/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * Copyright 2021 Blender Foundation. All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup draw */ #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "GPU_capabilities.h" #include "draw_subdivision.h" #include "extract_mesh.hh" namespace blender::draw { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Extract Edge Factor * Defines how much an edge is visible. * \{ */ struct MeshExtract_EdgeFac_Data { uchar *vbo_data; bool use_edge_render; /* Number of loop per edge. */ uchar *edge_loop_count; }; static float loop_edge_factor_get(const float f_no[3], const float v_co[3], const float v_no[3], const float v_next_co[3]) { float enor[3], evec[3]; sub_v3_v3v3(evec, v_next_co, v_co); cross_v3_v3v3(enor, v_no, evec); normalize_v3(enor); float d = fabsf(dot_v3v3(enor, f_no)); /* Re-scale to the slider range. */ d *= (1.0f / 0.065f); CLAMP(d, 0.0f, 1.0f); return d; } static void extract_edge_fac_init(const MeshRenderData *mr, struct MeshBatchCache *UNUSED(cache), void *buf, void *tls_data) { GPUVertBuf *vbo = static_cast(buf); static GPUVertFormat format = {0}; if (format.attr_len == 0) { GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "wd", GPU_COMP_U8, 1, GPU_FETCH_INT_TO_FLOAT_UNIT); } GPU_vertbuf_init_with_format(vbo, &format); GPU_vertbuf_data_alloc(vbo, mr->loop_len + mr->loop_loose_len); MeshExtract_EdgeFac_Data *data = static_cast(tls_data); if (mr->extract_type == MR_EXTRACT_MESH) { data->edge_loop_count = static_cast( MEM_callocN(sizeof(uint32_t) * mr->edge_len, __func__)); /* HACK(@fclem): Detecting the need for edge render. * We could have a flag in the mesh instead or check the modifier stack. */ const MEdge *med = mr->medge; for (int e_index = 0; e_index < mr->edge_len; e_index++, med++) { if ((med->flag & ME_EDGERENDER) == 0) { data->use_edge_render = true; break; } } } else { /* HACK to bypass non-manifold check in mesh_edge_fac_finish(). */ data->use_edge_render = true; } data->vbo_data = static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_get_data(vbo)); } static void extract_edge_fac_iter_poly_bm(const MeshRenderData *mr, const BMFace *f, const int UNUSED(f_index), void *_data) { MeshExtract_EdgeFac_Data *data = static_cast(_data); BMLoop *l_iter, *l_first; l_iter = l_first = BM_FACE_FIRST_LOOP(f); do { const int l_index = BM_elem_index_get(l_iter); if (BM_edge_is_manifold(l_iter->e)) { float ratio = loop_edge_factor_get(bm_face_no_get(mr, f), bm_vert_co_get(mr, l_iter->v), bm_vert_no_get(mr, l_iter->v), bm_vert_co_get(mr, l_iter->next->v)); data->vbo_data[l_index] = ratio * 253 + 1; } else { data->vbo_data[l_index] = 255; } } while ((l_iter = l_iter->next) != l_first); } static void extract_edge_fac_iter_poly_mesh(const MeshRenderData *mr, const MPoly *mp, const int mp_index, void *_data) { MeshExtract_EdgeFac_Data *data = static_cast(_data); const MLoop *mloop = mr->mloop; const int ml_index_end = mp->loopstart + mp->totloop; for (int ml_index = mp->loopstart; ml_index < ml_index_end; ml_index += 1) { const MLoop *ml = &mloop[ml_index]; if (data->use_edge_render) { const MEdge *med = &mr->medge[ml->e]; data->vbo_data[ml_index] = (med->flag & ME_EDGERENDER) ? 255 : 0; } else { /* Count loop per edge to detect non-manifold. */ if (data->edge_loop_count[ml->e] < 3) { data->edge_loop_count[ml->e]++; } if (data->edge_loop_count[ml->e] == 2) { /* Manifold */ const int ml_index_last = mp->totloop + mp->loopstart - 1; const int ml_index_other = (ml_index == ml_index_last) ? mp->loopstart : (ml_index + 1); const MLoop *ml_next = &mr->mloop[ml_index_other]; const MVert *v1 = &mr->mvert[ml->v]; const MVert *v2 = &mr->mvert[ml_next->v]; float ratio = loop_edge_factor_get( mr->poly_normals[mp_index], v1->co, mr->vert_normals[ml->v], v2->co); data->vbo_data[ml_index] = ratio * 253 + 1; } else { /* Non-manifold */ data->vbo_data[ml_index] = 255; } } } } static void extract_edge_fac_iter_ledge_bm(const MeshRenderData *mr, const BMEdge *UNUSED(eed), const int ledge_index, void *_data) { MeshExtract_EdgeFac_Data *data = static_cast(_data); data->vbo_data[mr->loop_len + (ledge_index * 2) + 0] = 255; data->vbo_data[mr->loop_len + (ledge_index * 2) + 1] = 255; } static void extract_edge_fac_iter_ledge_mesh(const MeshRenderData *mr, const MEdge *UNUSED(med), const int ledge_index, void *_data) { MeshExtract_EdgeFac_Data *data = static_cast(_data); data->vbo_data[mr->loop_len + ledge_index * 2 + 0] = 255; data->vbo_data[mr->loop_len + ledge_index * 2 + 1] = 255; } static void extract_edge_fac_finish(const MeshRenderData *mr, struct MeshBatchCache *UNUSED(cache), void *buf, void *_data) { GPUVertBuf *vbo = static_cast(buf); MeshExtract_EdgeFac_Data *data = static_cast(_data); if (GPU_crappy_amd_driver()) { /* Some AMD drivers strangely crash with VBO's with a one byte format. * To workaround we reinitialize the VBO with another format and convert * all bytes to floats. */ static GPUVertFormat format = {0}; if (format.attr_len == 0) { GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "wd", GPU_COMP_F32, 1, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT); } /* We keep the data reference in data->vbo_data. */ data->vbo_data = static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_steal_data(vbo)); GPU_vertbuf_clear(vbo); int buf_len = mr->loop_len + mr->loop_loose_len; GPU_vertbuf_init_with_format(vbo, &format); GPU_vertbuf_data_alloc(vbo, buf_len); float *fdata = (float *)GPU_vertbuf_get_data(vbo); for (int ml_index = 0; ml_index < buf_len; ml_index++, fdata++) { *fdata = data->vbo_data[ml_index] / 255.0f; } /* Free old byte data. */ MEM_freeN(data->vbo_data); } MEM_SAFE_FREE(data->edge_loop_count); } /* Different function than the one used for the non-subdivision case, as we directly take care of * the buggy AMD driver case. */ static GPUVertFormat *get_subdiv_edge_fac_format() { static GPUVertFormat format = {0}; if (format.attr_len == 0) { if (GPU_crappy_amd_driver()) { GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "wd", GPU_COMP_F32, 1, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT); } else { GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "wd", GPU_COMP_U8, 1, GPU_FETCH_INT_TO_FLOAT_UNIT); } } return &format; } static void extract_edge_fac_init_subdiv(const DRWSubdivCache *subdiv_cache, const MeshRenderData *UNUSED(mr), struct MeshBatchCache *cache, void *buffer, void *UNUSED(data)) { const DRWSubdivLooseGeom &loose_geom = subdiv_cache->loose_geom; GPUVertBuf *edge_idx = cache->final.buff.vbo.edge_idx; GPUVertBuf *pos_nor = cache->final.buff.vbo.pos_nor; GPUVertBuf *vbo = static_cast(buffer); GPU_vertbuf_init_build_on_device( vbo, get_subdiv_edge_fac_format(), subdiv_cache->num_subdiv_loops + loose_geom.loop_len); /* Create a temporary buffer for the edge original indices if it was not requested. */ const bool has_edge_idx = edge_idx != nullptr; GPUVertBuf *loop_edge_idx = nullptr; if (has_edge_idx) { loop_edge_idx = edge_idx; } else { loop_edge_idx = GPU_vertbuf_calloc(); draw_subdiv_init_origindex_buffer( loop_edge_idx, static_cast(GPU_vertbuf_get_data(subdiv_cache->edges_orig_index)), subdiv_cache->num_subdiv_loops, 0); } draw_subdiv_build_edge_fac_buffer(subdiv_cache, pos_nor, loop_edge_idx, vbo); if (!has_edge_idx) { GPU_vertbuf_discard(loop_edge_idx); } } static void extract_edge_fac_loose_geom_subdiv(const DRWSubdivCache *subdiv_cache, const MeshRenderData *UNUSED(mr), void *buffer, void *UNUSED(data)) { const DRWSubdivLooseGeom &loose_geom = subdiv_cache->loose_geom; if (loose_geom.edge_len == 0) { return; } GPUVertBuf *vbo = static_cast(buffer); /* Make sure buffer is active for sending loose data. */ GPU_vertbuf_use(vbo); uint offset = subdiv_cache->num_subdiv_loops; for (int i = 0; i < loose_geom.edge_len; i++) { if (GPU_crappy_amd_driver()) { float loose_edge_fac[2] = {1.0f, 1.0f}; GPU_vertbuf_update_sub(vbo, offset * sizeof(float), sizeof(loose_edge_fac), loose_edge_fac); } else { char loose_edge_fac[2] = {255, 255}; GPU_vertbuf_update_sub(vbo, offset * sizeof(char), sizeof(loose_edge_fac), loose_edge_fac); } offset += 2; } } constexpr MeshExtract create_extractor_edge_fac() { MeshExtract extractor = {nullptr}; extractor.init = extract_edge_fac_init; extractor.iter_poly_bm = extract_edge_fac_iter_poly_bm; extractor.iter_poly_mesh = extract_edge_fac_iter_poly_mesh; extractor.iter_ledge_bm = extract_edge_fac_iter_ledge_bm; extractor.iter_ledge_mesh = extract_edge_fac_iter_ledge_mesh; extractor.init_subdiv = extract_edge_fac_init_subdiv; extractor.iter_loose_geom_subdiv = extract_edge_fac_loose_geom_subdiv; extractor.finish = extract_edge_fac_finish; extractor.data_type = MR_DATA_POLY_NOR; extractor.data_size = sizeof(MeshExtract_EdgeFac_Data); extractor.use_threading = false; extractor.mesh_buffer_offset = offsetof(MeshBufferList, vbo.edge_fac); return extractor; } /** \} */ } // namespace blender::draw const MeshExtract extract_edge_fac = blender::draw::create_extractor_edge_fac();