/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * Copyright 2005 Blender Foundation. All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup gpu * * PBVH drawing. * Embeds GPU meshes inside of PBVH nodes, used by mesh sculpt mode. */ #include #include #include #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_bitmap.h" #include "BLI_ghash.h" #include "BLI_math_color.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "BKE_DerivedMesh.h" #include "BKE_attribute.h" #include "BKE_ccg.h" #include "BKE_customdata.h" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_paint.h" #include "BKE_pbvh.h" #include "BKE_subdiv_ccg.h" #include "GPU_batch.h" #include "DRW_engine.h" #include "DRW_pbvh.h" #include "bmesh.h" #include "draw_pbvh.h" #include "gpu_private.h" #define MAX_PBVH_BATCH_KEY 512 #define MAX_PBVH_VBOS 16 #include "BLI_index_range.hh" #include "BLI_map.hh" #include "BLI_math_vec_types.hh" #include "BLI_vector.hh" #include #include #include using blender::char3; using blender::float2; using blender::float3; using blender::float4; using blender::IndexRange; using blender::Map; using blender::short3; using blender::uchar3; using blender::ushort3; using blender::ushort4; using blender::Vector; using string = std::string; struct PBVHVbo { uint64_t type; eAttrDomain domain; string name; GPUVertBuf *vert_buf = nullptr; string key; PBVHVbo(eAttrDomain _domain, uint64_t _type, string _name) : type(_type), domain(_domain), name(_name) { } void clear_data() { GPU_vertbuf_clear(vert_buf); } string build_key() { char buf[512]; sprintf(buf, "%d:%d:%s", int(type), int(domain), name.c_str()); key = string(buf); return key; } }; struct PBVHBatch { Vector vbos; string key; GPUBatch *tris = nullptr, *lines = nullptr; int tris_count = 0, lines_count = 0; void sort_vbos(Vector &master_vbos) { struct cmp { Vector &master_vbos; cmp(Vector &_master_vbos) : master_vbos(_master_vbos) { } bool operator()(const int &a, const int &b) { return master_vbos[a].key < master_vbos[b].key; } }; std::sort(vbos.begin(), vbos.end(), cmp(master_vbos)); } string build_key(Vector &master_vbos) { key = ""; sort_vbos(master_vbos); for (int vbo_i : vbos) { key += master_vbos[vbo_i].key + ":"; } return key; } }; static CustomData *get_cdata(eAttrDomain domain, PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { switch (domain) { case ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT: return args->vdata; case ATTR_DOMAIN_CORNER: return args->ldata; case ATTR_DOMAIN_FACE: return args->pdata; default: return nullptr; } } struct PBVHBatches { Vector vbos; Map batches; GPUIndexBuf *tri_index = nullptr; GPUIndexBuf *lines_index = nullptr; int faces_count = 0; /* Used by PBVH_BMESH and PBVH_GRIDS */ int tris_count = 0, lines_count = 0; bool needs_tri_index = false; int material_index = 0; int count_faces(PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { int count = 0; switch (args->pbvh_type) { case PBVH_FACES: { for (int i = 0; i < args->totprim; i++) { int face_index = args->mlooptri[args->prim_indices[i]].poly; if (args->hide_poly && args->hide_poly[face_index]) { continue; } count++; } break; } case PBVH_GRIDS: { count = BKE_pbvh_count_grid_quads((BLI_bitmap **)args->grid_hidden, args->grid_indices, args->totprim, args->ccg_key.grid_size); break; } case PBVH_BMESH: { GSET_FOREACH_BEGIN (BMFace *, f, args->bm_faces) { if (!BM_elem_flag_test(f, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN)) { count++; } } GSET_FOREACH_END(); } } return count; } PBVHBatches(PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { faces_count = count_faces(args); if (args->pbvh_type == PBVH_BMESH) { tris_count = faces_count; } } ~PBVHBatches() { for (PBVHBatch &batch : batches.values()) { GPU_BATCH_DISCARD_SAFE(batch.tris); GPU_BATCH_DISCARD_SAFE(batch.lines); } for (PBVHVbo &vbo : vbos) { GPU_vertbuf_discard(vbo.vert_buf); } GPU_INDEXBUF_DISCARD_SAFE(tri_index); GPU_INDEXBUF_DISCARD_SAFE(lines_index); } string build_key(PBVHAttrReq *attrs, int attrs_num) { string key; PBVHBatch batch; Vector vbos; for (int i : IndexRange(attrs_num)) { PBVHAttrReq *attr = attrs + i; PBVHVbo vbo(attr->domain, attr->type, string(attr->name)); vbo.build_key(); vbos.append(vbo); batch.vbos.append(i); } batch.build_key(vbos); return batch.key; } bool has_vbo(eAttrDomain domain, int type, string name) { for (PBVHVbo &vbo : vbos) { if (vbo.domain == domain && vbo.type == type && vbo.name == name) { return true; } } return false; } int get_vbo_index(PBVHVbo *vbo) { for (int i : IndexRange(vbos.size())) { if (vbo == &vbos[i]) { return i; } } return -1; } PBVHVbo *get_vbo(eAttrDomain domain, int type, string name) { for (PBVHVbo &vbo : vbos) { if (vbo.domain == domain && vbo.type == type && vbo.name == name) { return &vbo; } } return nullptr; } bool has_batch(PBVHAttrReq *attrs, int attrs_num) { return batches.contains(build_key(attrs, attrs_num)); } PBVHBatch &ensure_batch(PBVHAttrReq *attrs, int attrs_num, PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { if (!has_batch(attrs, attrs_num)) { create_batch(attrs, attrs_num, args); } return batches.lookup(build_key(attrs, attrs_num)); } void fill_vbo_normal_faces( PBVHVbo & /*vbo*/, PBVH_GPU_Args *args, std::function callback)> foreach_faces, GPUVertBufRaw *access) { float fno[3]; short no[3]; int last_poly = -1; bool smooth = false; foreach_faces([&](int /*buffer_i*/, int /*tri_i*/, int vertex_i, const MLoopTri *tri) { const MPoly *mp = args->mpoly + tri->poly; if (tri->poly != last_poly) { last_poly = tri->poly; if (!(mp->flag & ME_SMOOTH)) { smooth = true; BKE_mesh_calc_poly_normal(mp, args->mloop + mp->loopstart, args->mvert, fno); normal_float_to_short_v3(no, fno); } else { smooth = false; } } if (!smooth) { normal_float_to_short_v3(no, args->vert_normals[vertex_i]); } *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(access)) = no; }); } void fill_vbo_grids_intern( PBVHVbo &vbo, PBVH_GPU_Args *args, std::function< void(std::function func)> foreach_grids) { uint vert_per_grid = square_i(args->ccg_key.grid_size - 1) * 4; uint vert_count = args->totprim * vert_per_grid; int existing_num = GPU_vertbuf_get_vertex_len(vbo.vert_buf); void *existing_data = GPU_vertbuf_get_data(vbo.vert_buf); if (existing_data == nullptr || existing_num != vert_count) { /* Allocate buffer if not allocated yet or size changed. */ GPU_vertbuf_data_alloc(vbo.vert_buf, vert_count); } GPUVertBufRaw access; GPU_vertbuf_attr_get_raw_data(vbo.vert_buf, 0, &access); switch (vbo.type) { case CD_PROP_COLOR: case CD_PROP_BYTE_COLOR: { /* TODO: Implement color support for multires similar to the mesh cache * extractor code. For now just upload white. */ const ushort4 white(USHRT_MAX, USHRT_MAX, USHRT_MAX, USHRT_MAX); foreach_grids( [&](int /*x*/, int /*y*/, int /*grid_index*/, CCGElem * /*elems*/[4], int /*i*/) { *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = white; }); break; } case CD_PBVH_CO_TYPE: foreach_grids([&](int /*x*/, int /*y*/, int /*grid_index*/, CCGElem *elems[4], int i) { float *co = CCG_elem_co(&args->ccg_key, elems[i]); *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = co; }); break; case CD_PBVH_NO_TYPE: foreach_grids([&](int /*x*/, int /*y*/, int grid_index, CCGElem *elems[4], int /*i*/) { float3 no(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); const bool smooth = args->grid_flag_mats[grid_index].flag & ME_SMOOTH; if (smooth) { no = CCG_elem_no(&args->ccg_key, elems[0]); } else { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { no += CCG_elem_no(&args->ccg_key, elems[j]); } } normalize_v3(no); short sno[3]; normal_float_to_short_v3(sno, no); *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = sno; }); break; case CD_PBVH_MASK_TYPE: foreach_grids([&](int /*x*/, int /*y*/, int /*grid_index*/, CCGElem *elems[4], int i) { float *mask = CCG_elem_mask(&args->ccg_key, elems[i]); *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = mask ? uchar(*mask * 255.0f) : 255; }); break; case CD_PBVH_FSET_TYPE: { int *face_sets = args->face_sets; if (!face_sets) { uchar white[3] = {UCHAR_MAX, UCHAR_MAX, UCHAR_MAX}; foreach_grids( [&](int /*x*/, int /*y*/, int /*grid_index*/, CCGElem * /*elems*/[4], int /*i*/) { *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = white; }); } else { foreach_grids( [&](int /*x*/, int /*y*/, int grid_index, CCGElem * /*elems*/[4], int /*i*/) { uchar face_set_color[4] = {UCHAR_MAX, UCHAR_MAX, UCHAR_MAX, UCHAR_MAX}; if (face_sets) { const int face_index = BKE_subdiv_ccg_grid_to_face_index(args->subdiv_ccg, grid_index); const int fset = face_sets[face_index]; /* Skip for the default color Face Set to render it white. */ if (fset != args->face_sets_color_default) { BKE_paint_face_set_overlay_color_get( fset, args->face_sets_color_seed, face_set_color); } } *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = face_set_color; }); } break; } } } void fill_vbo_grids(PBVHVbo &vbo, PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { int gridsize = args->ccg_key.grid_size; uint totgrid = args->totprim; auto foreach_solid = [&](std::function func) { for (int i = 0; i < totgrid; i++) { const int grid_index = args->grid_indices[i]; CCGElem *grid = args->grids[grid_index]; for (int y = 0; y < gridsize - 1; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < gridsize - 1; x++) { CCGElem *elems[4] = { CCG_grid_elem(&args->ccg_key, grid, x, y), CCG_grid_elem(&args->ccg_key, grid, x + 1, y), CCG_grid_elem(&args->ccg_key, grid, x + 1, y + 1), CCG_grid_elem(&args->ccg_key, grid, x, y + 1), }; func(x, y, grid_index, elems, 0); func(x + 1, y, grid_index, elems, 1); func(x + 1, y + 1, grid_index, elems, 2); func(x, y + 1, grid_index, elems, 3); } } } }; auto foreach_indexed = [&](std::function func) { for (int i = 0; i < totgrid; i++) { const int grid_index = args->grid_indices[i]; CCGElem *grid = args->grids[grid_index]; for (int y = 0; y < gridsize; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < gridsize; x++) { CCGElem *elems[4] = { CCG_grid_elem(&args->ccg_key, grid, x, y), CCG_grid_elem(&args->ccg_key, grid, x + 1, y), CCG_grid_elem(&args->ccg_key, grid, x + 1, y + 1), CCG_grid_elem(&args->ccg_key, grid, x, y + 1), }; func(x, y, grid_index, elems, 0); } } } }; if (needs_tri_index) { fill_vbo_grids_intern(vbo, args, foreach_indexed); } else { fill_vbo_grids_intern(vbo, args, foreach_solid); } } void fill_vbo_faces(PBVHVbo &vbo, PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { auto foreach_faces = [&](std::function func) { int buffer_i = 0; const MLoop *mloop = args->mloop; for (int i : IndexRange(args->totprim)) { int face_index = args->mlooptri[args->prim_indices[i]].poly; if (args->hide_poly && args->hide_poly[face_index]) { continue; } const MLoopTri *tri = args->mlooptri + args->prim_indices[i]; for (int j : IndexRange(3)) { func(buffer_i, j, mloop[tri->tri[j]].v, tri); buffer_i++; } } }; int totvert = 0; foreach_faces([&totvert](int, int, int, const MLoopTri *) { totvert++; }); int existing_num = GPU_vertbuf_get_vertex_len(vbo.vert_buf); void *existing_data = GPU_vertbuf_get_data(vbo.vert_buf); if (existing_data == nullptr || existing_num != totvert) { /* Allocate buffer if not allocated yet or size changed. */ GPU_vertbuf_data_alloc(vbo.vert_buf, totvert); } GPUVertBufRaw access; GPU_vertbuf_attr_get_raw_data(vbo.vert_buf, 0, &access); switch (vbo.type) { case CD_PBVH_CO_TYPE: foreach_faces( [&](int /*buffer_i*/, int /*tri_i*/, int vertex_i, const MLoopTri * /*tri*/) { *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = args->mvert[vertex_i].co; }); break; case CD_PBVH_NO_TYPE: fill_vbo_normal_faces(vbo, args, foreach_faces, &access); break; case CD_PBVH_MASK_TYPE: { float *mask = static_cast(CustomData_get_layer(args->vdata, CD_PAINT_MASK)); if (mask) { foreach_faces( [&](int /*buffer_i*/, int /*tri_i*/, int vertex_i, const MLoopTri * /*tri*/) { *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = uchar(mask[vertex_i] * 255.0f); }); } else { foreach_faces( [&](int /*buffer_i*/, int /*tri_i*/, int /*vertex_i*/, const MLoopTri * /*tri*/) { *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = 0; }); } break; } case CD_PBVH_FSET_TYPE: { int *face_sets = static_cast( CustomData_get_layer_named(args->pdata, CD_PROP_INT32, ".sculpt_face_set")); if (face_sets) { int last_poly = -1; uchar fset_color[4] = {UCHAR_MAX, UCHAR_MAX, UCHAR_MAX, UCHAR_MAX}; foreach_faces( [&](int /*buffer_i*/, int /*tri_i*/, int /*vertex_i*/, const MLoopTri *tri) { if (last_poly != tri->poly) { last_poly = tri->poly; const int fset = face_sets[tri->poly]; if (fset != args->face_sets_color_default) { BKE_paint_face_set_overlay_color_get( fset, args->face_sets_color_seed, fset_color); } else { /* Skip for the default color face set to render it white. */ fset_color[0] = fset_color[1] = fset_color[2] = UCHAR_MAX; } } *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = fset_color; }); } else { uchar fset_color[4] = {255, 255, 255, 255}; foreach_faces( [&](int /*buffer_i*/, int /*tri_i*/, int /*vertex_i*/, const MLoopTri * /*tri*/) { *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = fset_color; }); } break; } case CD_MLOOPUV: { MLoopUV *mloopuv = static_cast( CustomData_get_layer_named(args->ldata, CD_MLOOPUV, vbo.name.c_str())); foreach_faces([&](int /*buffer_i*/, int tri_i, int /*vertex_i*/, const MLoopTri *tri) { *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = mloopuv[tri->tri[tri_i]].uv; }); break; } case CD_PROP_COLOR: if (vbo.domain == ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT) { MPropCol *mpropcol = static_cast( CustomData_get_layer_named(args->vdata, CD_PROP_COLOR, vbo.name.c_str())); foreach_faces( [&](int /*buffer_i*/, int /*tri_i*/, int vertex_i, const MLoopTri * /*tri*/) { ushort color[4]; MPropCol *col = mpropcol + vertex_i; color[0] = unit_float_to_ushort_clamp(col->color[0]); color[1] = unit_float_to_ushort_clamp(col->color[1]); color[2] = unit_float_to_ushort_clamp(col->color[2]); color[3] = unit_float_to_ushort_clamp(col->color[3]); *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = color; }); } else if (vbo.domain == ATTR_DOMAIN_CORNER) { MPropCol *mpropcol = static_cast( CustomData_get_layer_named(args->ldata, CD_PROP_COLOR, vbo.name.c_str())); foreach_faces([&](int /*buffer_i*/, int tri_i, int /*vertex_i*/, const MLoopTri *tri) { ushort color[4]; MPropCol *col = mpropcol + tri->tri[tri_i]; color[0] = unit_float_to_ushort_clamp(col->color[0]); color[1] = unit_float_to_ushort_clamp(col->color[1]); color[2] = unit_float_to_ushort_clamp(col->color[2]); color[3] = unit_float_to_ushort_clamp(col->color[3]); *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = color; }); } break; case CD_PROP_BYTE_COLOR: if (vbo.domain == ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT) { MLoopCol *mbytecol = static_cast( CustomData_get_layer_named(args->vdata, CD_PROP_BYTE_COLOR, vbo.name.c_str())); foreach_faces( [&](int /*buffer_i*/, int /*tri_i*/, int vertex_i, const MLoopTri * /*tri*/) { ushort color[4]; MLoopCol *col = mbytecol + vertex_i; color[0] = unit_float_to_ushort_clamp(BLI_color_from_srgb_table[col->r]); color[1] = unit_float_to_ushort_clamp(BLI_color_from_srgb_table[col->g]); color[2] = unit_float_to_ushort_clamp(BLI_color_from_srgb_table[col->b]); color[3] = col->a * 257; *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = color; }); } else if (vbo.domain == ATTR_DOMAIN_CORNER) { MLoopCol *mbytecol = static_cast( CustomData_get_layer_named(args->ldata, CD_PROP_BYTE_COLOR, vbo.name.c_str())); foreach_faces([&](int /*buffer_i*/, int tri_i, int /*vertex_i*/, const MLoopTri *tri) { ushort color[4]; MLoopCol *col = mbytecol + tri->tri[tri_i]; color[0] = unit_float_to_ushort_clamp(BLI_color_from_srgb_table[col->r]); color[1] = unit_float_to_ushort_clamp(BLI_color_from_srgb_table[col->g]); color[2] = unit_float_to_ushort_clamp(BLI_color_from_srgb_table[col->b]); color[3] = col->a * 257; *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = color; }); } break; } } void gpu_flush() { for (PBVHVbo &vbo : vbos) { if (vbo.vert_buf && GPU_vertbuf_get_data(vbo.vert_buf)) { GPU_vertbuf_use(vbo.vert_buf); } } } void update(PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { check_index_buffers(args); for (PBVHVbo &vbo : vbos) { fill_vbo(vbo, args); } } void fill_vbo_bmesh(PBVHVbo &vbo, PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { auto foreach_bmesh = [&](std::function callback) { GSET_FOREACH_BEGIN (BMFace *, f, args->bm_faces) { if (BM_elem_flag_test(f, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN)) { continue; } BMLoop *l = f->l_first; do { callback(l); } while ((l = l->next) != f->l_first); } GSET_FOREACH_END(); }; faces_count = 0; GSET_FOREACH_BEGIN (BMFace *, f, args->bm_faces) { if (BM_elem_flag_test(f, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN)) { continue; } BMLoop *l = f->l_first; do { faces_count++; } while ((l = l->next) != f->l_first); } GSET_FOREACH_END(); tris_count = faces_count; int existing_num = GPU_vertbuf_get_vertex_len(vbo.vert_buf); void *existing_data = GPU_vertbuf_get_data(vbo.vert_buf); int vert_count = tris_count * 3; if (existing_data == nullptr || existing_num != vert_count) { /* Allocate buffer if not allocated yet or size changed. */ GPU_vertbuf_data_alloc(vbo.vert_buf, vert_count); } GPUVertBufRaw access; GPU_vertbuf_attr_get_raw_data(vbo.vert_buf, 0, &access); switch (vbo.type) { case CD_PBVH_CO_TYPE: foreach_bmesh( [&](BMLoop *l) { *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = l->v->co; }); break; case CD_PBVH_NO_TYPE: foreach_bmesh([&](BMLoop *l) { short no[3]; bool smooth = BM_elem_flag_test(l->f, BM_ELEM_SMOOTH); normal_float_to_short_v3(no, smooth ? l->v->no : l->f->no); *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = no; }); break; case CD_PBVH_MASK_TYPE: { int cd_mask = args->cd_mask_layer; if (cd_mask == -1) { foreach_bmesh( [&](BMLoop * /*l*/) { *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = 0; }); } else { foreach_bmesh([&](BMLoop *l) { float mask = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_FLOAT(l->v, cd_mask); *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = uchar(mask * 255.0f); }); } break; } case CD_PBVH_FSET_TYPE: { uchar3 white(UCHAR_MAX, UCHAR_MAX, UCHAR_MAX); foreach_bmesh([&](BMLoop * /*l*/) { *static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_raw_step(&access)) = white; }); } } } void fill_vbo(PBVHVbo &vbo, PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { switch (args->pbvh_type) { case PBVH_FACES: fill_vbo_faces(vbo, args); break; case PBVH_GRIDS: fill_vbo_grids(vbo, args); break; case PBVH_BMESH: fill_vbo_bmesh(vbo, args); break; } } void create_vbo(eAttrDomain domain, const uint32_t type, string name, PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { PBVHVbo vbo(domain, type, name); GPUVertFormat format; bool need_aliases = !ELEM( type, CD_PBVH_CO_TYPE, CD_PBVH_NO_TYPE, CD_PBVH_FSET_TYPE, CD_PBVH_MASK_TYPE); GPU_vertformat_clear(&format); switch (type) { case CD_PBVH_CO_TYPE: GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "pos", GPU_COMP_F32, 3, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT); break; case CD_PROP_FLOAT3: GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "a", GPU_COMP_F32, 3, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT); need_aliases = true; break; case CD_PBVH_NO_TYPE: GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "nor", GPU_COMP_I16, 3, GPU_FETCH_INT_TO_FLOAT_UNIT); break; case CD_PROP_FLOAT2: GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "a", GPU_COMP_F32, 2, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT); need_aliases = true; break; case CD_MLOOPUV: GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "uvs", GPU_COMP_F32, 2, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT); need_aliases = true; break; case CD_PBVH_FSET_TYPE: GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "fset", GPU_COMP_U8, 3, GPU_FETCH_INT_TO_FLOAT_UNIT); break; case CD_PBVH_MASK_TYPE: GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "msk", GPU_COMP_U8, 1, GPU_FETCH_INT_TO_FLOAT_UNIT); break; case CD_PROP_FLOAT: GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "f", GPU_COMP_F32, 1, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT); need_aliases = true; break; case CD_PROP_COLOR: case CD_PROP_BYTE_COLOR: { GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "c", GPU_COMP_U16, 4, GPU_FETCH_INT_TO_FLOAT_UNIT); need_aliases = true; break; } default: BLI_assert(0); printf("%s: error\n", __func__); break; } if (need_aliases) { CustomData *cdata = get_cdata(domain, args); int layer_i = cdata ? CustomData_get_named_layer_index(cdata, type, name.c_str()) : -1; CustomDataLayer *layer = layer_i != -1 ? cdata->layers + layer_i : nullptr; if (layer) { bool is_render, is_active; const char *prefix = "a"; if (ELEM(type, CD_PROP_COLOR, CD_PROP_BYTE_COLOR)) { prefix = "c"; CustomDataLayer *render = BKE_id_attributes_render_color_get(&args->me->id); CustomDataLayer *active = BKE_id_attributes_active_color_get(&args->me->id); is_render = render && layer && STREQ(render->name, layer->name); is_active = active && layer && STREQ(active->name, layer->name); } else { switch (type) { case CD_MLOOPUV: prefix = "u"; break; default: break; } const char *active_name = CustomData_get_active_layer_name(cdata, type); const char *render_name = CustomData_get_render_layer_name(cdata, type); is_active = active_name && STREQ(layer->name, active_name); is_render = render_name && STREQ(layer->name, render_name); } DRW_cdlayer_attr_aliases_add(&format, prefix, cdata, layer, is_render, is_active); } else { printf("%s: error looking up attribute %s\n", __func__, name.c_str()); } } vbo.vert_buf = GPU_vertbuf_create_with_format_ex(&format, GPU_USAGE_STATIC); vbo.build_key(); fill_vbo(vbo, args); vbos.append(vbo); } void update_pre(PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { if (args->pbvh_type == PBVH_BMESH) { int count = count_faces(args); if (faces_count != count) { for (PBVHVbo &vbo : vbos) { vbo.clear_data(); } GPU_INDEXBUF_DISCARD_SAFE(tri_index); GPU_INDEXBUF_DISCARD_SAFE(lines_index); tri_index = lines_index = nullptr; faces_count = tris_count = count; } } } void create_index_faces(PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { /* Calculate number of edges*/ int edge_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < args->totprim; i++) { const MLoopTri *lt = args->mlooptri + args->prim_indices[i]; if (args->hide_poly && args->hide_poly[lt->poly]) { continue; } int r_edges[3]; BKE_mesh_looptri_get_real_edges(args->me, lt, r_edges); if (r_edges[0] != -1) { edge_count++; } if (r_edges[1] != -1) { edge_count++; } if (r_edges[2] != -1) { edge_count++; } } GPUIndexBufBuilder elb_lines; GPU_indexbuf_init(&elb_lines, GPU_PRIM_LINES, edge_count * 2, INT_MAX); int vertex_i = 0; for (int i = 0; i < args->totprim; i++) { const MLoopTri *lt = args->mlooptri + args->prim_indices[i]; if (args->hide_poly && args->hide_poly[lt->poly]) { continue; } int r_edges[3]; BKE_mesh_looptri_get_real_edges(args->me, lt, r_edges); if (r_edges[0] != -1) { GPU_indexbuf_add_line_verts(&elb_lines, vertex_i, vertex_i + 1); } if (r_edges[1] != -1) { GPU_indexbuf_add_line_verts(&elb_lines, vertex_i + 1, vertex_i + 2); } if (r_edges[2] != -1) { GPU_indexbuf_add_line_verts(&elb_lines, vertex_i + 2, vertex_i); } vertex_i += 3; } lines_index = GPU_indexbuf_build(&elb_lines); } void create_index_bmesh(PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { GPUIndexBufBuilder elb_lines; GPU_indexbuf_init(&elb_lines, GPU_PRIM_LINES, tris_count * 3 * 2, INT_MAX); int v_index = 0; lines_count = 0; GSET_FOREACH_BEGIN (BMFace *, f, args->bm_faces) { if (BM_elem_flag_test(f, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN)) { continue; } GPU_indexbuf_add_line_verts(&elb_lines, v_index, v_index + 1); GPU_indexbuf_add_line_verts(&elb_lines, v_index + 1, v_index + 2); GPU_indexbuf_add_line_verts(&elb_lines, v_index + 2, v_index); lines_count += 3; v_index += 3; } GSET_FOREACH_END(); lines_index = GPU_indexbuf_build(&elb_lines); } void create_index_grids(PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { needs_tri_index = true; int gridsize = args->ccg_key.grid_size; int totgrid = args->totprim; for (int i : IndexRange(args->totprim)) { int grid_index = args->grid_indices[i]; bool smooth = args->grid_flag_mats[grid_index].flag & ME_SMOOTH; BLI_bitmap *gh = args->grid_hidden[grid_index]; for (int y = 0; y < gridsize - 1; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < gridsize - 1; x++) { if (gh && paint_is_grid_face_hidden(gh, gridsize, x, y)) { /* Skip hidden faces by just setting smooth to true. */ smooth = true; goto outer_loop_break; } } } outer_loop_break: if (!smooth) { needs_tri_index = false; break; } } GPUIndexBufBuilder elb, elb_lines; CCGKey *key = &args->ccg_key; uint visible_quad_len = BKE_pbvh_count_grid_quads( (BLI_bitmap **)args->grid_hidden, args->grid_indices, totgrid, key->grid_size); GPU_indexbuf_init(&elb, GPU_PRIM_TRIS, 2 * visible_quad_len, INT_MAX); GPU_indexbuf_init( &elb_lines, GPU_PRIM_LINES, 2 * totgrid * gridsize * (gridsize - 1), INT_MAX); if (needs_tri_index) { uint offset = 0; const uint grid_vert_len = gridsize * gridsize; for (int i = 0; i < totgrid; i++, offset += grid_vert_len) { uint v0, v1, v2, v3; bool grid_visible = false; BLI_bitmap *gh = args->grid_hidden[args->grid_indices[i]]; for (int j = 0; j < gridsize - 1; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < gridsize - 1; k++) { /* Skip hidden grid face */ if (gh && paint_is_grid_face_hidden(gh, gridsize, k, j)) { continue; } /* Indices in a Clockwise QUAD disposition. */ v0 = offset + j * gridsize + k; v1 = v0 + 1; v2 = v1 + gridsize; v3 = v2 - 1; GPU_indexbuf_add_tri_verts(&elb, v0, v2, v1); GPU_indexbuf_add_tri_verts(&elb, v0, v3, v2); GPU_indexbuf_add_line_verts(&elb_lines, v0, v1); GPU_indexbuf_add_line_verts(&elb_lines, v0, v3); if (j + 2 == gridsize) { GPU_indexbuf_add_line_verts(&elb_lines, v2, v3); } grid_visible = true; } if (grid_visible) { GPU_indexbuf_add_line_verts(&elb_lines, v1, v2); } } } } else { uint offset = 0; const uint grid_vert_len = square_uint(gridsize - 1) * 4; for (int i = 0; i < totgrid; i++, offset += grid_vert_len) { bool grid_visible = false; BLI_bitmap *gh = args->grid_hidden[args->grid_indices[i]]; uint v0, v1, v2, v3; for (int j = 0; j < gridsize - 1; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < gridsize - 1; k++) { /* Skip hidden grid face */ if (gh && paint_is_grid_face_hidden(gh, gridsize, k, j)) { continue; } /* VBO data are in a Clockwise QUAD disposition. */ v0 = offset + (j * (gridsize - 1) + k) * 4; v1 = v0 + 1; v2 = v0 + 2; v3 = v0 + 3; GPU_indexbuf_add_tri_verts(&elb, v0, v2, v1); GPU_indexbuf_add_tri_verts(&elb, v0, v3, v2); GPU_indexbuf_add_line_verts(&elb_lines, v0, v1); GPU_indexbuf_add_line_verts(&elb_lines, v0, v3); if (j + 2 == gridsize) { GPU_indexbuf_add_line_verts(&elb_lines, v2, v3); } grid_visible = true; } if (grid_visible) { GPU_indexbuf_add_line_verts(&elb_lines, v1, v2); } } } } tri_index = GPU_indexbuf_build(&elb); lines_index = GPU_indexbuf_build(&elb_lines); } void create_index(PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { switch (args->pbvh_type) { case PBVH_FACES: create_index_faces(args); break; case PBVH_BMESH: create_index_bmesh(args); break; case PBVH_GRIDS: create_index_grids(args); break; } for (PBVHBatch &batch : batches.values()) { GPU_batch_elembuf_set(batch.tris, tri_index, false); GPU_batch_elembuf_set(batch.lines, lines_index, false); } } void check_index_buffers(PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { if (!lines_index) { create_index(args); } } void create_batch(PBVHAttrReq *attrs, int attrs_num, PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { check_index_buffers(args); PBVHBatch batch; batch.tris = GPU_batch_create(GPU_PRIM_TRIS, nullptr, /* can be nullptr if buffer is empty */ tri_index); batch.tris_count = tris_count; if (lines_index) { batch.lines = GPU_batch_create(GPU_PRIM_LINES, nullptr, lines_index); batch.lines_count = lines_count; } for (int i : IndexRange(attrs_num)) { PBVHAttrReq *attr = attrs + i; if (!has_vbo(attr->domain, int(attr->type), attr->name)) { create_vbo(attr->domain, uint32_t(attr->type), attr->name, args); } PBVHVbo *vbo = get_vbo(attr->domain, uint32_t(attr->type), attr->name); int vbo_i = get_vbo_index(vbo); batch.vbos.append(vbo_i); GPU_batch_vertbuf_add_ex(batch.tris, vbo->vert_buf, false); if (batch.lines) { GPU_batch_vertbuf_add_ex(batch.lines, vbo->vert_buf, false); } } batch.build_key(vbos); batches.add(batch.key, batch); } }; void DRW_pbvh_node_update(PBVHBatches *batches, PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { batches->update(args); } void DRW_pbvh_node_gpu_flush(PBVHBatches *batches) { batches->gpu_flush(); } PBVHBatches *DRW_pbvh_node_create(PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { PBVHBatches *batches = new PBVHBatches(args); return batches; } void DRW_pbvh_node_free(PBVHBatches *batches) { delete batches; } GPUBatch *DRW_pbvh_tris_get(PBVHBatches *batches, PBVHAttrReq *attrs, int attrs_num, PBVH_GPU_Args *args, int *r_prim_count) { PBVHBatch &batch = batches->ensure_batch(attrs, attrs_num, args); *r_prim_count = batch.tris_count; return batch.tris; } GPUBatch *DRW_pbvh_lines_get(PBVHBatches *batches, PBVHAttrReq *attrs, int attrs_num, PBVH_GPU_Args *args, int *r_prim_count) { PBVHBatch &batch = batches->ensure_batch(attrs, attrs_num, args); *r_prim_count = batch.lines_count; return batch.lines; } void DRW_pbvh_update_pre(struct PBVHBatches *batches, struct PBVH_GPU_Args *args) { batches->update_pre(args); } int drw_pbvh_material_index_get(struct PBVHBatches *batches) { return batches->material_index; }