#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_view_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(eevee_camera_lib.glsl) #ifdef VELOCITY_CAMERA vec4 velocity_pack(vec4 data) { return data * 0.01; } vec4 velocity_unpack(vec4 data) { return data * 100.0; } /** * Given a triple of position, compute the previous and next motion vectors. * Returns uv space motion vectors in pairs (motion_prev.xy, motion_next.xy). */ vec4 velocity_surface(vec3 P_prv, vec3 P, vec3 P_nxt) { /* NOTE: We don't use the drw_view.persmat to avoid adding the TAA jitter to the velocity. */ vec2 prev_uv = project_point(camera_prev.persmat, P_prv).xy; vec2 curr_uv = project_point(camera_curr.persmat, P).xy; vec2 next_uv = project_point(camera_next.persmat, P_nxt).xy; vec4 motion = vec4(prev_uv - curr_uv, curr_uv - next_uv); /* Convert NDC velocity to UV velocity */ motion *= 0.5; return motion; } /** * Given a view space view vector \a vV, compute the previous and next motion vectors for * background pixels. * Returns uv space motion vectors in pairs (motion_prev.xy, motion_next.xy). */ vec4 velocity_background(vec3 vV) { /* Only transform direction to avoid loosing precision. */ vec3 V = transform_direction(camera_curr.viewinv, vV); /* NOTE: We don't use the drw_view.winmat to avoid adding the TAA jitter to the velocity. */ vec2 prev_uv = project_point(camera_prev.winmat, V).xy; vec2 curr_uv = project_point(camera_curr.winmat, V).xy; vec2 next_uv = project_point(camera_next.winmat, V).xy; vec4 motion = vec4(prev_uv - curr_uv, curr_uv - next_uv); /* Convert NDC velocity to UV velocity */ motion *= 0.5; return motion; } /** * Load and resolve correct velocity as some pixels might still not have correct * motion data for performance reasons. */ vec4 velocity_resolve(sampler2D vector_tx, ivec2 texel, float depth) { vec2 uv = (vec2(texel) + 0.5) / vec2(textureSize(vector_tx, 0).xy); vec4 vector = texelFetch(vector_tx, texel, 0); if (vector.x == VELOCITY_INVALID) { bool is_background = (depth == 1.0); if (is_background) { /* NOTE: Use viewCameraVec to avoid imprecision if camera is far from origin. */ vec3 vV = viewCameraVec(get_view_space_from_depth(uv, 1.0)); return velocity_background(vV); } else { /* Static geometry. No translation in world space. */ vec3 P = get_world_space_from_depth(uv, depth); return velocity_surface(P, P, P); } } return velocity_unpack(vector); } #endif #ifdef MAT_VELOCITY /** * Given a triple of position, compute the previous and next motion vectors. * Returns a tuple of world space motion deltas. */ void velocity_local_pos_get(vec3 lP, int vert_id, out vec3 lP_prev, out vec3 lP_next) { VelocityIndex vel = velocity_indirection_buf[resource_id]; lP_next = lP_prev = lP; if (vel.geo.do_deform) { if (vel.geo.ofs[STEP_PREVIOUS] != -1) { lP_prev = velocity_geo_prev_buf[vel.geo.ofs[STEP_PREVIOUS] + vert_id].xyz; } if (vel.geo.ofs[STEP_NEXT] != -1) { lP_next = velocity_geo_next_buf[vel.geo.ofs[STEP_NEXT] + vert_id].xyz; } } } /** * Given a triple of position, compute the previous and next motion vectors. * Returns a tuple of world space motion deltas. */ void velocity_vertex( vec3 lP_prev, vec3 lP, vec3 lP_next, out vec3 motion_prev, out vec3 motion_next) { VelocityIndex vel = velocity_indirection_buf[resource_id]; mat4 obmat_prev = velocity_obj_prev_buf[vel.obj.ofs[STEP_PREVIOUS]]; mat4 obmat_next = velocity_obj_next_buf[vel.obj.ofs[STEP_NEXT]]; vec3 P_prev = transform_point(obmat_prev, lP_prev); vec3 P_next = transform_point(obmat_next, lP_next); vec3 P = transform_point(ModelMatrix, lP); motion_prev = P_prev - P; motion_next = P_next - P; } #endif