/* TODO(fclem) deduplicate code. */ bool node_tex_tile_lookup(inout vec3 co, sampler2DArray ima, sampler1DArray map) { vec2 tile_pos = floor(co.xy); if (tile_pos.x < 0 || tile_pos.y < 0 || tile_pos.x >= 10) return false; float tile = 10.0 * tile_pos.y + tile_pos.x; if (tile >= textureSize(map, 0).x) return false; /* Fetch tile information. */ float tile_layer = texelFetch(map, ivec2(tile, 0), 0).x; if (tile_layer < 0.0) return false; vec4 tile_info = texelFetch(map, ivec2(tile, 1), 0); co = vec3(((co.xy - tile_pos) * tile_info.zw) + tile_info.xy, tile_layer); return true; } vec4 workbench_sample_texture(sampler2D image, vec2 coord, bool nearest_sampling) { /* TODO(fclem) We could do the same with sampler objects. * But this is a quick workaround instead of messing with the GPUTexture itself. */ if (nearest_sampling) { /* Use texelFetch for nearest_sampling to reduce glitches. See: T73726 */ vec2 tex_size = vec2(textureSize(image, 0).xy); ivec2 uv = ivec2(floor(coord * tex_size) + 0.5); return texelFetch(image, uv, 0); } else { return texture(image, coord); } } vec4 workbench_sample_texture_array(sampler2DArray tile_array, sampler1DArray tile_data, vec2 coord, bool nearest_sampling) { vec3 uv = vec3(coord, 0); if (!node_tex_tile_lookup(uv, tile_array, tile_data)) return vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); /* TODO(fclem) We could do the same with sampler objects. * But this is a quick workaround instead of messing with the GPUTexture itself. */ if (nearest_sampling) { /* Use texelFetch for nearest_sampling to reduce glitches. See: T73726 */ vec3 tex_size = vec3(textureSize(tile_array, 0)); uv.xy = floor(uv.xy * tex_size.xy) + 0.5; return texelFetch(tile_array, ivec3(uv), 0); } else { return texture(tile_array, uv); } } uniform sampler2DArray imageTileArray; uniform sampler1DArray imageTileData; uniform sampler2D imageTexture; uniform float imageTransparencyCutoff = 0.1; uniform bool imageNearest; uniform bool imagePremult; vec3 workbench_image_color(vec2 uvs) { #ifdef V3D_SHADING_TEXTURE_COLOR # ifdef TEXTURE_IMAGE_ARRAY vec4 color = workbench_sample_texture_array(imageTileArray, imageTileData, uvs, imageNearest); # else vec4 color = workbench_sample_texture(imageTexture, uvs, imageNearest); # endif /* Unpremultiply if stored multiplied, since straight alpha is expected by shaders. */ if (imagePremult && !(color.a == 0.0 || color.a == 1.0)) { color.rgb /= color.a; } # ifdef GPU_FRAGMENT_SHADER if (color.a < imageTransparencyCutoff) { discard; } # endif return color.rgb; #else return vec3(1.0); #endif }