/** * Dilate motion vector tiles until we covered maximum velocity. * Outputs the largest intersecting motion vector in the neighborhood. */ #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_geom_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(eevee_motion_blur_lib.glsl) #define DEBUG_BYPASS_DILATION 0 struct MotionRect { ivec2 bottom_left; ivec2 extent; }; MotionRect compute_motion_rect(ivec2 tile, vec2 motion) { #if DEBUG_BYPASS_DILATION return MotionRect(tile, ivec2(1)); #endif /* Ceil to number of tile touched.*/ ivec2 point1 = tile + ivec2(sign(motion) * ceil(abs(motion) / float(MOTION_BLUR_TILE_SIZE))); ivec2 point2 = tile; ivec2 max_point = max(point1, point2); ivec2 min_point = min(point1, point2); /* Clamp to bounds. */ max_point = min(max_point, imageSize(in_tiles_img) - 1); min_point = max(min_point, ivec2(0)); MotionRect rect; rect.bottom_left = min_point; rect.extent = 1 + max_point - min_point; return rect; } struct MotionLine { /** Origin of the line. */ vec2 origin; /** Normal to the line direction. */ vec2 normal; }; MotionLine compute_motion_line(ivec2 tile, vec2 motion) { vec2 dir = safe_normalize(motion); MotionLine line; line.origin = vec2(tile); /* Rotate 90° Counter-Clockwise. */ line.normal = vec2(-dir.y, dir.x); return line; } bool is_inside_motion_line(ivec2 tile, MotionLine motion_line) { #if DEBUG_BYPASS_DILATION return true; #endif /* NOTE: Everything in is tile unit. */ float dist = point_line_projection_dist(vec2(tile), motion_line.origin, motion_line.normal); /* In order to be conservative and for simplicity, we use the tiles bounding circles. * Consider that both the tile and the line have bounding radius of M_SQRT1_2. */ return abs(dist) < M_SQRT2; } void main() { ivec2 src_tile = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy); if (any(greaterThanEqual(src_tile, imageSize(in_tiles_img)))) { return; } vec4 max_motion = imageLoad(in_tiles_img, src_tile); MotionPayload payload_prv = motion_blur_tile_indirection_pack_payload(max_motion.xy, src_tile); MotionPayload payload_nxt = motion_blur_tile_indirection_pack_payload(max_motion.zw, src_tile); if (true) { /* Rectangular area (in tiles) where the motion vector spreads. */ MotionRect motion_rect = compute_motion_rect(src_tile, max_motion.xy); MotionLine motion_line = compute_motion_line(src_tile, max_motion.xy); /* Do a conservative rasterization of the line of the motion vector line. */ for (int x = 0; x < motion_rect.extent.x; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < motion_rect.extent.y; y++) { ivec2 tile = motion_rect.bottom_left + ivec2(x, y); if (is_inside_motion_line(tile, motion_line)) { motion_blur_tile_indirection_store(tile_indirection_buf, MOTION_PREV, tile, payload_prv); /* FIXME: This is a bit weird, but for some reason, we need the store the same vector in * the motion next so that weighting in gather pass is better. */ motion_blur_tile_indirection_store(tile_indirection_buf, MOTION_NEXT, tile, payload_nxt); } } } } if (true) { MotionPayload payload = motion_blur_tile_indirection_pack_payload(max_motion.zw, src_tile); /* Rectangular area (in tiles) where the motion vector spreads. */ MotionRect motion_rect = compute_motion_rect(src_tile, max_motion.zw); MotionLine motion_line = compute_motion_line(src_tile, max_motion.zw); /* Do a conservative rasterization of the line of the motion vector line. */ for (int x = 0; x < motion_rect.extent.x; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < motion_rect.extent.y; y++) { ivec2 tile = motion_rect.bottom_left + ivec2(x, y); if (is_inside_motion_line(tile, motion_line)) { motion_blur_tile_indirection_store(tile_indirection_buf, MOTION_NEXT, tile, payload_nxt); /* FIXME: This is a bit weird, but for some reason, we need the store the same vector in * the motion next so that weighting in gather pass is better. */ motion_blur_tile_indirection_store(tile_indirection_buf, MOTION_PREV, tile, payload_prv); } } } } }