#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_view_lib.glsl) #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_lib.glsl) #ifndef DRW_GPENCIL_INFO # error Missing additional info draw_gpencil #endif #ifdef GPU_FRAGMENT_SHADER float gpencil_stroke_round_cap_mask(vec2 p1, vec2 p2, vec2 aspect, float thickness, float hardfac) { /* We create our own uv space to avoid issues with triangulation and linear * interpolation artifacts. */ vec2 line = p2.xy - p1.xy; vec2 pos = gl_FragCoord.xy - p1.xy; float line_len = length(line); float half_line_len = line_len * 0.5; /* Normalize */ line = (line_len > 0.0) ? (line / line_len) : vec2(1.0, 0.0); /* Create a uv space that englobe the whole segment into a capsule. */ vec2 uv_end; uv_end.x = max(abs(dot(line, pos) - half_line_len) - half_line_len, 0.0); uv_end.y = dot(vec2(-line.y, line.x), pos); /* Divide by stroke radius. */ uv_end /= thickness; uv_end *= aspect; float dist = clamp(1.0 - length(uv_end) * 2.0, 0.0, 1.0); if (hardfac > 0.999) { return step(1e-8, dist); } else { /* Modulate the falloff profile */ float hardness = 1.0 - hardfac; dist = pow(dist, mix(0.01, 10.0, hardness)); return smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, dist); } } #endif vec2 gpencil_decode_aspect(int packed_data) { float asp = float(uint(packed_data) & 0x1FFu) * (1.0 / 255.0); return (asp > 1.0) ? vec2(1.0, (asp - 1.0)) : vec2(asp, 1.0); } float gpencil_decode_uvrot(int packed_data) { uint udata = uint(packed_data); float uvrot = 1e-8 + float((udata & 0x1FE00u) >> 9u) * (1.0 / 255.0); return ((udata & 0x20000u) != 0u) ? -uvrot : uvrot; } float gpencil_decode_hardness(int packed_data) { return float((uint(packed_data) & 0x3FC0000u) >> 18u) * (1.0 / 255.0); } vec2 gpencil_project_to_screenspace(vec4 v, vec4 viewport_size) { return ((v.xy / v.w) * 0.5 + 0.5) * viewport_size.xy; } float gpencil_stroke_thickness_modulate(float thickness, vec4 ndc_pos, vec4 viewport_size) { /* Modify stroke thickness by object and layer factors. */ thickness = max(1.0, thickness * gpThicknessScale + gpThicknessOffset); if (gpThicknessIsScreenSpace) { /* Multiply offset by view Z so that offset is constant in screenspace. * (e.i: does not change with the distance to camera) */ thickness *= ndc_pos.w; } else { /* World space point size. */ thickness *= gpThicknessWorldScale * ProjectionMatrix[1][1] * viewport_size.y; } return thickness; } float gpencil_clamp_small_stroke_thickness(float thickness, vec4 ndc_pos) { /* To avoid aliasing artifacts, we clamp the line thickness and * reduce its opacity in the fragment shader. */ float min_thickness = ndc_pos.w * 1.3; thickness = max(min_thickness, thickness); return thickness; } #ifdef GPU_VERTEX_SHADER /* Trick to detect if a drawcall is stroke or fill. * This does mean that we need to draw an empty stroke segment before starting * to draw the real stroke segments. */ # define GPENCIL_IS_STROKE_VERTEX (gl_InstanceID != 0) /** * Returns value of gl_Position. * * To declare in vertex shader. * in ivec4 ma, ma1, ma2, ma3; * in vec4 pos, pos1, pos2, pos3, uv1, uv2, col1, col2, fcol1; * * All of these attributes are quad loaded the same way * as GL_LINES_ADJACENCY would feed a geometry shader: * - ma reference the previous adjacency point. * - ma1 reference the current line first point. * - ma2 reference the current line second point. * - ma3 reference the next adjacency point. * Note that we are rendering quad instances and not using any index buffer *(except for fills). * * Material : x is material index, y is stroke_id, z is point_id, * w is aspect & rotation & hardness packed. * Position : contains thickness in 4th component. * UV : xy is UV for fills, z is U of stroke, w is strength. * * * WARNING: Max attribute count is actually 14 because OSX OpenGL implementation * considers gl_VertexID and gl_InstanceID as vertex attribute. (see T74536) */ vec4 gpencil_vertex(ivec4 ma, ivec4 ma1, ivec4 ma2, ivec4 ma3, vec4 pos, vec4 pos1, vec4 pos2, vec4 pos3, vec4 uv1, vec4 uv2, vec4 col1, vec4 col2, vec4 fcol1, vec4 viewport_size, gpMaterialFlag material_flags, vec2 alignment_rot, /* World Position. */ out vec3 out_P, /* World Normal. */ out vec3 out_N, /* Vertex Color. */ out vec4 out_color, /* Stroke Strength. */ out float out_strength, /* UV coordinates. */ out vec2 out_uv, /* Screen-Space segment endpoints. */ out vec4 out_sspos, /* Stroke aspect ratio. */ out vec2 out_aspect, /* Stroke thickness (x: clamped, y: unclamped). */ out vec2 out_thickness, /* Stroke hardness. */ out float out_hardness) { # define thickness1 pos1.w # define thickness2 pos2.w # define strength1 uv1.w # define strength2 uv2.w /* Packed! need to be decoded. */ # define hardness1 ma1.w # define hardness2 ma2.w # define uvrot1 ma1.w # define aspect1 ma1.w vec4 out_ndc; if (GPENCIL_IS_STROKE_VERTEX) { bool is_dot = flag_test(material_flags, GP_STROKE_ALIGNMENT); bool is_squares = !flag_test(material_flags, GP_STROKE_DOTS); /* Special Case. Stroke with single vert are rendered as dots. Do not discard them. */ if (!is_dot && ma.x == -1 && ma2.x == -1) { is_dot = true; is_squares = false; } /* Endpoints, we discard the vertices. */ if (ma1.x == -1 || (!is_dot && ma2.x == -1)) { /* We set the vertex at the camera origin to generate 0 fragments. */ out_ndc = vec4(0.0, 0.0, -3e36, 0.0); return out_ndc; } /* Avoid using a vertex attribute for quad positioning. */ float x = float(gl_VertexID & 1) * 2.0 - 1.0; /* [-1..1] */ float y = float(gl_VertexID & 2) - 1.0; /* [-1..1] */ bool use_curr = is_dot || (x == -1.0); vec3 wpos_adj = transform_point(ModelMatrix, (use_curr) ? pos.xyz : pos3.xyz); vec3 wpos1 = transform_point(ModelMatrix, pos1.xyz); vec3 wpos2 = transform_point(ModelMatrix, pos2.xyz); vec3 T; if (is_dot) { /* Shade as facing billboards. */ T = ViewMatrixInverse[0].xyz; } else if (use_curr && ma.x != -1) { T = wpos1 - wpos_adj; } else { T = wpos2 - wpos1; } T = safe_normalize(T); vec3 B = cross(T, ViewMatrixInverse[2].xyz); out_N = normalize(cross(B, T)); vec4 ndc_adj = point_world_to_ndc(wpos_adj); vec4 ndc1 = point_world_to_ndc(wpos1); vec4 ndc2 = point_world_to_ndc(wpos2); out_ndc = (use_curr) ? ndc1 : ndc2; out_P = (use_curr) ? wpos1 : wpos2; out_strength = abs((use_curr) ? strength1 : strength2); vec2 ss_adj = gpencil_project_to_screenspace(ndc_adj, viewport_size); vec2 ss1 = gpencil_project_to_screenspace(ndc1, viewport_size); vec2 ss2 = gpencil_project_to_screenspace(ndc2, viewport_size); /* Screenspace Lines tangents. */ float line_len; vec2 line = safe_normalize_len(ss2 - ss1, line_len); vec2 line_adj = safe_normalize((use_curr) ? (ss1 - ss_adj) : (ss_adj - ss2)); float thickness = abs((use_curr) ? thickness1 : thickness2); thickness = gpencil_stroke_thickness_modulate(thickness, out_ndc, viewport_size); float clamped_thickness = gpencil_clamp_small_stroke_thickness(thickness, out_ndc); out_uv = vec2(x, y) * 0.5 + 0.5; out_hardness = gpencil_decode_hardness(use_curr ? hardness1 : hardness2); if (is_dot) { uint alignement_mode = material_flags & GP_STROKE_ALIGNMENT; /* For one point strokes use object alignment. */ if (alignement_mode == GP_STROKE_ALIGNMENT_STROKE && ma.x == -1 && ma2.x == -1) { alignement_mode = GP_STROKE_ALIGNMENT_OBJECT; } vec2 x_axis; if (alignement_mode == GP_STROKE_ALIGNMENT_STROKE) { x_axis = (ma2.x == -1) ? line_adj : line; } else if (alignement_mode == GP_STROKE_ALIGNMENT_FIXED) { /* Default for no-material drawing. */ x_axis = vec2(1.0, 0.0); } else { /* GP_STROKE_ALIGNMENT_OBJECT */ vec4 ndc_x = point_world_to_ndc(wpos1 + ModelMatrix[0].xyz); vec2 ss_x = gpencil_project_to_screenspace(ndc_x, viewport_size); x_axis = safe_normalize(ss_x - ss1); } /* Rotation: Encoded as Cos + Sin sign. */ float uv_rot = gpencil_decode_uvrot(uvrot1); float rot_sin = sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 - uv_rot * uv_rot)) * sign(uv_rot); float rot_cos = abs(uv_rot); /* TODO(@fclem): Optimize these 2 matrix mul into one by only having one rotation angle and * using a cosine approximation. */ x_axis = mat2(rot_cos, -rot_sin, rot_sin, rot_cos) * x_axis; x_axis = mat2(alignment_rot.x, -alignment_rot.y, alignment_rot.y, alignment_rot.x) * x_axis; /* Rotate 90° Counter-Clockwise. */ vec2 y_axis = vec2(-x_axis.y, x_axis.x); out_aspect = gpencil_decode_aspect(aspect1); x *= out_aspect.x; y *= out_aspect.y; /* Invert for vertex shader. */ out_aspect = 1.0 / out_aspect; out_ndc.xy += (x * x_axis + y * y_axis) * viewport_size.zw * clamped_thickness; out_sspos.xy = ss1; out_sspos.zw = ss1 + x_axis * 0.5; out_thickness.x = (is_squares) ? 1e18 : (clamped_thickness / out_ndc.w); out_thickness.y = (is_squares) ? 1e18 : (thickness / out_ndc.w); } else { bool is_stroke_start = (ma.x == -1 && x == -1); bool is_stroke_end = (ma3.x == -1 && x == 1); /* Mitter tangent vector. */ vec2 miter_tan = safe_normalize(line_adj + line); float miter_dot = dot(miter_tan, line_adj); /* Break corners after a certain angle to avoid really thick corners. */ const float miter_limit = 0.5; /* cos(60°) */ bool miter_break = (miter_dot < miter_limit); miter_tan = (miter_break || is_stroke_start || is_stroke_end) ? line : (miter_tan / miter_dot); /* Rotate 90° Counter-Clockwise. */ vec2 miter = vec2(-miter_tan.y, miter_tan.x); out_sspos.xy = ss1; out_sspos.zw = ss2; out_thickness.x = clamped_thickness / out_ndc.w; out_thickness.y = thickness / out_ndc.w; out_aspect = vec2(1.0); vec2 screen_ofs = miter * y; /* Reminder: we packed the cap flag into the sign of strength and thickness sign. */ if ((is_stroke_start && strength1 > 0.0) || (is_stroke_end && thickness1 > 0.0) || (miter_break && !is_stroke_start && !is_stroke_end)) { screen_ofs += line * x; } out_ndc.xy += screen_ofs * viewport_size.zw * clamped_thickness; out_uv.x = (use_curr) ? uv1.z : uv2.z; } out_color = (use_curr) ? col1 : col2; } else { /* Fill vertex. */ out_P = transform_point(ModelMatrix, pos1.xyz); out_ndc = point_world_to_ndc(out_P); out_uv = uv1.xy; out_thickness.x = 1e18; out_thickness.y = 1e20; out_hardness = 1.0; out_aspect = vec2(1.0); out_sspos = vec4(0.0); /* Flat normal following camera and object bounds. */ vec3 V = cameraVec(ModelMatrix[3].xyz); vec3 N = normal_world_to_object(V); N *= OrcoTexCoFactors[1].xyz; N = normal_object_to_world(N); out_N = safe_normalize(N); /* Decode fill opacity. */ out_color = vec4(fcol1.rgb, floor(fcol1.a / 10.0)); out_color.a /= 10000.0; /* We still offset the fills a little to avoid overlaps */ out_ndc.z += 0.000002; } # undef thickness1 # undef thickness2 # undef strength1 # undef strength2 # undef hardness1 # undef hardness2 # undef uvrot1 # undef aspect1 return out_ndc; } vec4 gpencil_vertex(ivec4 ma, ivec4 ma1, ivec4 ma2, ivec4 ma3, vec4 pos, vec4 pos1, vec4 pos2, vec4 pos3, vec4 uv1, vec4 uv2, vec4 col1, vec4 col2, vec4 fcol1, vec4 viewport_size, out vec3 out_P, out vec3 out_N, out vec4 out_color, out float out_strength, out vec2 out_uv, out vec4 out_sspos, out vec2 out_aspect, out vec2 out_thickness, out float out_hardness) { return gpencil_vertex(ma, ma1, ma2, ma3, pos, pos1, pos2, pos3, uv1, uv2, col1, col2, fcol1, viewport_size, 0u, vec2(1.0, 0.0), out_P, out_N, out_color, out_strength, out_uv, out_sspos, out_aspect, out_thickness, out_hardness); } #endif