/* NOTE: To be used with UNIFORM_RESOURCE_ID and INSTANCED_ATTR as define. */ #pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_view_lib.glsl) #ifndef DRW_SHADER_SHARED_H in vec4 pos; /* Position and radius. */ /* ---- Instanced attribs ---- */ in vec3 pos_inst; in vec3 nor; #endif mat3 pointcloud_get_facing_matrix(vec3 p) { mat3 facing_mat; facing_mat[2] = cameraVec(p); facing_mat[1] = normalize(cross(ViewMatrixInverse[0].xyz, facing_mat[2])); facing_mat[0] = cross(facing_mat[1], facing_mat[2]); return facing_mat; } /* Return world position and normal. */ void pointcloud_get_pos_and_nor(out vec3 outpos, out vec3 outnor) { vec3 p = point_object_to_world(pos.xyz); mat3 facing_mat = pointcloud_get_facing_matrix(p); float radius = dot(abs(mat3(ModelMatrix) * pos.www), vec3(1.0 / 3.0)); /* TODO(fclem): remove multiplication here. Here only for keeping the size correct for now. */ radius *= 0.01; outpos = p + (facing_mat * pos_inst) * radius; outnor = facing_mat * nor; } vec3 pointcloud_get_pos(void) { vec3 outpos, outnor; pointcloud_get_pos_and_nor(outpos, outnor); return outpos; }