#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_view_clipping_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_view_lib.glsl) /* project to screen space */ vec2 proj(vec4 pos) { return (0.5 * (pos.xy / pos.w) + 0.5) * sizeViewport.xy; } void main() { vec4 bone_color, state_color; mat4 model_mat = extract_matrix_packed_data(inst_obmat, state_color, bone_color); vec4 world_pos = model_mat * vec4(pos, 1.0); vec4 view_pos = drw_view.viewmat * world_pos; geom_in.vPos = view_pos.xyz; geom_in.pPos = drw_view.winmat * view_pos; geom_in.inverted = int(dot(cross(model_mat[0].xyz, model_mat[1].xyz), model_mat[2].xyz) < 0.0); /* This is slow and run per vertex, but it's still faster than * doing it per instance on CPU and sending it on via instance attribute. */ mat3 normal_mat = transpose(inverse(mat3(model_mat))); /* TODO: FIX: there is still a problem with this vector * when the bone is scaled or in persp mode. But it's * barely visible at the outline corners. */ geom_in.ssNor = normalize(normal_world_to_view(normal_mat * snor).xy); geom_in.ssPos = proj(geom_in.pPos); geom_in.vColSize = bone_color; view_clipping_distances(world_pos.xyz); }