/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2021 by Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup draw */ #include "draw_cache_extract_mesh_private.h" #include "BLI_edgehash.h" #include "BLI_vector.hh" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" namespace blender::draw { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Extract Line Adjacency Indices * \{ */ #define NO_EDGE INT_MAX typedef struct MeshExtract_LineAdjacency_Data { GPUIndexBufBuilder elb; EdgeHash *eh; bool is_manifold; /* Array to convert vert index to any loop index of this vert. */ uint vert_to_loop[0]; } MeshExtract_LineAdjacency_Data; static void *extract_lines_adjacency_init(const MeshRenderData *mr, struct MeshBatchCache *UNUSED(cache), void *UNUSED(buf)) { /* Similar to poly_to_tri_count(). * There is always (loop + triangle - 1) edges inside a polygon. * Accumulate for all polys and you get : */ uint tess_edge_len = mr->loop_len + mr->tri_len - mr->poly_len; size_t vert_to_loop_size = sizeof(uint) * mr->vert_len; MeshExtract_LineAdjacency_Data *data = static_cast( MEM_callocN(sizeof(*data) + vert_to_loop_size, __func__)); GPU_indexbuf_init(&data->elb, GPU_PRIM_LINES_ADJ, tess_edge_len, mr->loop_len); data->eh = BLI_edgehash_new_ex(__func__, tess_edge_len); data->is_manifold = true; return data; } BLI_INLINE void lines_adjacency_triangle( uint v1, uint v2, uint v3, uint l1, uint l2, uint l3, MeshExtract_LineAdjacency_Data *data) { GPUIndexBufBuilder *elb = &data->elb; /* Iterate around the triangle's edges. */ for (int e = 0; e < 3; e++) { SHIFT3(uint, v3, v2, v1); SHIFT3(uint, l3, l2, l1); bool inv_indices = (v2 > v3); void **pval; bool value_is_init = BLI_edgehash_ensure_p(data->eh, v2, v3, &pval); int v_data = POINTER_AS_INT(*pval); if (!value_is_init || v_data == NO_EDGE) { /* Save the winding order inside the sign bit. Because the * Edge-hash sort the keys and we need to compare winding later. */ int value = (int)l1 + 1; /* 0 cannot be signed so add one. */ *pval = POINTER_FROM_INT((inv_indices) ? -value : value); /* Store loop indices for remaining non-manifold edges. */ data->vert_to_loop[v2] = l2; data->vert_to_loop[v3] = l3; } else { /* HACK Tag as not used. Prevent overhead of BLI_edgehash_remove. */ *pval = POINTER_FROM_INT(NO_EDGE); bool inv_opposite = (v_data < 0); uint l_opposite = (uint)abs(v_data) - 1; /* TODO Make this part thread-safe. */ if (inv_opposite == inv_indices) { /* Don't share edge if triangles have non matching winding. */ GPU_indexbuf_add_line_adj_verts(elb, l1, l2, l3, l1); GPU_indexbuf_add_line_adj_verts(elb, l_opposite, l2, l3, l_opposite); data->is_manifold = false; } else { GPU_indexbuf_add_line_adj_verts(elb, l1, l2, l3, l_opposite); } } } } static void extract_lines_adjacency_iter_looptri_bm(const MeshRenderData *UNUSED(mr), BMLoop **elt, const int UNUSED(elt_index), void *_data) { MeshExtract_LineAdjacency_Data *data = static_cast(_data); if (!BM_elem_flag_test(elt[0]->f, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN)) { lines_adjacency_triangle(BM_elem_index_get(elt[0]->v), BM_elem_index_get(elt[1]->v), BM_elem_index_get(elt[2]->v), BM_elem_index_get(elt[0]), BM_elem_index_get(elt[1]), BM_elem_index_get(elt[2]), data); } } static void extract_lines_adjacency_iter_looptri_mesh(const MeshRenderData *mr, const MLoopTri *mlt, const int UNUSED(elt_index), void *_data) { MeshExtract_LineAdjacency_Data *data = static_cast(_data); const MPoly *mp = &mr->mpoly[mlt->poly]; if (!(mr->use_hide && (mp->flag & ME_HIDE))) { lines_adjacency_triangle(mr->mloop[mlt->tri[0]].v, mr->mloop[mlt->tri[1]].v, mr->mloop[mlt->tri[2]].v, mlt->tri[0], mlt->tri[1], mlt->tri[2], data); } } static void extract_lines_adjacency_finish(const MeshRenderData *UNUSED(mr), struct MeshBatchCache *cache, void *buf, void *_data) { GPUIndexBuf *ibo = static_cast(buf); MeshExtract_LineAdjacency_Data *data = static_cast(_data); /* Create edges for remaining non manifold edges. */ EdgeHashIterator *ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(data->eh); for (; !BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi); BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi)) { uint v2, v3, l1, l2, l3; int v_data = POINTER_AS_INT(BLI_edgehashIterator_getValue(ehi)); if (v_data != NO_EDGE) { BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey(ehi, &v2, &v3); l1 = (uint)abs(v_data) - 1; if (v_data < 0) { /* inv_opposite */ SWAP(uint, v2, v3); } l2 = data->vert_to_loop[v2]; l3 = data->vert_to_loop[v3]; GPU_indexbuf_add_line_adj_verts(&data->elb, l1, l2, l3, l1); data->is_manifold = false; } } BLI_edgehashIterator_free(ehi); BLI_edgehash_free(data->eh, NULL); cache->is_manifold = data->is_manifold; GPU_indexbuf_build_in_place(&data->elb, ibo); MEM_freeN(data); } #undef NO_EDGE /** \} */ constexpr MeshExtract create_extractor_lines_adjacency() { MeshExtract extractor = {0}; extractor.init = extract_lines_adjacency_init; extractor.iter_looptri_bm = extract_lines_adjacency_iter_looptri_bm; extractor.iter_looptri_mesh = extract_lines_adjacency_iter_looptri_mesh; extractor.finish = extract_lines_adjacency_finish; extractor.data_type = MR_DATA_NONE; extractor.use_threading = false; extractor.mesh_buffer_offset = offsetof(MeshBufferCache, ibo.lines_adjacency); return extractor; } } // namespace blender::draw extern "C" { const MeshExtract extract_lines_adjacency = blender::draw::create_extractor_lines_adjacency(); } /** \} */