/* ---- Instantiated Attrs ---- */ in vec3 pos; /* ---- Per instance Attrs ---- */ /* Assumed to be in world coordinate already. */ in vec4 headSphere; in vec4 tailSphere; in vec3 xAxis; in vec3 stateColor; in vec3 boneColor; flat out vec3 finalStateColor; flat out vec3 finalBoneColor; out vec3 normalView; void main() { vec3 bone_vec = tailSphere.xyz - headSphere.xyz; float bone_len = max(1e-8, sqrt(dot(bone_vec, bone_vec))); float bone_lenrcp = 1.0 / bone_len; #ifdef SMOOTH_ENVELOPE float sinb = (tailSphere.w - headSphere.w) * bone_lenrcp; #else const float sinb = 0.0; #endif vec3 y_axis = bone_vec * bone_lenrcp; vec3 z_axis = normalize(cross(xAxis, -y_axis)); vec3 x_axis = cross(y_axis, z_axis); /* cannot trust xAxis to be orthogonal. */ vec3 sp, nor; nor = sp = pos.xyz; /* In bone space */ bool is_head = (pos.z < -sinb); sp *= (is_head) ? headSphere.w : tailSphere.w; sp.z += (is_head) ? 0.0 : bone_len; /* Convert to world space */ mat3 bone_mat = mat3(x_axis, y_axis, z_axis); sp = bone_mat * sp.xzy + headSphere.xyz; nor = bone_mat * nor.xzy; normalView = mat3(ViewMatrix) * nor; finalStateColor = stateColor; finalBoneColor = boneColor; vec4 pos_4d = vec4(sp, 1.0); gl_Position = ViewProjectionMatrix * pos_4d; #ifdef USE_WORLD_CLIP_PLANES world_clip_planes_calc_clip_distance(pos_4d.xyz); #endif }