#pragma USE_SSBO_VERTEX_FETCH(TriangleList, 6) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_view_clipping_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_view_lib.glsl) #define frameCurrent mpathLineSettings.x #define frameStart mpathLineSettings.y #define frameEnd mpathLineSettings.z #define cacheStart mpathLineSettings.w /* Project to screen space. */ vec2 proj(vec4 pos) { return (0.5 * (pos.xy / pos.w) + 0.5) * sizeViewport.xy; } #define SET_INTENSITY(A, B, C, min, max) \ (((1.0 - (float(C - B) / float(C - A))) * (max - min)) + min) vec2 compute_dir(vec2 v0, vec2 v1) { vec2 dir = normalize(v1 - v0 + 1e-8); dir = vec2(-dir.y, dir.x); return dir; } void do_vertex_shader(vec4 pos, int vertex_id, out vec2 out_sspos, out vec4 out_finalcolour) { out_sspos = proj(pos); out_finalcolour = vec4(0.0); int frame = vertex_id + cacheStart; float intensity; /* how faint */ vec3 blend_base = (abs(frame - frameCurrent) == 0) ? colorCurrentFrame.rgb : colorBackground.rgb; /* "bleed" cframe color to ease color blending */ bool use_custom_color = customColor.x >= 0.0; /* TODO: We might want something more consistent with custom color and standard colors. */ if (frame < frameCurrent) { if (use_custom_color) { /* Custom color: previous frames color is darker than current frame */ out_finalcolour.rgb = customColor * 0.25; } else { /* black - before frameCurrent */ if (selected) { intensity = SET_INTENSITY(frameStart, frame, frameCurrent, 0.25, 0.75); } else { intensity = SET_INTENSITY(frameStart, frame, frameCurrent, 0.68, 0.92); } out_finalcolour.rgb = mix(colorWire.rgb, blend_base, intensity); } } else if (frame > frameCurrent) { if (use_custom_color) { /* Custom color: next frames color is equal to user selected color */ out_finalcolour.rgb = customColor; } else { /* blue - after frameCurrent */ if (selected) { intensity = SET_INTENSITY(frameCurrent, frame, frameEnd, 0.25, 0.75); } else { intensity = SET_INTENSITY(frameCurrent, frame, frameEnd, 0.68, 0.92); } out_finalcolour.rgb = mix(colorBonePose.rgb, blend_base, intensity); } } else { if (use_custom_color) { /* Custom color: current frame color is slightly darker than user selected color */ out_finalcolour.rgb = customColor * 0.5; } else { /* green - on frameCurrent */ if (selected) { intensity = 0.92f; } else { intensity = 0.75f; } out_finalcolour.rgb = mix(colorBackground.rgb, blend_base, intensity); } } out_finalcolour.a = 1.0; } void main() { /** Determine Output Primitive ID and relative vertex. */ /* Index of the quad primitive. We generate one quad for each input line. */ int quad_id = gl_VertexID / 6; /* Determine vertex within the quad (A, B, C)(A, C, D). */ int quad_vertex_id = gl_VertexID % 6; /* Base index of the line primitive: * - IF PrimType == LineList: base_vertex_id = quad_id*2 * - IF PrimType == LineStrip: base_vertex_id = quad_id * * Note: Primitive is LineStrip for this shader. */ int base_vertex_id = quad_id; /* Fetch attributes for self and neighboring vertex. */ vec3 in_pos0 = vertex_fetch_attribute(base_vertex_id, pos, vec3); vec3 in_pos1 = vertex_fetch_attribute(base_vertex_id + 1, pos, vec3); vec4 out_pos0 = ProjectionMatrix * (ViewMatrix * vec4(in_pos0, 1.0)); vec4 out_pos1 = ProjectionMatrix * (ViewMatrix * vec4(in_pos1, 1.0)); /* Final calculations required for Geometry Shader alternative. * We need to calculate values for each vertex position to correctly determine the final output * position. */ vec2 ssPos[2]; vec4 finalColor_geom[2]; do_vertex_shader(out_pos0, base_vertex_id, ssPos[0], finalColor_geom[0]); do_vertex_shader(out_pos1, base_vertex_id + 1, ssPos[0], finalColor_geom[0]); /* Calculate Vertex Clip distances. */ #ifdef USE_WORLD_CLIP_PLANES float out_ClipDistance0[6]; out_ClipDistance0[0] = dot(clipPlanes[0], out_pos0); out_ClipDistance0[1] = dot(clipPlanes[1], out_pos0); out_ClipDistance0[2] = dot(clipPlanes[2], out_pos0); out_ClipDistance0[3] = dot(clipPlanes[3], out_pos0); out_ClipDistance0[4] = dot(clipPlanes[4], out_pos0); out_ClipDistance0[5] = dot(clipPlanes[5], out_pos0); float out_ClipDistance1[6]; out_ClipDistance1[0] = dot(clipPlanes[0], out_pos1); out_ClipDistance1[1] = dot(clipPlanes[1], out_pos1); out_ClipDistance1[2] = dot(clipPlanes[2], out_pos1); out_ClipDistance1[3] = dot(clipPlanes[3], out_pos1); out_ClipDistance1[4] = dot(clipPlanes[4], out_pos1); out_ClipDistance1[5] = dot(clipPlanes[5], out_pos1); #endif /* Geometry shader alternative -- Output is trianglelist consisting of 6 vertices. * Each vertex shader invocation is one vertex in the output primitive, so outptut * required ID. */ vec2 t; vec2 edge_dir = compute_dir(ssPos[0], ssPos[1]) * drw_view.viewport_size_inverse; bool is_persp = (ProjectionMatrix[3][3] == 0.0); float line_size = float(lineThickness) * sizePixel; if (quad_vertex_id == 0) { #ifdef USE_WORLD_CLIP_PLANES world_clip_planes_set_clip_distance(out_ClipDistance0); #endif interp.color = finalColor_geom[0]; t = edge_dir * (line_size * (is_persp ? out_pos0.w : 1.0)); gl_Position = out_pos0 + vec4(t, 0.0, 0.0); } else if (quad_vertex_id == 1 || quad_vertex_id == 3) { #ifdef USE_WORLD_CLIP_PLANES world_clip_planes_set_clip_distance(out_ClipDistance0); #endif interp.color = finalColor_geom[0]; t = edge_dir * (line_size * (is_persp ? out_pos0.w : 1.0)); gl_Position = out_pos0 - vec4(t, 0.0, 0.0); } else if (quad_vertex_id == 2 || quad_vertex_id == 5) { #ifdef USE_WORLD_CLIP_PLANES world_clip_planes_set_clip_distance(out_ClipDistance1); #endif interp.color = finalColor_geom[1]; t = edge_dir * (line_size * (is_persp ? out_pos1.w : 1.0)); gl_Position = out_pos1 + vec4(t, 0.0, 0.0); } else if (quad_vertex_id == 4) { #ifdef USE_WORLD_CLIP_PLANES world_clip_planes_set_clip_distance(out_ClipDistance1); #endif interp.color = finalColor_geom[1]; t = edge_dir * (line_size * (is_persp ? out_pos1.w : 1.0)); gl_Position = out_pos1 - vec4(t, 0.0, 0.0); } }