/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2005 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup gpu * * GPU fluid drawing functions. */ #include #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "DNA_fluid_types.h" #include "DNA_modifier_types.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BKE_colorband.h" #include "GPU_texture.h" #include "draw_common.h" /* Own include. */ #ifdef WITH_FLUID # include "manta_fluid_API.h" #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Private API * \{ */ #ifdef WITH_FLUID enum { TFUNC_FLAME_SPECTRUM = 0, TFUNC_COLOR_RAMP = 1, }; # define TFUNC_WIDTH 256 static void create_flame_spectrum_texture(float *data) { # define FIRE_THRESH 7 # define MAX_FIRE_ALPHA 0.06f # define FULL_ON_FIRE 100 float *spec_pixels = (float *)MEM_mallocN(TFUNC_WIDTH * 4 * 16 * 16 * sizeof(float), "spec_pixels"); blackbody_temperature_to_rgb_table(data, TFUNC_WIDTH, 1500, 3000); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < TFUNC_WIDTH; k++) { int index = (j * TFUNC_WIDTH * 16 + i * TFUNC_WIDTH + k) * 4; if (k >= FIRE_THRESH) { spec_pixels[index] = (data[k * 4]); spec_pixels[index + 1] = (data[k * 4 + 1]); spec_pixels[index + 2] = (data[k * 4 + 2]); spec_pixels[index + 3] = MAX_FIRE_ALPHA * ((k > FULL_ON_FIRE) ? 1.0f : (k - FIRE_THRESH) / ((float)FULL_ON_FIRE - FIRE_THRESH)); } else { zero_v4(&spec_pixels[index]); } } } } memcpy(data, spec_pixels, sizeof(float) * 4 * TFUNC_WIDTH); MEM_freeN(spec_pixels); # undef FIRE_THRESH # undef MAX_FIRE_ALPHA # undef FULL_ON_FIRE } static void create_color_ramp(const struct ColorBand *coba, float *data) { for (int i = 0; i < TFUNC_WIDTH; i++) { BKE_colorband_evaluate(coba, (float)i / TFUNC_WIDTH, &data[i * 4]); straight_to_premul_v4(&data[i * 4]); } } static GPUTexture *create_transfer_function(int type, const struct ColorBand *coba) { float *data = (float *)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float[4]) * TFUNC_WIDTH, __func__); switch (type) { case TFUNC_FLAME_SPECTRUM: create_flame_spectrum_texture(data); break; case TFUNC_COLOR_RAMP: create_color_ramp(coba, data); break; } GPUTexture *tex = GPU_texture_create_1d("transf_func", TFUNC_WIDTH, 1, GPU_SRGB8_A8, data); MEM_freeN(data); return tex; } static void swizzle_texture_channel_single(GPUTexture *tex) { /* Swizzle texture channels so that we get useful RGBA values when sampling * a texture with fewer channels, e.g. when using density as color. */ GPU_texture_swizzle_set(tex, "rrr1"); } static float *rescale_3d(const int dim[3], const int final_dim[3], int channels, const float *fpixels) { const uint w = dim[0], h = dim[1], d = dim[2]; const uint fw = final_dim[0], fh = final_dim[1], fd = final_dim[2]; const uint xf = w / fw, yf = h / fh, zf = d / fd; const uint pixel_count = fw * fh * fd; float *nfpixels = (float *)MEM_mallocN(channels * sizeof(float) * pixel_count, __func__); if (nfpixels) { printf("Performance: You need to scale a 3D texture, feel the pain!\n"); for (uint k = 0; k < fd; k++) { for (uint j = 0; j < fh; j++) { for (uint i = 0; i < fw; i++) { /* Obviously doing nearest filtering here, * it's going to be slow in any case, let's not make it worse. */ float xb = i * xf; float yb = j * yf; float zb = k * zf; uint offset = k * (fw * fh) + i * fh + j; uint offset_orig = (zb) * (w * h) + (xb)*h + (yb); if (channels == 4) { nfpixels[offset * 4] = fpixels[offset_orig * 4]; nfpixels[offset * 4 + 1] = fpixels[offset_orig * 4 + 1]; nfpixels[offset * 4 + 2] = fpixels[offset_orig * 4 + 2]; nfpixels[offset * 4 + 3] = fpixels[offset_orig * 4 + 3]; } else if (channels == 1) { nfpixels[offset] = fpixels[offset_orig]; } else { BLI_assert(0); } } } } } return nfpixels; } /* Will resize input to fit GL system limits. */ static GPUTexture *create_volume_texture(const int dim[3], eGPUTextureFormat format, const float *data) { GPUTexture *tex = NULL; int final_dim[3] = {UNPACK3(dim)}; while (1) { tex = GPU_texture_create_3d("volume", UNPACK3(final_dim), 1, format, NULL); if (tex != NULL) { break; } if (final_dim[0] == 1 && final_dim[1] == 1 && final_dim[2] == 1) { break; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { final_dim[i] = max_ii(1, final_dim[i] / 2); } } if (tex == NULL) { printf("Error: Could not create 3D texture.\n"); tex = GPU_texture_create_error(3, false); } else if (equals_v3v3_int(dim, final_dim)) { /* No need to resize, just upload the data. */ GPU_texture_update_sub(tex, GPU_DATA_FLOAT, data, 0, 0, 0, UNPACK3(final_dim)); } else { /* We need to resize the input. */ int channels = (format == GPU_R8) ? 1 : 4; float *rescaled_data = rescale_3d(dim, final_dim, channels, data); if (rescaled_data) { GPU_texture_update_sub(tex, GPU_DATA_FLOAT, rescaled_data, 0, 0, 0, UNPACK3(final_dim)); MEM_freeN(rescaled_data); } else { printf("Error: Could not allocate rescaled 3d texture!\n"); GPU_texture_free(tex); tex = GPU_texture_create_error(3, false); } } return tex; } static GPUTexture *create_field_texture(FluidDomainSettings *fds) { float *field = NULL; switch (fds->coba_field) { case FLUID_DOMAIN_FIELD_DENSITY: field = manta_smoke_get_density(fds->fluid); break; case FLUID_DOMAIN_FIELD_HEAT: field = manta_smoke_get_heat(fds->fluid); break; case FLUID_DOMAIN_FIELD_FUEL: field = manta_smoke_get_fuel(fds->fluid); break; case FLUID_DOMAIN_FIELD_REACT: field = manta_smoke_get_react(fds->fluid); break; case FLUID_DOMAIN_FIELD_FLAME: field = manta_smoke_get_flame(fds->fluid); break; case FLUID_DOMAIN_FIELD_VELOCITY_X: field = manta_get_velocity_x(fds->fluid); break; case FLUID_DOMAIN_FIELD_VELOCITY_Y: field = manta_get_velocity_y(fds->fluid); break; case FLUID_DOMAIN_FIELD_VELOCITY_Z: field = manta_get_velocity_z(fds->fluid); break; case FLUID_DOMAIN_FIELD_COLOR_R: field = manta_smoke_get_color_r(fds->fluid); break; case FLUID_DOMAIN_FIELD_COLOR_G: field = manta_smoke_get_color_g(fds->fluid); break; case FLUID_DOMAIN_FIELD_COLOR_B: field = manta_smoke_get_color_b(fds->fluid); break; case FLUID_DOMAIN_FIELD_FORCE_X: field = manta_get_force_x(fds->fluid); break; case FLUID_DOMAIN_FIELD_FORCE_Y: field = manta_get_force_y(fds->fluid); break; case FLUID_DOMAIN_FIELD_FORCE_Z: field = manta_get_force_z(fds->fluid); break; default: return NULL; } GPUTexture *tex = create_volume_texture(fds->res, GPU_R8, field); swizzle_texture_channel_single(tex); return tex; } static GPUTexture *create_density_texture(FluidDomainSettings *fds, int highres) { int *dim = (highres) ? fds->res_noise : fds->res; float *data; if (highres) { data = manta_noise_get_density(fds->fluid); } else { data = manta_smoke_get_density(fds->fluid); } GPUTexture *tex = create_volume_texture(dim, GPU_R8, data); swizzle_texture_channel_single(tex); return tex; } static GPUTexture *create_color_texture(FluidDomainSettings *fds, int highres) { const bool has_color = (highres) ? manta_noise_has_colors(fds->fluid) : manta_smoke_has_colors(fds->fluid); if (!has_color) { return NULL; } int cell_count = (highres) ? manta_noise_get_cells(fds->fluid) : fds->total_cells; int *dim = (highres) ? fds->res_noise : fds->res; float *data = (float *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * cell_count * 4, "smokeColorTexture"); if (data == NULL) { return NULL; } if (highres) { manta_noise_get_rgba(fds->fluid, data, 0); } else { manta_smoke_get_rgba(fds->fluid, data, 0); } GPUTexture *tex = create_volume_texture(dim, GPU_RGBA8, data); MEM_freeN(data); return tex; } static GPUTexture *create_flame_texture(FluidDomainSettings *fds, int highres) { float *source = NULL; const bool has_fuel = (highres) ? manta_noise_has_fuel(fds->fluid) : manta_smoke_has_fuel(fds->fluid); int *dim = (highres) ? fds->res_noise : fds->res; if (!has_fuel) { return NULL; } if (highres) { source = manta_noise_get_flame(fds->fluid); } else { source = manta_smoke_get_flame(fds->fluid); } GPUTexture *tex = create_volume_texture(dim, GPU_R8, source); swizzle_texture_channel_single(tex); return tex; } #endif /* WITH_FLUID */ /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Public API * \{ */ void DRW_smoke_free(FluidModifierData *fmd) { if (fmd->type & MOD_FLUID_TYPE_DOMAIN && fmd->domain) { if (fmd->domain->tex_density) { GPU_texture_free(fmd->domain->tex_density); fmd->domain->tex_density = NULL; } if (fmd->domain->tex_color) { GPU_texture_free(fmd->domain->tex_color); fmd->domain->tex_color = NULL; } if (fmd->domain->tex_shadow) { GPU_texture_free(fmd->domain->tex_shadow); fmd->domain->tex_shadow = NULL; } if (fmd->domain->tex_flame) { GPU_texture_free(fmd->domain->tex_flame); fmd->domain->tex_flame = NULL; } if (fmd->domain->tex_flame_coba) { GPU_texture_free(fmd->domain->tex_flame_coba); fmd->domain->tex_flame_coba = NULL; } if (fmd->domain->tex_coba) { GPU_texture_free(fmd->domain->tex_coba); fmd->domain->tex_coba = NULL; } if (fmd->domain->tex_field) { GPU_texture_free(fmd->domain->tex_field); fmd->domain->tex_field = NULL; } } } void DRW_smoke_ensure_coba_field(FluidModifierData *fmd) { #ifndef WITH_FLUID UNUSED_VARS(fmd); #else if (fmd->type & MOD_FLUID_TYPE_DOMAIN) { FluidDomainSettings *fds = fmd->domain; if (!fds->tex_field) { fds->tex_field = create_field_texture(fds); } if (!fds->tex_coba) { fds->tex_coba = create_transfer_function(TFUNC_COLOR_RAMP, fds->coba); } } #endif } void DRW_smoke_ensure(FluidModifierData *fmd, int highres) { #ifndef WITH_FLUID UNUSED_VARS(fmd, highres); #else if (fmd->type & MOD_FLUID_TYPE_DOMAIN) { FluidDomainSettings *fds = fmd->domain; if (!fds->tex_density) { fds->tex_density = create_density_texture(fds, highres); } if (!fds->tex_color) { fds->tex_color = create_color_texture(fds, highres); } if (!fds->tex_flame) { fds->tex_flame = create_flame_texture(fds, highres); } if (!fds->tex_flame_coba && fds->tex_flame) { fds->tex_flame_coba = create_transfer_function(TFUNC_FLAME_SPECTRUM, NULL); } if (!fds->tex_shadow) { fds->tex_shadow = create_volume_texture( fds->res, GPU_R8, manta_smoke_get_shadow(fds->fluid)); } } #endif /* WITH_FLUID */ } void DRW_smoke_ensure_velocity(FluidModifierData *fmd) { #ifndef WITH_FLUID UNUSED_VARS(fmd); #else if (fmd->type & MOD_FLUID_TYPE_DOMAIN) { FluidDomainSettings *fds = fmd->domain; const float *vel_x = manta_get_velocity_x(fds->fluid); const float *vel_y = manta_get_velocity_y(fds->fluid); const float *vel_z = manta_get_velocity_z(fds->fluid); if (ELEM(NULL, vel_x, vel_y, vel_z)) { return; } if (!fds->tex_velocity_x) { fds->tex_velocity_x = GPU_texture_create_3d("velx", UNPACK3(fds->res), 1, GPU_R16F, vel_x); fds->tex_velocity_y = GPU_texture_create_3d("vely", UNPACK3(fds->res), 1, GPU_R16F, vel_y); fds->tex_velocity_z = GPU_texture_create_3d("velz", UNPACK3(fds->res), 1, GPU_R16F, vel_z); } } #endif /* WITH_FLUID */ } /* TODO Unify with the other DRW_smoke_free. */ void DRW_smoke_free_velocity(FluidModifierData *fmd) { if (fmd->type & MOD_FLUID_TYPE_DOMAIN && fmd->domain) { if (fmd->domain->tex_velocity_x) { GPU_texture_free(fmd->domain->tex_velocity_x); } if (fmd->domain->tex_velocity_y) { GPU_texture_free(fmd->domain->tex_velocity_y); } if (fmd->domain->tex_velocity_z) { GPU_texture_free(fmd->domain->tex_velocity_z); } fmd->domain->tex_velocity_x = NULL; fmd->domain->tex_velocity_y = NULL; fmd->domain->tex_velocity_z = NULL; } } /** \} */