layout(lines) in; layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 4) out; in vec4 finalColor[2]; in vec4 finalColorOuter[2]; in int selectOveride[2]; flat out vec4 finalColorOuter_f; out vec4 finalColor_f; noperspective out float edgeCoord_f; void do_vertex(vec4 color, vec4 pos, float coord, vec2 offset) { finalColor_f = color; edgeCoord_f = coord; gl_Position = pos; /* Multiply offset by 2 because gl_Position range is [-1..1]. */ gl_Position.xy += offset * 2.0 * pos.w; /* Correct but fails due to an AMD compiler bug, see: T62792. * Do inline instead. */ #if 0 world_clip_planes_set_clip_distance(gl_in[i].gl_ClipDistance); #endif EmitVertex(); } void main() { vec2 ss_pos[2]; /* Clip line against near plane to avoid deformed lines. */ vec4 pos0 = gl_in[0].gl_Position; vec4 pos1 = gl_in[1].gl_Position; vec2 pz_ndc = vec2(pos0.z / pos0.w, pos1.z / pos1.w); bvec2 clipped = lessThan(pz_ndc, vec2(-1.0)); if (all(clipped)) { /* Totally clipped. */ return; } vec4 pos01 = pos0 - pos1; float ofs = abs((pz_ndc.y + 1.0) / (pz_ndc.x - pz_ndc.y)); if (clipped.y) { pos1 += pos01 * ofs; } else if (clipped.x) { pos0 -= pos01 * (1.0 - ofs); } ss_pos[0] = pos0.xy / pos0.w; ss_pos[1] = pos1.xy / pos1.w; vec2 line = ss_pos[0] - ss_pos[1]; line = abs(line) * sizeViewport.xy; finalColorOuter_f = finalColorOuter[0]; float half_size = sizeEdge; /* Enlarge edge for flag display. */ half_size += (finalColorOuter_f.a > 0.0) ? max(sizeEdge, 1.0) : 0.0; #ifdef USE_SMOOTH_WIRE /* Add 1 px for AA */ half_size += 0.5; #endif vec3 edge_ofs = vec3(half_size * sizeViewportInv.xy, 0.0); bool horizontal = line.x > line.y; edge_ofs = (horizontal) ? edge_ofs.zyz : edge_ofs.xzz; #ifdef USE_WORLD_CLIP_PLANES /* Due to an AMD glitch, this line was moved out of the `do_vertex` * function (see T62792). */ world_clip_planes_set_clip_distance(gl_in[0].gl_ClipDistance); #endif do_vertex(finalColor[0], pos0, half_size, edge_ofs.xy); do_vertex(finalColor[0], pos0, -half_size, -edge_ofs.xy); #ifdef USE_WORLD_CLIP_PLANES world_clip_planes_set_clip_distance(gl_in[1].gl_ClipDistance); #endif vec4 final_color = (selectOveride[0] == 0) ? finalColor[1] : finalColor[0]; do_vertex(final_color, pos1, half_size, edge_ofs.xy); do_vertex(final_color, pos1, -half_size, -edge_ofs.xy); EndPrimitive(); }