/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * Copyright 2022 Blender Foundation. */ /** \file * \ingroup draw */ #include "GPU_batch.h" #include "GPU_capabilities.h" #include "GPU_compute.h" #include "GPU_debug.h" #include "draw_command.hh" #include "draw_shader.h" #include "draw_view.hh" #include #include namespace blender::draw::command { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Commands Execution * \{ */ void ShaderBind::execute(RecordingState &state) const { if (assign_if_different(state.shader, shader)) { GPU_shader_bind(shader); } } void ResourceBind::execute() const { if (slot == -1) { return; } switch (type) { case ResourceBind::Type::Sampler: GPU_texture_bind_ex(is_reference ? *texture_ref : texture, sampler, slot, false); break; case ResourceBind::Type::Image: GPU_texture_image_bind(is_reference ? *texture_ref : texture, slot); break; case ResourceBind::Type::UniformBuf: GPU_uniformbuf_bind(is_reference ? *uniform_buf_ref : uniform_buf, slot); break; case ResourceBind::Type::StorageBuf: GPU_storagebuf_bind(is_reference ? *storage_buf_ref : storage_buf, slot); break; } } void PushConstant::execute(RecordingState &state) const { if (location == -1) { return; } switch (type) { case PushConstant::Type::IntValue: GPU_shader_uniform_vector_int(state.shader, location, comp_len, array_len, int4_value); break; case PushConstant::Type::IntReference: GPU_shader_uniform_vector_int(state.shader, location, comp_len, array_len, int_ref); break; case PushConstant::Type::FloatValue: GPU_shader_uniform_vector(state.shader, location, comp_len, array_len, float4_value); break; case PushConstant::Type::FloatReference: GPU_shader_uniform_vector(state.shader, location, comp_len, array_len, float_ref); break; } } void Draw::execute(RecordingState &state) const { state.front_facing_set(handle.has_inverted_handedness()); if (GPU_shader_draw_parameters_support() == false) { GPU_batch_resource_id_buf_set(batch, state.resource_id_buf); } GPU_batch_set_shader(batch, state.shader); GPU_batch_draw_advanced(batch, vertex_first, vertex_len, 0, instance_len); } void DrawMulti::execute(RecordingState &state) const { DrawMultiBuf::DrawCommandBuf &indirect_buf = multi_draw_buf->command_buf_; DrawMultiBuf::DrawGroupBuf &groups = multi_draw_buf->group_buf_; uint group_index = this->group_first; while (group_index != uint(-1)) { const DrawGroup &group = groups[group_index]; if (group.vertex_len > 0) { if (GPU_shader_draw_parameters_support() == false) { GPU_batch_resource_id_buf_set(group.gpu_batch, state.resource_id_buf); } GPU_batch_set_shader(group.gpu_batch, state.shader); constexpr intptr_t stride = sizeof(DrawCommand); /* We have 2 indirect command reserved per draw group. */ intptr_t offset = stride * group_index * 2; /* Draw negatively scaled geometry first. */ if (group.len - group.front_facing_len > 0) { state.front_facing_set(true); GPU_batch_draw_indirect(group.gpu_batch, indirect_buf, offset); } if (group.front_facing_len > 0) { state.front_facing_set(false); GPU_batch_draw_indirect(group.gpu_batch, indirect_buf, offset + stride); } } group_index = group.next; } } void DrawIndirect::execute(RecordingState &state) const { state.front_facing_set(handle.has_inverted_handedness()); GPU_batch_draw_indirect(batch, *indirect_buf, 0); } void Dispatch::execute(RecordingState &state) const { if (is_reference) { GPU_compute_dispatch(state.shader, size_ref->x, size_ref->y, size_ref->z); } else { GPU_compute_dispatch(state.shader, size.x, size.y, size.z); } } void DispatchIndirect::execute(RecordingState &state) const { GPU_compute_dispatch_indirect(state.shader, *indirect_buf); } void Barrier::execute() const { GPU_memory_barrier(type); } void Clear::execute() const { GPUFrameBuffer *fb = GPU_framebuffer_active_get(); GPU_framebuffer_clear(fb, (eGPUFrameBufferBits)clear_channels, color, depth, stencil); } void StateSet::execute(RecordingState &recording_state) const { /** * Does not support locked state for the moment and never should. * Better implement a less hacky selection! */ BLI_assert(DST.state_lock == 0); if (!assign_if_different(recording_state.pipeline_state, new_state)) { return; } /* Keep old API working. Keep the state tracking in sync. */ /* TODO(fclem): Move at the end of a pass. */ DST.state = new_state; GPU_state_set(to_write_mask(new_state), to_blend(new_state), to_face_cull_test(new_state), to_depth_test(new_state), to_stencil_test(new_state), to_stencil_op(new_state), to_provoking_vertex(new_state)); if (new_state & DRW_STATE_SHADOW_OFFSET) { GPU_shadow_offset(true); } else { GPU_shadow_offset(false); } /* TODO: this should be part of shader state. */ if (new_state & DRW_STATE_CLIP_PLANES) { GPU_clip_distances(recording_state.view_clip_plane_count); } else { GPU_clip_distances(0); } if (new_state & DRW_STATE_IN_FRONT_SELECT) { /* XXX `GPU_depth_range` is not a perfect solution * since very distant geometries can still be occluded. * Also the depth test precision of these geometries is impaired. * However, it solves the selection for the vast majority of cases. */ GPU_depth_range(0.0f, 0.01f); } else { GPU_depth_range(0.0f, 1.0f); } if (new_state & DRW_STATE_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE) { GPU_program_point_size(true); } else { GPU_program_point_size(false); } } void StencilSet::execute() const { GPU_stencil_write_mask_set(write_mask); GPU_stencil_compare_mask_set(compare_mask); GPU_stencil_reference_set(reference); } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Commands Serialization for debugging * \{ */ std::string ShaderBind::serialize() const { return std::string(".shader_bind(") + GPU_shader_get_name(shader) + ")"; } std::string ResourceBind::serialize() const { switch (type) { case Type::Sampler: return std::string(".bind_texture") + (is_reference ? "_ref" : "") + "(" + std::to_string(slot) + (sampler != GPU_SAMPLER_MAX ? ", sampler=" + std::to_string(sampler) : "") + ")"; case Type::Image: return std::string(".bind_image") + (is_reference ? "_ref" : "") + "(" + std::to_string(slot) + ")"; case Type::UniformBuf: return std::string(".bind_uniform_buf") + (is_reference ? "_ref" : "") + "(" + std::to_string(slot) + ")"; case Type::StorageBuf: return std::string(".bind_storage_buf") + (is_reference ? "_ref" : "") + "(" + std::to_string(slot) + ")"; default: BLI_assert_unreachable(); return ""; } } std::string PushConstant::serialize() const { std::stringstream ss; for (int i = 0; i < array_len; i++) { switch (comp_len) { case 1: switch (type) { case Type::IntValue: ss << int1_value; break; case Type::IntReference: ss << int_ref[i]; break; case Type::FloatValue: ss << float1_value; break; case Type::FloatReference: ss << float_ref[i]; break; } break; case 2: switch (type) { case Type::IntValue: ss << int2_value; break; case Type::IntReference: ss << int2_ref[i]; break; case Type::FloatValue: ss << float2_value; break; case Type::FloatReference: ss << float2_ref[i]; break; } break; case 3: switch (type) { case Type::IntValue: ss << int3_value; break; case Type::IntReference: ss << int3_ref[i]; break; case Type::FloatValue: ss << float3_value; break; case Type::FloatReference: ss << float3_ref[i]; break; } break; case 4: switch (type) { case Type::IntValue: ss << int4_value; break; case Type::IntReference: ss << int4_ref[i]; break; case Type::FloatValue: ss << float4_value; break; case Type::FloatReference: ss << float4_ref[i]; break; } break; case 16: switch (type) { case Type::IntValue: case Type::IntReference: BLI_assert_unreachable(); break; case Type::FloatValue: ss << *reinterpret_cast(&float4_value); break; case Type::FloatReference: ss << *float4x4_ref; break; } break; } if (i < array_len - 1) { ss << ", "; } } return std::string(".push_constant(") + std::to_string(location) + ", data=" + ss.str() + ")"; } std::string Draw::serialize() const { std::string inst_len = (instance_len == uint(-1)) ? "from_batch" : std::to_string(instance_len); std::string vert_len = (vertex_len == uint(-1)) ? "from_batch" : std::to_string(vertex_len); std::string vert_first = (vertex_first == uint(-1)) ? "from_batch" : std::to_string(vertex_first); return std::string(".draw(inst_len=") + inst_len + ", vert_len=" + vert_len + ", vert_first=" + vert_first + ", res_id=" + std::to_string(handle.resource_index()) + ")"; } std::string DrawMulti::serialize(std::string line_prefix) const { DrawMultiBuf::DrawGroupBuf &groups = multi_draw_buf->group_buf_; MutableSpan prototypes(multi_draw_buf->prototype_buf_.data(), multi_draw_buf->prototype_count_); /* This emulates the GPU sorting but without the unstable draw order. */ std::sort( prototypes.begin(), prototypes.end(), [](const DrawPrototype &a, const DrawPrototype &b) { return (a.group_id < b.group_id) || (a.group_id == b.group_id && a.resource_handle > b.resource_handle); }); /* Compute prefix sum to have correct offsets. */ uint prefix_sum = 0u; for (DrawGroup &group : groups) { group.start = prefix_sum; prefix_sum += group.front_proto_len + group.back_proto_len; } std::stringstream ss; uint group_len = 0; uint group_index = this->group_first; while (group_index != uint(-1)) { const DrawGroup &grp = groups[group_index]; ss << std::endl << line_prefix << " .group(id=" << group_index << ", len=" << grp.len << ")"; intptr_t offset = grp.start; if (grp.back_proto_len > 0) { for (DrawPrototype &proto : prototypes.slice({offset, grp.back_proto_len})) { BLI_assert(proto.group_id == group_index); ResourceHandle handle(proto.resource_handle); BLI_assert(handle.has_inverted_handedness()); ss << std::endl << line_prefix << " .proto(instance_len=" << std::to_string(proto.instance_len) << ", resource_id=" << std::to_string(handle.resource_index()) << ", back_face)"; } offset += grp.back_proto_len; } if (grp.front_proto_len > 0) { for (DrawPrototype &proto : prototypes.slice({offset, grp.front_proto_len})) { BLI_assert(proto.group_id == group_index); ResourceHandle handle(proto.resource_handle); BLI_assert(!handle.has_inverted_handedness()); ss << std::endl << line_prefix << " .proto(instance_len=" << std::to_string(proto.instance_len) << ", resource_id=" << std::to_string(handle.resource_index()) << ", front_face)"; } } group_index = grp.next; group_len++; } ss << std::endl; return line_prefix + ".draw_multi(" + std::to_string(group_len) + ")" + ss.str(); } std::string DrawIndirect::serialize() const { return std::string(".draw_indirect()"); } std::string Dispatch::serialize() const { int3 sz = is_reference ? *size_ref : size; return std::string(".dispatch") + (is_reference ? "_ref" : "") + "(" + std::to_string(sz.x) + ", " + std::to_string(sz.y) + ", " + std::to_string(sz.z) + ")"; } std::string DispatchIndirect::serialize() const { return std::string(".dispatch_indirect()"); } std::string Barrier::serialize() const { /* TODO(@fclem): Better serialization... */ return std::string(".barrier(") + std::to_string(type) + ")"; } std::string Clear::serialize() const { std::stringstream ss; if (eGPUFrameBufferBits(clear_channels) & GPU_COLOR_BIT) { ss << "color=" << color; if (eGPUFrameBufferBits(clear_channels) & (GPU_DEPTH_BIT | GPU_STENCIL_BIT)) { ss << ", "; } } if (eGPUFrameBufferBits(clear_channels) & GPU_DEPTH_BIT) { ss << "depth=" << depth; if (eGPUFrameBufferBits(clear_channels) & GPU_STENCIL_BIT) { ss << ", "; } } if (eGPUFrameBufferBits(clear_channels) & GPU_STENCIL_BIT) { ss << "stencil=0b" << std::bitset<8>(stencil) << ")"; } return std::string(".clear(") + ss.str() + ")"; } std::string StateSet::serialize() const { /* TODO(@fclem): Better serialization... */ return std::string(".state_set(") + std::to_string(new_state) + ")"; } std::string StencilSet::serialize() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << ".stencil_set(write_mask=0b" << std::bitset<8>(write_mask) << ", compare_mask=0b" << std::bitset<8>(compare_mask) << ", reference=0b" << std::bitset<8>(reference); return ss.str(); } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Commands buffers binding / command / resource ID generation * \{ */ void DrawCommandBuf::bind(RecordingState &state, Vector &headers, Vector &commands) { UNUSED_VARS(headers, commands); resource_id_count_ = 0; for (const Header &header : headers) { if (header.type != Type::Draw) { continue; } Draw &cmd = commands[header.index].draw; int batch_vert_len, batch_vert_first, batch_base_index, batch_inst_len; /* Now that GPUBatches are guaranteed to be finished, extract their parameters. */ GPU_batch_draw_parameter_get( cmd.batch, &batch_vert_len, &batch_vert_first, &batch_base_index, &batch_inst_len); /* Instancing attributes are not supported using the new pipeline since we use the base * instance to set the correct resource_id. Workaround is a storage_buf + gl_InstanceID. */ BLI_assert(batch_inst_len == 1); if (cmd.vertex_len == uint(-1)) { cmd.vertex_len = batch_vert_len; } if (cmd.handle.raw > 0) { /* Save correct offset to start of resource_id buffer region for this draw. */ uint instance_first = resource_id_count_; resource_id_count_ += cmd.instance_len; /* Ensure the buffer is big enough. */ resource_id_buf_.get_or_resize(resource_id_count_ - 1); /* Copy the resource id for all instances. */ uint index = cmd.handle.resource_index(); for (int i = instance_first; i < (instance_first + cmd.instance_len); i++) { resource_id_buf_[i] = index; } } } resource_id_buf_.push_update(); if (GPU_shader_draw_parameters_support() == false) { state.resource_id_buf = resource_id_buf_; } else { GPU_storagebuf_bind(resource_id_buf_, DRW_RESOURCE_ID_SLOT); } } void DrawMultiBuf::bind(RecordingState &state, Vector &headers, Vector &commands, VisibilityBuf &visibility_buf) { UNUSED_VARS(headers, commands); GPU_debug_group_begin("DrawMultiBuf.bind"); resource_id_count_ = 0u; for (DrawGroup &group : MutableSpan(group_buf_.data(), group_count_)) { /* Compute prefix sum of all instance of previous group. */ group.start = resource_id_count_; resource_id_count_ += group.len; int batch_inst_len; /* Now that GPUBatches are guaranteed to be finished, extract their parameters. */ GPU_batch_draw_parameter_get(group.gpu_batch, &group.vertex_len, &group.vertex_first, &group.base_index, &batch_inst_len); /* Instancing attributes are not supported using the new pipeline since we use the base * instance to set the correct resource_id. Workaround is a storage_buf + gl_InstanceID. */ BLI_assert(batch_inst_len == 1); UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(batch_inst_len); /* Now that we got the batch information, we can set the counters to 0. */ group.total_counter = group.front_facing_counter = group.back_facing_counter = 0; } group_buf_.push_update(); prototype_buf_.push_update(); /* Allocate enough for the expansion pass. */ resource_id_buf_.get_or_resize(resource_id_count_); /* Two command per group. */ command_buf_.get_or_resize(group_count_ * 2); if (prototype_count_ > 0) { GPUShader *shader = DRW_shader_draw_command_generate_get(); GPU_shader_bind(shader); GPU_shader_uniform_1i(shader, "prototype_len", prototype_count_); GPU_storagebuf_bind(group_buf_, GPU_shader_get_ssbo(shader, "group_buf")); GPU_storagebuf_bind(visibility_buf, GPU_shader_get_ssbo(shader, "visibility_buf")); GPU_storagebuf_bind(prototype_buf_, GPU_shader_get_ssbo(shader, "prototype_buf")); GPU_storagebuf_bind(command_buf_, GPU_shader_get_ssbo(shader, "command_buf")); GPU_storagebuf_bind(resource_id_buf_, DRW_RESOURCE_ID_SLOT); GPU_compute_dispatch(shader, divide_ceil_u(prototype_count_, DRW_COMMAND_GROUP_SIZE), 1, 1); if (GPU_shader_draw_parameters_support() == false) { GPU_memory_barrier(GPU_BARRIER_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY); state.resource_id_buf = resource_id_buf_; } else { GPU_memory_barrier(GPU_BARRIER_SHADER_STORAGE); } } GPU_debug_group_end(); } /** \} */ }; // namespace blender::draw::command