load_vec4(sampler3D tex) { return texture(tex, grid_coordinates()); } vec3 attr_load_vec3(sampler3D tex) { return texture(tex, grid_coordinates()).rgb; } vec2 attr_load_vec2(sampler3D tex) { return texture(tex, grid_coordinates()).rg; } float attr_load_float(sampler3D tex) { return texture(tex, grid_coordinates()).r; } vec4 attr_load_color(sampler3D tex) { return texture(tex, grid_coordinates()); } vec3 attr_load_uv(sampler3D attr) { attr_id += 1; return vec3(0); } /** \} */ #elif defined(MAT_GEOM_WORLD) /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name World * * World has no attributes other than orco. * \{ */ vec3 attr_load_orco(vec4 orco) { return -g_data.N; } vec4 attr_load_tangent(vec4 tangent) { return vec4(0); } vec4 attr_load_vec4(vec4 attr) { return vec4(0); } vec3 attr_load_vec3(vec3 attr) { return vec3(0); } vec2 attr_load_vec2(vec2 attr) { return vec2(0); } float attr_load_float(float attr) { return 0.0; } vec4 attr_load_color(vec4 attr) { return vec4(0); } vec3 attr_load_uv(vec3 attr) { return vec3(0); } /** \} */ #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Volume Attribute post * * TODO(@fclem): These implementation details should concern the DRWManager and not be a fix on * the engine side. But as of now, the engines are responsible for loading the attributes. * * \{ */ #if defined(MAT_GEOM_VOLUME) float attr_load_temperature_post(float attr) { /* Bring the into standard range without having to modify the grid values */ attr = (attr > 0.01) ? (attr * drw_volume.temperature_mul + drw_volume.temperature_bias) : 0.0; return attr; } vec4 attr_load_color_post(vec4 attr) { /* Density is premultiplied for interpolation, divide it out here. */ attr.rgb *= safe_rcp(attr.a); attr.rgb *= drw_volume.color_mul.rgb; attr.a = 1.0; return attr; } #else /* Noop for any other surface. */ float attr_load_temperature_post(float attr) { return attr; } vec4 attr_load_color_post(vec4 attr) { return attr; } #endif /** \} */