#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_view_clipping_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_view_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_pointcloud_lib.glsl) uint outline_colorid_get(void) { int flag = int(abs(ObjectInfo.w)); bool is_active = (flag & DRW_BASE_ACTIVE) != 0; if (isTransform) { return 0u; /* colorTransform */ } else if (is_active) { return 3u; /* colorActive */ } else { return 1u; /* colorSelect */ } return 0u; } /* Replace top 2 bits (of the 16bit output) by outlineId. * This leaves 16K different IDs to create outlines between objects. * SHIFT = (32 - (16 - 2)) */ #define SHIFT 18u void main() { vec3 world_pos = pointcloud_get_pos(); gl_Position = point_world_to_ndc(world_pos); /* Small bias to always be on top of the geom. */ gl_Position.z -= 1e-3; /* ID 0 is nothing (background) */ interp.ob_id = uint(resource_handle + 1); /* Should be 2 bits only [0..3]. */ uint outline_id = outline_colorid_get(); /* Combine for 16bit uint target. */ interp.ob_id = (outline_id << 14u) | ((interp.ob_id << SHIFT) >> SHIFT); view_clipping_distances(world_pos); }