/* from The Alchemy screen-space ambient obscurance algorithm * http://graphics.cs.williams.edu/papers/AlchemyHPG11/VV11AlchemyAO.pdf */ void ssao_factors( in float depth, in vec3 normal, in vec3 position, in vec2 screenco, out float cavities, out float edges) { cavities = edges = 0.0; /* early out if there is no need for SSAO */ if (ssao_factor_cavity == 0.0 && ssao_factor_edge == 0.0) { return; } /* take the normalized ray direction here */ vec3 noise = texture(ssao_jitter, screenco.xy * jitter_tilling).rgb; /* find the offset in screen space by multiplying a point * in camera space at the depth of the point by the projection matrix. */ vec2 offset; float homcoord = WinMatrix[2][3] * position.z + WinMatrix[3][3]; offset.x = WinMatrix[0][0] * ssao_distance / homcoord; offset.y = WinMatrix[1][1] * ssao_distance / homcoord; /* convert from -1.0...1.0 range to 0.0..1.0 for easy use with texture coordinates */ offset *= 0.5; int num_samples = int(ssao_samples_num); /* Note. Putting noise usage here to put some ALU after texture fetch. */ vec2 rotX = noise.rg; vec2 rotY = vec2(-rotX.y, rotX.x); for (int x = 0; x < num_samples; x++) { int sample_index = x + (int(ssao_iteration) * num_samples); if (sample_index > 500) { continue; } /* ssao_samples[x].xy is sample direction (normalized). * ssao_samples[x].z is sample distance from disk center. */ /* Rotate with random direction to get jittered result. */ vec2 dir_jittered = vec2(dot(ssao_samples[sample_index].xy, rotX), dot(ssao_samples[sample_index].xy, rotY)); dir_jittered.xy *= ssao_samples[sample_index].z + noise.b; vec2 uvcoords = screenco.xy + dir_jittered * offset; if (uvcoords.x > 1.0 || uvcoords.x < 0.0 || uvcoords.y > 1.0 || uvcoords.y < 0.0) { continue; } float depth_new = texture(depthBuffer, uvcoords).r; /* Handle Background case */ bool is_background = (depth_new == 1.0); /* This trick provide good edge effect even if no neighboor is found. */ vec3 pos_new = get_view_space_from_depth(uvcoords, (is_background) ? depth : depth_new); if (is_background) { pos_new.z -= ssao_distance; } vec3 dir = pos_new - position; float len = length(dir); float f_cavities = dot(dir, normal); float f_edge = -f_cavities; float f_bias = 0.05 * len + 0.0001; float attenuation = 1.0 / (len * (1.0 + len * len * ssao_attenuation)); /* use minor bias here to avoid self shadowing */ if (f_cavities > -f_bias) { cavities += f_cavities * attenuation; } if (f_edge > f_bias) { edges += f_edge * attenuation; } } cavities /= ssao_samples_num; edges /= ssao_samples_num; /* don't let cavity wash out the surface appearance */ cavities = clamp(cavities * ssao_factor_cavity, 0.0, 1.0); edges = edges * ssao_factor_edge; }