#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_view_clipping_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_view_lib.glsl) /* TODO(fclem): Share with C code. */ #define VCLASS_SCREENALIGNED (1 << 9) #define VCLASS_EMPTY_AXES (1 << 11) vec3 rotate(vec3 vec, vec4 quat) { /* The quaternion representation here stores the w component in the first index. */ return vec + 2.0 * cross(quat.yzw, cross(quat.yzw, vec) + quat.x * vec); } void main() { /* Drawsize packed in alpha. */ float draw_size = ucolor.a; vec3 world_pos = part_pos; #ifdef USE_DOTS gl_Position = point_world_to_ndc(world_pos); /* World sized points. */ gl_PointSize = sizePixel * draw_size * drw_view.winmat[1][1] * sizeViewport.y / gl_Position.w; #else if ((vclass & VCLASS_SCREENALIGNED) != 0) { /* World sized, camera facing geometry. */ world_pos += (ViewMatrixInverse[0].xyz * pos.x + ViewMatrixInverse[1].xyz * pos.y) * draw_size; } else { world_pos += rotate(pos, part_rot) * draw_size; } gl_Position = point_world_to_ndc(world_pos); #endif /* Coloring */ if ((vclass & VCLASS_EMPTY_AXES) != 0) { /* See VBO construction for explanation. */ finalColor = vec4(clamp(pos * 10000.0, 0.0, 1.0), 1.0); } else if (part_val < 0.0) { finalColor = vec4(ucolor.rgb, 1.0); } else { finalColor = vec4(texture(weightTex, part_val).rgb, 1.0); } view_clipping_distances(world_pos); }