/** * Debug print implementation for shaders. * * `print()`: * Log variable or strings inside the viewport. * Using a unique non string argument will print the variable name with it. * Concatenate by using multiple arguments. i.e: `print("Looped ", n, "times.")`. * `drw_print_no_endl()`: * Same as `print()` but does not finish the line. * `drw_print_value()`: * Display only the value of a variable. Does not finish the line. * `drw_print_value_hex()`: * Display only the hex representation of a variable. Does not finish the line. * `drw_print_value_binary()`: Display only the binary representation of a * variable. Does not finish the line. * * IMPORTANT: As it is now, it is not yet thread safe. Only print from one thread. You can use the * IS_DEBUG_MOUSE_FRAGMENT macro in fragment shader to filter using mouse position or * IS_FIRST_INVOCATION in compute shaders. * * NOTE: Floating point representation might not be very precise (see drw_print_value(float)). * * IMPORTANT: Multipler drawcalls can write to the buffer in sequence (if they are from different * shgroups). However, we add barriers to support this case and it might change the application * behavior. Uncomment DISABLE_DEBUG_SHADER_drw_print_BARRIER to remove the barriers if that * happens. But then you are limited to a single invocation output. * * IMPORTANT: All of these are copied to the CPU debug libs (draw_debug.cc). They need to be kept * in sync to write the same data. */ /** Global switch option when you want to silence all prints from all shaders at once. */ bool drw_debug_print_enable = true; /* Set drw_print_col to max value so we will start by creating a new line and get the correct * threadsafe row. */ uint drw_print_col = DRW_DEBUG_PRINT_WORD_WRAP_COLUMN; uint drw_print_row = 0u; void drw_print_newline() { if (!drw_debug_print_enable) { return; } drw_print_col = 0u; drw_print_row = atomicAdd(drw_debug_print_row_shared, 1u) + 1u; } void drw_print_string_start(uint len) { if (!drw_debug_print_enable) { return; } /* Break before word. */ if (drw_print_col + len > DRW_DEBUG_PRINT_WORD_WRAP_COLUMN) { drw_print_newline(); } } void drw_print_char4(uint data) { if (!drw_debug_print_enable) { return; } /* Convert into char stream. */ for (; data != 0u; data >>= 8u) { uint char1 = data & 0xFFu; /* Check for null terminator. */ if (char1 == 0x00) { break; } uint cursor = atomicAdd(drw_debug_print_cursor, 1u); cursor += drw_debug_print_offset; if (cursor < DRW_DEBUG_PRINT_MAX) { /* For future usage. (i.e: Color) */ uint flags = 0u; uint col = drw_print_col++; uint drw_print_header = (flags << 24u) | (drw_print_row << 16u) | (col << 8u); drw_debug_print_buf[cursor] = drw_print_header | char1; /* Break word. */ if (drw_print_col > DRW_DEBUG_PRINT_WORD_WRAP_COLUMN) { drw_print_newline(); } } } } /** * NOTE(fclem): Strange behavior emerge when trying to increment the digit * counter inside the append function. It looks like the compiler does not see * it is referenced as an index for char4 and thus do not capture the right * reference. I do not know if this is undefined behavior. As a matter of * precaution, we implement all the append function separately. This behavior * was observed on both Mesa & amdgpu-pro. */ /* Using ascii char code. Expect char1 to be less or equal to 0xFF. Appends chars to the right. */ void drw_print_append_char(uint char1, inout uint char4) { char4 = (char4 << 8u) | char1; } void drw_print_append_digit(uint digit, inout uint char4) { const uint char_A = 0x41u; const uint char_0 = 0x30u; bool is_hexadecimal = digit > 9u; char4 = (char4 << 8u) | (is_hexadecimal ? (char_A + digit - 10u) : (char_0 + digit)); } void drw_print_append_space(inout uint char4) { char4 = (char4 << 8u) | 0x20u; } void drw_print_value_binary(uint value) { drw_print_no_endl("0b"); drw_print_string_start(10u * 4u); uint digits[10] = uint[10](0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u); uint digit = 0u; for (uint i = 0u; i < 32u; i++) { drw_print_append_digit(((value >> i) & 1u), digits[digit / 4u]); digit++; if ((i % 4u) == 3u) { drw_print_append_space(digits[digit / 4u]); digit++; } } /* Numbers are written from right to left. So we need to reverse the order. */ for (int j = 9; j >= 0; j--) { drw_print_char4(digits[j]); } } void drw_print_value_binary(int value) { drw_print_value_binary(uint(value)); } void drw_print_value_binary(float value) { drw_print_value_binary(floatBitsToUint(value)); } void drw_print_value_uint(uint value, const bool hex, bool is_negative, const bool is_unsigned) { drw_print_string_start(3u * 4u); const uint blank_value = hex ? 0x30303030u : 0x20202020u; const uint prefix = hex ? 0x78302020u : 0x20202020u; uint digits[3] = uint[3](blank_value, blank_value, prefix); const uint base = hex ? 16u : 10u; uint digit = 0u; /* Add `u` suffix. */ if (is_unsigned) { drw_print_append_char('u', digits[digit / 4u]); digit++; } /* Number's digits. */ for (; value != 0u || digit == uint(is_unsigned); value /= base) { drw_print_append_digit(value % base, digits[digit / 4u]); digit++; } /* Add negative sign. */ if (is_negative) { drw_print_append_char('-', digits[digit / 4u]); digit++; } /* Need to pad to uint alignment because we are issuing chars in "reverse". */ for (uint i = digit % 4u; i < 4u && i > 0u; i++) { drw_print_append_space(digits[digit / 4u]); digit++; } /* Numbers are written from right to left. So we need to reverse the order. */ for (int j = 2; j >= 0; j--) { drw_print_char4(digits[j]); } } void drw_print_value_hex(uint value) { drw_print_value_uint(value, true, false, false); } void drw_print_value_hex(int value) { drw_print_value_uint(uint(value), true, false, false); } void drw_print_value_hex(float value) { drw_print_value_uint(floatBitsToUint(value), true, false, false); } void drw_print_value(uint value) { drw_print_value_uint(value, false, false, true); } void drw_print_value(int value) { drw_print_value_uint(uint(abs(value)), false, (value < 0), false); } void drw_print_value(bool value) { if (value) { drw_print_no_endl("true "); } else { drw_print_no_endl("false"); } } /* NOTE(@fclem): This is homebrew and might not be 100% accurate (accuracy has * not been tested and might dependent on compiler implementation). If unsure, * use drw_print_value_hex and transcribe the value manually with another tool. */ void drw_print_value(float val) { /* We pad the string to match normal float values length. */ if (isnan(val)) { drw_print_no_endl(" NaN"); return; } if (isinf(val)) { if (sign(val) < 0.0) { drw_print_no_endl(" -Inf"); } else { drw_print_no_endl(" Inf"); } return; } /* Adjusted for significant digits (6) with sign (1), decimal separator (1) * and exponent (4). */ const float significant_digits = 6.0; drw_print_string_start(3u * 4u); uint digits[3] = uint[3](0x20202020u, 0x20202020u, 0x20202020u); float exponent = floor(log(abs(val)) / log(10.0)); bool display_exponent = exponent >= (significant_digits) || exponent <= (-significant_digits + 1.0); float int_significant_digits = min(exponent + 1.0, significant_digits); float dec_significant_digits = max(0.0, significant_digits - int_significant_digits); /* Power to get to the rounding point. */ float rounding_power = dec_significant_digits; if (val == 0.0 || isinf(exponent)) { display_exponent = false; int_significant_digits = dec_significant_digits = 1.0; } /* Remap to keep significant numbers count. */ if (display_exponent) { int_significant_digits = 1.0; dec_significant_digits = significant_digits - int_significant_digits; rounding_power = -exponent + dec_significant_digits; } /* Round at the last significant digit. */ val = round(val * pow(10.0, rounding_power)); /* Get back to final exponent. */ val *= pow(10.0, -dec_significant_digits); float int_part; float dec_part = modf(val, int_part); dec_part *= pow(10.0, dec_significant_digits); const uint base = 10u; uint digit = 0u; /* Exponent */ uint value = uint(abs(exponent)); if (display_exponent) { for (int i = 0; value != 0u || i == 0; i++, value /= base) { drw_print_append_digit(value % base, digits[digit / 4u]); digit++; } /* Exponent sign. */ uint sign_char = (exponent < 0.0) ? '-' : '+'; drw_print_append_char(sign_char, digits[digit / 4u]); digit++; /* Exponent `e` suffix. */ drw_print_append_char(0x65u, digits[digit / 4u]); digit++; } /* Decimal part. */ value = uint(abs(dec_part)); #if 0 /* We don't do that because it makes unstable values really hard to \ read. */ /* Trim trailing zeros. */ while ((value % base) == 0u) { value /= base; if (value == 0u) { break; } } #endif if (value != 0u) { for (int i = 0; value != 0u || i == 0; i++, value /= base) { drw_print_append_digit(value % base, digits[digit / 4u]); digit++; } /* Point separator. */ drw_print_append_char('.', digits[digit / 4u]); digit++; } /* Integer part. */ value = uint(abs(int_part)); for (int i = 0; value != 0u || i == 0; i++, value /= base) { drw_print_append_digit(value % base, digits[digit / 4u]); digit++; } /* Negative sign. */ if (val < 0.0) { drw_print_append_char('-', digits[digit / 4u]); digit++; } /* Need to pad to uint alignment because we are issuing chars in "reverse". */ for (uint i = digit % 4u; i < 4u && i > 0u; i++) { drw_print_append_space(digits[digit / 4u]); digit++; } /* Numbers are written from right to left. So we need to reverse the order. */ for (int j = 2; j >= 0; j--) { drw_print_char4(digits[j]); } } void drw_print_value(vec2 value) { drw_print_no_endl("vec2(", value[0], ", ", value[1], ")"); } void drw_print_value(vec3 value) { drw_print_no_endl("vec3(", value[0], ", ", value[1], ", ", value[1], ")"); } void drw_print_value(vec4 value) { drw_print_no_endl("vec4(", value[0], ", ", value[1], ", ", value[2], ", ", value[3], ")"); } void drw_print_value(ivec2 value) { drw_print_no_endl("ivec2(", value[0], ", ", value[1], ")"); } void drw_print_value(ivec3 value) { drw_print_no_endl("ivec3(", value[0], ", ", value[1], ", ", value[1], ")"); } void drw_print_value(ivec4 value) { drw_print_no_endl("ivec4(", value[0], ", ", value[1], ", ", value[2], ", ", value[3], ")"); } void drw_print_value(uvec2 value) { drw_print_no_endl("uvec2(", value[0], ", ", value[1], ")"); } void drw_print_value(uvec3 value) { drw_print_no_endl("uvec3(", value[0], ", ", value[1], ", ", value[1], ")"); } void drw_print_value(uvec4 value) { drw_print_no_endl("uvec4(", value[0], ", ", value[1], ", ", value[2], ", ", value[3], ")"); } void drw_print_value(bvec2 value) { drw_print_no_endl("bvec2(", value[0], ", ", value[1], ")"); } void drw_print_value(bvec3 value) { drw_print_no_endl("bvec3(", value[0], ", ", value[1], ", ", value[1], ")"); } void drw_print_value(bvec4 value) { drw_print_no_endl("bvec4(", value[0], ", ", value[1], ", ", value[2], ", ", value[3], ")"); }