uniform vec4 color2; uniform int fill_type; uniform float mix_factor; uniform float gradient_angle; uniform float gradient_radius; uniform float pattern_gridsize; uniform vec2 gradient_scale; uniform vec2 gradient_shift; uniform float texture_angle; uniform vec2 texture_scale; uniform vec2 texture_offset; uniform int texture_mix; uniform int texture_flip; uniform float texture_opacity; uniform int xraymode; uniform int drawmode; uniform float layer_opacity; uniform sampler2D myTexture; uniform int texture_clamp; uniform int viewport_xray; uniform int shading_type[2]; uniform vec4 wire_color; /* keep this list synchronized with list in gpencil_draw_utils.c */ #define SOLID 0 #define GRADIENT 1 #define RADIAL 2 #define CHESS 3 #define TEXTURE 4 #define PATTERN 5 #define GP_XRAY_FRONT 0 #define GP_XRAY_3DSPACE 1 #define GP_XRAY_BACK 2 #define GP_DRAWMODE_2D 0 #define GP_DRAWMODE_3D 1 #define OB_WIRE 2 #define OB_SOLID 3 #define V3D_SHADING_MATERIAL_COLOR 0 #define V3D_SHADING_TEXTURE_COLOR 3 in vec4 finalColor; in vec2 texCoord_interp; out vec4 fragColor; #define texture2D texture void set_color(in vec4 color, in vec4 color2, in vec4 tcolor, in float mixv, in float factor, in int tmix, in int flip, out vec4 ocolor) { /* full color A */ if (mixv == 1.0) { if (tmix == 1) { ocolor = (flip == 0) ? color : tcolor; } else { ocolor = (flip == 0) ? color : color2; } } /* full color B */ else if (mixv == 0.0) { if (tmix == 1) { ocolor = (flip == 0) ? tcolor : color; } else { ocolor = (flip == 0) ? color2 : color; } } /* mix of colors */ else { if (tmix == 1) { ocolor = (flip == 0) ? mix(color, tcolor, factor) : mix(tcolor, color, factor); } else { ocolor = (flip == 0) ? mix(color, color2, factor) : mix(color2, color, factor); } } ocolor.a *= layer_opacity; } void main() { vec2 t_center = vec2(0.5, 0.5); mat2 matrot_tex = mat2(cos(texture_angle), -sin(texture_angle), sin(texture_angle), cos(texture_angle)); vec2 rot_tex = (matrot_tex * (texCoord_interp - t_center)) + t_center + texture_offset; vec4 tmp_color; tmp_color = (texture_clamp == 0) ? texture2D(myTexture, rot_tex * texture_scale) : texture2D(myTexture, clamp(rot_tex * texture_scale, 0.0, 1.0)); vec4 text_color = vec4(tmp_color[0], tmp_color[1], tmp_color[2], tmp_color[3] * texture_opacity); vec4 chesscolor; /* wireframe with x-ray discard */ if ((viewport_xray == 1) && (shading_type[0] == OB_WIRE)) { discard; } /* solid fill */ if (fill_type == SOLID) { fragColor = finalColor; } else { vec2 center = vec2(0.5, 0.5) + gradient_shift; mat2 matrot = mat2(cos(gradient_angle), -sin(gradient_angle), sin(gradient_angle), cos(gradient_angle)); vec2 rot = (((matrot * (texCoord_interp - center)) + center) * gradient_scale) + gradient_shift; /* gradient */ if (fill_type == GRADIENT) { set_color(finalColor, color2, text_color, mix_factor, rot.x - mix_factor + 0.5, texture_mix, texture_flip, fragColor); } /* radial gradient */ if (fill_type == RADIAL) { float in_rad = gradient_radius * mix_factor; float ex_rad = gradient_radius - in_rad; float intensity = 0; float distance = length((center - texCoord_interp) * gradient_scale); if (distance > gradient_radius) { discard; } if (distance > in_rad) { intensity = clamp(((distance - in_rad) / ex_rad), 0.0, 1.0); } set_color(finalColor, color2, text_color, mix_factor, intensity, texture_mix, texture_flip, fragColor); } /* chessboard */ if (fill_type == CHESS) { vec2 pos = rot / pattern_gridsize; if ((fract(pos.x) < 0.5 && fract(pos.y) < 0.5) || (fract(pos.x) > 0.5 && fract(pos.y) > 0.5)) { chesscolor = (texture_flip == 0) ? finalColor : color2; } else { chesscolor = (texture_flip == 0) ? color2 : finalColor; } /* mix with texture */ fragColor = (texture_mix == 1) ? mix(chesscolor, text_color, mix_factor) : chesscolor; fragColor.a *= layer_opacity; } /* texture */ if (fill_type == TEXTURE) { fragColor = (texture_mix == 1) ? mix(text_color, finalColor, mix_factor) : text_color; fragColor.a *= layer_opacity; } /* pattern */ if (fill_type == PATTERN) { fragColor = finalColor; fragColor.a = min(text_color.a, finalColor.a) * layer_opacity; } } /* set zdepth */ if (xraymode == GP_XRAY_FRONT) { gl_FragDepth = 0.000001; } else if (xraymode == GP_XRAY_3DSPACE) { /* if 3D mode, move slightly the fill to avoid z-fighting between stroke and fill on same stroke */ if (drawmode == GP_DRAWMODE_3D) { gl_FragDepth = gl_FragCoord.z * 1.0001; } else { gl_FragDepth = gl_FragCoord.z; } } else if (xraymode == GP_XRAY_BACK) { gl_FragDepth = 0.999999; } else { gl_FragDepth = 0.000001; } /* if wireframe override colors */ if (shading_type[0] == OB_WIRE) { fragColor = wire_color; } /* for solid override color */ if (shading_type[0] == OB_SOLID) { if ((shading_type[1] != V3D_SHADING_MATERIAL_COLOR) && (shading_type[1] != V3D_SHADING_TEXTURE_COLOR)) { fragColor = wire_color; } if (viewport_xray == 1) { fragColor.a *= 0.5; } } }