/* To be compile with common_subdiv_lib.glsl */ layout(std430, binding = 1) readonly restrict buffer sourceBuffer { #ifdef GPU_FETCH_U16_TO_FLOAT uint src_data[]; #else float src_data[]; #endif }; layout(std430, binding = 2) readonly restrict buffer facePTexOffset { uint face_ptex_offset[]; }; layout(std430, binding = 3) readonly restrict buffer patchCoords { BlenderPatchCoord patch_coords[]; }; layout(std430, binding = 4) readonly restrict buffer extraCoarseFaceData { uint extra_coarse_face_data[]; }; layout(std430, binding = 5) writeonly restrict buffer destBuffer { #ifdef GPU_FETCH_U16_TO_FLOAT uint dst_data[]; #else float dst_data[]; #endif }; struct Vertex { float vertex_data[DIMENSIONS]; }; void clear(inout Vertex v) { for (int i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; i++) { v.vertex_data[i] = 0.0; } } Vertex read_vertex(uint index) { Vertex result; #ifdef GPU_FETCH_U16_TO_FLOAT uint base_index = index * 2; if (DIMENSIONS == 4) { uint xy = src_data[base_index]; uint zw = src_data[base_index + 1]; float x = float((xy >> 16) & 0xffff) / 65535.0; float y = float(xy & 0xffff) / 65535.0; float z = float((zw >> 16) & 0xffff) / 65535.0; float w = float(zw & 0xffff) / 65535.0; result.vertex_data[0] = x; result.vertex_data[1] = y; result.vertex_data[2] = z; result.vertex_data[3] = w; } else { /* This case is unsupported for now. */ clear(result); } #else uint base_index = index * DIMENSIONS; for (int i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; i++) { result.vertex_data[i] = src_data[base_index + i]; } #endif return result; } void write_vertex(uint index, Vertex v) { #ifdef GPU_FETCH_U16_TO_FLOAT uint base_index = dst_offset + index * 2; if (DIMENSIONS == 4) { uint x = uint(v.vertex_data[0] * 65535.0); uint y = uint(v.vertex_data[1] * 65535.0); uint z = uint(v.vertex_data[2] * 65535.0); uint w = uint(v.vertex_data[3] * 65535.0); uint xy = x << 16 | y; uint zw = z << 16 | w; dst_data[base_index] = xy; dst_data[base_index + 1] = zw; } else { /* This case is unsupported for now. */ dst_data[base_index] = 0; } #else uint base_index = dst_offset + index * DIMENSIONS; for (int i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; i++) { dst_data[base_index + i] = v.vertex_data[i]; } #endif } Vertex interp_vertex(Vertex v0, Vertex v1, Vertex v2, Vertex v3, vec2 uv) { Vertex result; for (int i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; i++) { float e = mix(v0.vertex_data[i], v1.vertex_data[i], uv.x); float f = mix(v2.vertex_data[i], v3.vertex_data[i], uv.x); result.vertex_data[i] = mix(e, f, uv.y); } return result; } void add_with_weight(inout Vertex v0, Vertex v1, float weight) { for (int i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; i++) { v0.vertex_data[i] += v1.vertex_data[i] * weight; } } Vertex average(Vertex v0, Vertex v1) { Vertex result; for (int i = 0; i < DIMENSIONS; i++) { result.vertex_data[i] = (v0.vertex_data[i] + v1.vertex_data[i]) * 0.5; } return result; } uint get_vertex_count(uint coarse_polygon) { uint number_of_patches = face_ptex_offset[coarse_polygon + 1] - face_ptex_offset[coarse_polygon]; if (number_of_patches == 1) { /* If there is only one patch for the current coarse polygon, then it is a quad. */ return 4; } /* Otherwise, the number of patches is the number of vertices. */ return number_of_patches; } uint get_polygon_corner_index(uint coarse_polygon, uint patch_index) { uint patch_offset = face_ptex_offset[coarse_polygon]; return patch_index - patch_offset; } uint get_loop_start(uint coarse_polygon) { return extra_coarse_face_data[coarse_polygon] & coarse_face_loopstart_mask; } void main() { /* We execute for each quad. */ uint quad_index = get_global_invocation_index(); if (quad_index >= total_dispatch_size) { return; } uint start_loop_index = quad_index * 4; /* Find which coarse polygon we came from. */ uint coarse_polygon = coarse_polygon_index_from_subdiv_quad_index(quad_index, coarse_poly_count); uint loop_start = get_loop_start(coarse_polygon); /* Find the number of vertices for the coarse polygon. */ Vertex v0, v1, v2, v3; clear(v0); clear(v1); clear(v2); clear(v3); uint number_of_vertices = get_vertex_count(coarse_polygon); if (number_of_vertices == 4) { /* Interpolate the src data. */ v0 = read_vertex(loop_start + 0); v1 = read_vertex(loop_start + 1); v2 = read_vertex(loop_start + 2); v3 = read_vertex(loop_start + 3); } else { /* Interpolate the src data for the center. */ uint loop_end = loop_start + number_of_vertices - 1; Vertex center_value; clear(center_value); float weight = 1.0 / float(number_of_vertices); for (uint l = loop_start; l < loop_end; l++) { add_with_weight(center_value, read_vertex(l), weight); } /* Interpolate between the previous and next corner for the middle values for the edges. */ uint patch_index = uint(patch_coords[start_loop_index].patch_index); uint current_coarse_corner = get_polygon_corner_index(coarse_polygon, patch_index); uint next_coarse_corner = (current_coarse_corner + 1) % number_of_vertices; uint prev_coarse_corner = (current_coarse_corner + number_of_vertices - 1) % number_of_vertices; v0 = read_vertex(loop_start); v1 = average(v0, read_vertex(loop_start + next_coarse_corner)); v3 = average(v0, read_vertex(loop_start + prev_coarse_corner)); /* Interpolate between the current value, and the ones for the center and mid-edges. */ v2 = center_value; } /* Do a linear interpolation of the data based on the UVs for each loop of this subdivided quad. */ for (uint loop_index = start_loop_index; loop_index < start_loop_index + 4; loop_index++) { BlenderPatchCoord co = patch_coords[loop_index]; vec2 uv = decode_uv(co.encoded_uv); /* NOTE: v2 and v3 are reversed to stay consistent with the interpolation weight on the x-axis: * * v3 +-----+ v2 * | | * | | * v0 +-----+ v1 * * otherwise, weight would be `1.0 - uv.x` for `v2 <-> v3`, but `uv.x` for `v0 <-> v1`. */ Vertex result = interp_vertex(v0, v1, v3, v2, uv); write_vertex(loop_index, result); } }