#define NO_OBJECT_ID uint(0) #define EPSILON 0.00001 #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* 4x4 bayer matrix prepared for 8bit UNORM precision error. */ #define P(x) (((x + 0.5) * (1.0 / 16.0) - 0.5) * (1.0 / 255.0)) const vec4 dither_mat4x4[4] = vec4[4]( vec4( P(0.0), P(8.0), P(2.0), P(10.0)), vec4(P(12.0), P(4.0), P(14.0), P(6.0)), vec4( P(3.0), P(11.0), P(1.0), P(9.0)), vec4(P(15.0), P(7.0), P(13.0), P(5.0)) ); float bayer_dither_noise() { ivec2 tx1 = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy) % 4; ivec2 tx2 = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy) % 2; return dither_mat4x4[tx1.x][tx1.y]; } /* From http://aras-p.info/texts/CompactNormalStorage.html * Using Method #4: Spheremap Transform */ vec3 normal_decode(vec2 enc) { vec2 fenc = enc.xy * 4.0 - 2.0; float f = dot(fenc, fenc); float g = sqrt(1.0 - f / 4.0); vec3 n; n.xy = fenc*g; n.z = 1 - f / 2; return n; } /* From http://aras-p.info/texts/CompactNormalStorage.html * Using Method #4: Spheremap Transform */ vec2 normal_encode(vec3 n) { float p = sqrt(n.z * 8.0 + 8.0); return vec2(n.xy / p + 0.5); } void fresnel(vec3 I, vec3 N, float ior, out float kr) { float cosi = clamp(dot(I, N), -1.0, 1.0); float etai = 1.0; float etat = ior; if (cosi > 0) { etat = 1.0; etai = ior; } // Compute sini using Snell's law float sint = etai / etat * sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 - cosi * cosi)); // Total internal reflection if (sint >= 1) { kr = 1; } else { float cost = sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 - sint * sint)); cosi = abs(cosi); float Rs = ((etat * cosi) - (etai * cost)) / ((etat * cosi) + (etai * cost)); float Rp = ((etai * cosi) - (etat * cost)) / ((etai * cosi) + (etat * cost)); kr = (Rs * Rs + Rp * Rp) / 2; } // As a consequence of the conservation of energy, transmittance is given by: // kt = 1 - kr; } float calculate_transparent_weight(float z, float alpha) { #if 0 /* Eq 10 : Good for surfaces with varying opacity (like particles) */ float a = min(1.0, alpha * 10.0) + 0.01; float b = -gl_FragCoord.z * 0.95 + 1.0; float w = a * a * a * 3e2 * b * b * b; #else /* Eq 7 put more emphasis on surfaces closer to the view. */ // float w = 10.0 / (1e-5 + pow(abs(z) / 5.0, 2.0) + pow(abs(z) / 200.0, 6.0)); /* Eq 7 */ // float w = 10.0 / (1e-5 + pow(abs(z) / 10.0, 3.0) + pow(abs(z) / 200.0, 6.0)); /* Eq 8 */ // float w = 10.0 / (1e-5 + pow(abs(z) / 200.0, 4.0)); /* Eq 9 */ /* Same as eq 7, but optimized. */ float a = abs(z) / 5.0; float b = abs(z) / 200.0; b *= b; float w = 10.0 / ((1e-5 + a * a) + b * (b * b)); /* Eq 7 */ #endif return alpha * clamp(w, 1e-2, 3e2); } /* Special function only to be used with calculate_transparent_weight(). */ float linear_zdepth(float depth, vec4 viewvecs[3], mat4 proj_mat) { if (proj_mat[3][3] == 0.0) { float d = 2.0 * depth - 1.0; return -proj_mat[3][2] / (d + proj_mat[2][2]); } else { /* Return depth from near plane. */ return depth * viewvecs[1].z; } } vec3 view_vector_from_screen_uv(vec2 uv, vec4 viewvecs[3], mat4 proj_mat) { return (proj_mat[3][3] == 0.0) ? normalize(viewvecs[0].xyz + vec3(uv, 0.0) * viewvecs[1].xyz) : vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } vec2 matcap_uv_compute(vec3 I, vec3 N, bool flipped) { /* Quick creation of an orthonormal basis */ float a = 1.0 / (1.0 + I.z); float b = -I.x * I.y * a; vec3 b1 = vec3(1.0 - I.x * I.x * a, b, -I.x); vec3 b2 = vec3(b, 1.0 - I.y * I.y * a, -I.y); vec2 matcap_uv = vec2(dot(b1, N), dot(b2, N)); if (flipped) { matcap_uv.x = -matcap_uv.x; } return matcap_uv * 0.496 + 0.5; }