/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2017 by Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * Contributor(s): Blender Foundation, Mike Erwin, Dalai Felinto * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file draw_hair.c * \ingroup draw * * \brief Contains procedural GPU hair drawing methods. */ #include "DRW_render.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BLI_string_utils.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "DNA_modifier_types.h" #include "DNA_particle_types.h" #include "DNA_customdata_types.h" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_particle.h" #include "BKE_pointcache.h" #include "ED_particle.h" #include "GPU_batch.h" #include "GPU_shader.h" #include "draw_hair_private.h" typedef enum ParticleRefineShader { PART_REFINE_CATMULL_ROM = 0, PART_REFINE_MAX_SHADER, } ParticleRefineShader; static GPUShader *g_refine_shaders[PART_REFINE_MAX_SHADER] = {NULL}; static DRWPass *g_tf_pass; /* XXX can be a problem with mulitple DRWManager in the future */ extern char datatoc_common_hair_lib_glsl[]; extern char datatoc_common_hair_refine_vert_glsl[]; static GPUShader *hair_refine_shader_get(ParticleRefineShader sh) { if (g_refine_shaders[sh]) { return g_refine_shaders[sh]; } char *vert_with_lib = BLI_string_joinN(datatoc_common_hair_lib_glsl, datatoc_common_hair_refine_vert_glsl); const char *var_names[1] = {"outData"}; g_refine_shaders[sh] = DRW_shader_create_with_transform_feedback(vert_with_lib, NULL, "#define HAIR_PHASE_SUBDIV\n", GPU_SHADER_TFB_POINTS, var_names, 1); MEM_freeN(vert_with_lib); return g_refine_shaders[sh]; } void DRW_hair_init(void) { g_tf_pass = DRW_pass_create("Update Hair Pass", DRW_STATE_TRANS_FEEDBACK); } static DRWShadingGroup *drw_shgroup_create_hair_procedural_ex( Object *object, ParticleSystem *psys, ModifierData *md, DRWPass *hair_pass, struct GPUMaterial *gpu_mat, GPUShader *gpu_shader) { /* TODO(fclem): Pass the scene as parameter */ const DRWContextState *draw_ctx = DRW_context_state_get(); Scene *scene = draw_ctx->scene; int subdiv = scene->r.hair_subdiv; int thickness_res = (scene->r.hair_type == SCE_HAIR_SHAPE_STRAND) ? 1 : 2; ParticleHairCache *hair_cache; ParticleSettings *part = psys->part; bool need_ft_update = particles_ensure_procedural_data(object, psys, md, &hair_cache, subdiv, thickness_res); DRWShadingGroup *shgrp; if (gpu_mat) { shgrp = DRW_shgroup_material_create(gpu_mat, hair_pass); } else if (gpu_shader) { shgrp = DRW_shgroup_create(gpu_shader, hair_pass); } else { shgrp = NULL; BLI_assert(0); } /* TODO optimize this. Only bind the ones GPUMaterial needs. */ for (int i = 0; i < hair_cache->num_uv_layers; ++i) { for (int n = 0; n < MAX_LAYER_NAME_CT && hair_cache->uv_layer_names[i][n][0] != '\0'; ++n) { DRW_shgroup_uniform_texture(shgrp, hair_cache->uv_layer_names[i][n], hair_cache->uv_tex[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < hair_cache->num_col_layers; ++i) { for (int n = 0; n < MAX_LAYER_NAME_CT && hair_cache->col_layer_names[i][n][0] != '\0'; ++n) { DRW_shgroup_uniform_texture(shgrp, hair_cache->col_layer_names[i][n], hair_cache->col_tex[i]); } } DRW_shgroup_uniform_texture(shgrp, "hairPointBuffer", hair_cache->final[subdiv].proc_tex); DRW_shgroup_uniform_int(shgrp, "hairStrandsRes", &hair_cache->final[subdiv].strands_res, 1); DRW_shgroup_uniform_int_copy(shgrp, "hairThicknessRes", thickness_res); DRW_shgroup_uniform_float(shgrp, "hairRadShape", &part->shape, 1); DRW_shgroup_uniform_float_copy(shgrp, "hairRadRoot", part->rad_root * part->rad_scale * 0.5f); DRW_shgroup_uniform_float_copy(shgrp, "hairRadTip", part->rad_tip * part->rad_scale * 0.5f); DRW_shgroup_uniform_bool_copy(shgrp, "hairCloseTip", (part->shape_flag & PART_SHAPE_CLOSE_TIP) != 0); /* TODO(fclem): Until we have a better way to cull the hair and render with orco, bypass culling test. */ DRW_shgroup_call_object_add_no_cull(shgrp, hair_cache->final[subdiv].proc_hairs[thickness_res - 1], object); /* Transform Feedback subdiv. */ if (need_ft_update) { int final_points_ct = hair_cache->final[subdiv].strands_res * hair_cache->strands_count; GPUShader *tf_shader = hair_refine_shader_get(PART_REFINE_CATMULL_ROM); DRWShadingGroup *tf_shgrp = DRW_shgroup_transform_feedback_create(tf_shader, g_tf_pass, hair_cache->final[subdiv].proc_buf); DRW_shgroup_uniform_texture(tf_shgrp, "hairPointBuffer", hair_cache->point_tex); DRW_shgroup_uniform_texture(tf_shgrp, "hairStrandBuffer", hair_cache->strand_tex); DRW_shgroup_uniform_int(tf_shgrp, "hairStrandsRes", &hair_cache->final[subdiv].strands_res, 1); DRW_shgroup_call_procedural_points_add(tf_shgrp, final_points_ct, NULL); } return shgrp; } DRWShadingGroup *DRW_shgroup_hair_create( Object *object, ParticleSystem *psys, ModifierData *md, DRWPass *hair_pass, GPUShader *shader) { return drw_shgroup_create_hair_procedural_ex(object, psys, md, hair_pass, NULL, shader); } DRWShadingGroup *DRW_shgroup_material_hair_create( Object *object, ParticleSystem *psys, ModifierData *md, DRWPass *hair_pass, struct GPUMaterial *material) { return drw_shgroup_create_hair_procedural_ex(object, psys, md, hair_pass, material, NULL); } void DRW_hair_update(void) { DRW_draw_pass(g_tf_pass); } void DRW_hair_free(void) { for (int i = 0; i < PART_REFINE_MAX_SHADER; ++i) { DRW_SHADER_FREE_SAFE(g_refine_shaders[i]); } }