in vec2 weight_interp; /* (weight, alert) */ in float color_fac; out vec4 fragColor; uniform float opacity = 1.0; uniform sampler1D colorramp; uniform bool drawContours = false; float contours(float value, float steps, float width_px, float max_rel_width, float gradient) { /* Minimum visible and minimum full strength line width in screen space for fade out. */ const float min_width_px = 1.3, fade_width_px = 2.3; /* Line is thinner towards the increase in the weight gradient by this factor. */ const float hi_bias = 2.0; /* Don't draw lines at 0 or 1. */ float rel_value = value * steps; if (rel_value < 0.5 || rel_value > steps - 0.5) { return 0.0; } /* Check if completely invisible due to fade out. */ float rel_gradient = gradient * steps; float rel_min_width = min_width_px * rel_gradient; if (max_rel_width <= rel_min_width) { return 0.0; } /* Main shape of the line, accounting for width bias and maximum weight space width. */ float rel_width = width_px * rel_gradient; float offset = fract(rel_value + 0.5) - 0.5; float base_alpha = 1.0 - max(offset * hi_bias, -offset) / min(max_rel_width, rel_width); /* Line fadeout when too thin in screen space. */ float rel_fade_width = fade_width_px * rel_gradient; float fade_alpha = (max_rel_width - rel_min_width) / (rel_fade_width - rel_min_width); return clamp(base_alpha, 0.0, 1.0) * clamp(fade_alpha, 0.0, 1.0); } vec4 contour_grid(float weight, float weight_gradient) { /* Fade away when the gradient is too low to avoid big fills and noise. */ float flt_eps = max(1e-8, 1e-6 * weight); if (weight_gradient <= flt_eps) { return vec4(0.0); } /* Three levels of grid lines */ float grid10 = contours(weight, 10.0, 5.0, 0.3, weight_gradient); float grid100 = contours(weight, 100.0, 3.5, 0.35, weight_gradient) * 0.6; float grid1000 = contours(weight, 1000.0, 2.5, 0.4, weight_gradient) * 0.25; /* White lines for 0.1 and 0.01, and black for 0.001 */ vec4 grid = vec4(1.0) * max(grid10, grid100); grid.a = max(grid.a, grid1000); return grid * clamp((weight_gradient - flt_eps) / flt_eps, 0.0, 1.0); } vec4 apply_color_fac(vec4 color_in) { vec4 color = color_in; color.rgb = max(vec3(0.005), color_in.rgb) * color_fac; return color; } void main() { float alert = weight_interp.y; vec4 color; /* Missing vertex group alert color. Uniform in practice. */ if (alert > 1.1) { color = apply_color_fac(colorVertexMissingData); } /* Weights are available */ else { float weight = weight_interp.x; vec4 weight_color = texture(colorramp, weight, 0); weight_color = apply_color_fac(weight_color); /* Contour display */ if (drawContours) { /* This must be executed uniformly for all fragments */ float weight_gradient = length(vec2(dFdx(weight), dFdy(weight))); vec4 grid = contour_grid(weight, weight_gradient); weight_color = grid + weight_color * (1 - grid.a); } /* Zero weight alert color. Nonlinear blend to reduce impact. */ vec4 color_unreferenced = apply_color_fac(colorVertexUnreferenced); color = mix(weight_color, color_unreferenced, alert * alert); } fragColor = vec4(color.rgb, opacity); }