#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(overlay_common_lib.glsl) /** * We want to know how much a pixel is covered by a line. * We replace the square pixel with acircle of the same area and try to find the intersection area. * The area we search is the circular segment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_segment * The formula for the area uses inverse trig function and is quite complex. Instead, * we approximate it by using the smooth-step function and a 1.05 factor to the disc radius. */ #define M_1_SQRTPI 0.5641895835477563 /* 1/sqrt(pi) */ #define DISC_RADIUS (M_1_SQRTPI * 1.05) #define GRID_LINE_SMOOTH_START (0.5 - DISC_RADIUS) #define GRID_LINE_SMOOTH_END (0.5 + DISC_RADIUS) void main() { vec4 inner_color = vec4(vec3(0.0), 1.0); vec4 outer_color = vec4(0.0); vec2 dd = fwidth(geom_out.stipplePos); float line_distance = distance(geom_out.stipplePos, geom_out.stippleStart) / max(dd.x, dd.y); if (lineStyle == OVERLAY_UV_LINE_STYLE_OUTLINE) { #ifdef USE_EDGE_SELECT /* TODO(@campbellbarton): The current wire-edit color contrast enough against the selection. * Look into changing the default theme color instead of reducing contrast with edge-select. */ inner_color = (geom_out.selectionFac != 0.0) ? colorEdgeSelect : (colorWireEdit * 0.5); #else inner_color = mix(colorWireEdit, colorEdgeSelect, geom_out.selectionFac); #endif outer_color = vec4(vec3(0.0), 1.0); } else if (lineStyle == OVERLAY_UV_LINE_STYLE_DASH) { if (fract(line_distance / dashLength) < 0.5) { inner_color = mix(vec4(vec3(0.35), 1.0), colorEdgeSelect, geom_out.selectionFac); } } else if (lineStyle == OVERLAY_UV_LINE_STYLE_BLACK) { vec4 base_color = vec4(vec3(0.0), 1.0); inner_color = mix(base_color, colorEdgeSelect, geom_out.selectionFac); } else if (lineStyle == OVERLAY_UV_LINE_STYLE_WHITE) { vec4 base_color = vec4(1.0); inner_color = mix(base_color, colorEdgeSelect, geom_out.selectionFac); } else if (lineStyle == OVERLAY_UV_LINE_STYLE_SHADOW) { inner_color = colorUVShadow; } float dist = abs(geom_out.edgeCoord) - max(sizeEdge - 0.5, 0.0); float dist_outer = dist - max(sizeEdge, 1.0); float mix_w; float mix_w_outer; if (doSmoothWire) { mix_w = smoothstep(GRID_LINE_SMOOTH_START, GRID_LINE_SMOOTH_END, dist); mix_w_outer = smoothstep(GRID_LINE_SMOOTH_START, GRID_LINE_SMOOTH_END, dist_outer); } else { mix_w = step(0.5, dist); mix_w_outer = step(0.5, dist_outer); } vec4 final_color = mix(outer_color, inner_color, 1.0 - mix_w * outer_color.a); final_color.a *= 1.0 - (outer_color.a > 0.0 ? mix_w_outer : mix_w); final_color.a *= alpha; fragColor = final_color; }